
[ Go inside one of the two Doom chambers in 10 seconds or die. ]

Hemakel had already given up on life. He can't clear any doom chamber on his own, and Athan can just leave this place. 

" Let's go inside that door. " 

" What!? " Hearing what Athan said, Hemakel was shocked and confused.

" Can't you leave as you please? Why do you still want to court death by going there? "

" Do you want to fucking go or not? " Athan had a dark face as he snapped.

Hemakel regained hope as he hurriedly nodded, " Go go, Let's go. " He then walked towards the door Athan pointed and entered without hesitation.

He didn't even think of the possibility that Athan wouldn't enter after him because he didn't care for apparent reason.

Athan also entered right after Hemakel since he can't let Hemakel die. He still hoped that the two of them could somehow clear this dungeon filled with chambers of dooms with his genome power.