Go Beyond

Meliodas jolted up, jumping up from the floor and landing on his feet. He looked around and saw he was back in Alice's house.

'What was that weird dream? It almost felt real…'

Alice stared at Meliodas with a dumbfounded expression.

"Woah! I thought you died! All of your hearts stopped!" Alice exclaimed. Meliodas looked at Alice and simply smiled. Without saying a word he walked out of Alice's house, with Alice trailing right behind him.

Alice suddenly felt a massive pressure emanating from Meliodas. Goosebumps began to form on his skin and the hairs on his body began to stand up. His heart started to beat faster and faster as a cold sweat broke out over his body. Finding himself suddenly exhausted and having difficulty breathing, he fell to his knees.

"Hahahaha…." Alice laughed nervously. "I don't think I've ever felt a magic that immense in my entire life…"

Meliodas' magic began to die down as he suppressed himself. He turned to Alice and helped him stand back up.

"Well, well, well. Looks like my real power is back." Meliodas commented. "Maybe even a bit stronger than even my prime since my body's caught up with all the training I've done in a weakened state."

"So what are you going to do now that you have your power back?" Alice asked.

"Gonna have my rematch with Acnologia." Meliodas said nonchalantly.

"Oh okay, your rematch with-" Alice froze for a moment as he realized what Meliodas had just said to him.


"Yup. Twice actually. First time he destroyed four of my hearts. Second time I put up more of a fight but I still lost, even with the help of another dragon…" Meliodas clenched his fists as he remembered teaming up with Igneel and the deaths of him and the other dragons who had assisted.

"S-so do you think you can win now?" Alice questioned.

"Maybe. I don't know. I can easily handle his human form now, but his dragon form is a different monster. Also, with how much trouble I gave him before, he might also be training himself up as we speak. It could end up being a really drawn out fight because his scales are so tough and magic doesn't work on him." Meliodas shrugged his shoulders. Alice remained in awe at how casual Meliodas was talking about fighting Acnologia.

"Just to be sure though, I think I'll train for the next six months." Meliodas said. 'Besides, with Acnologia roaming freely, it might impede me trying to get back to Britannia.'

"Hey you don't mind if I stay at your place while I train right? It's pretty secluded out here and there's a nice mountain range nearby." Meliodas added. Alice's eyes lit up with excitement.

"Of course not! But while you stay here, you must be my test subject for any potions I create!" Alice said with a sly grin.

"Sure, I don't mind."

Six months later.

Meliodas sat in Alice's house, relaxing on the extra bed Alice had set up for him. Alice furiously mixed a new potion as he mumbled something to himself.

"Ever since he powered up so drastically, my potions stopped working on him all together…but now…I might have just created something that would work on him…"

"Hmm? What was that?" Meliodas asked.

"Oh nothing!" Alice laughed.

Meliodas reached over the bed to a newspaper Alice had left on it. He picked it up and began reading over it. His eyes widened as he read one of the headlines.

"Alvarez is going to war?" Meliodas questioned as he began reading through the article.

"Hmm? Haven't ya heard? I suppose you haven't since you've been training non-stop lately." Alice said.

"Who are they going to war with?" Meliodas asked.

"Didn't say." Alice said, continuing to stir the potion in his hands. Meliodas slumped over and thought about it.

'Alvarez tried to invade Ishgar before which is what caused the trade ban. Could they be trying that again? I hope that's not the case…but if it is war time…then this might also be my chance to meet the Wizard King since he'll definitely be back at the capitol by now. Itsuki should have more information on this if I can find him.'

Meliodas suddenly jumped up from his seat and began walking towards the door.

"Going to train more?" Alice asked.

"Nope. I'm going back to Vistarion. Got some stuff there that I need to deal with so I'll be taking my leave. Thanks for everything!" Meliodas said as he began to walk out the door.

"W-w-wait!" Alice shouted, running towards Meliodas with the potion in his hand still. "This here! Take it with you before you leave. It will help you in the most dire of situations if you drink it!"

Meliodas looked at Alice and saw a huge grin on his face. Meliodas looked at the potion and read the label.


"That's quite the name." Meliodas commented. 'Of course he'd tell me to drink something like this.'

"I'll do that. Thanks ya crazy old man!" Meliodas responded.