Dreas Sulik

Reikent nodded, his face still serious, " You can attack however you want by using that abyssal darkness of yours. " Saying this, He stretched both of his hands as a turquoise bladed sword and his newly crafted sword: Nigale, The Stormfury of Water's edge appeared in front of him.

After grabbing both swords, He started attacking the sphere. Athan also didn't waste time as he formed a fist with his right hand and threw a punch. He didn't mean to physically hit the sphere with his fist, as that would be foolish. 

He just formed a fist and punched towards the sphere's exact spot where Reikent was releasing slashes projectiles from his swords. 

From his punch, A dark fist projectile released, which was none other than his abyssal darkness.

Reikent paused to observe the effectiveness of abyssal darkness on the sphere, and the result was good.