The hidden madness

It's been five days since Athan was infusing the chaos force inside his essence core of Lightning dust order ken, but it was only half filled even with his advantage of producing chaos force instantly through the Chaos Grinder.

Looking at the essence core, Athan thought, ' Five more days. After that, I need to comprehend the next level of lightning dust, which shouldn't take many days. '

Actually, He wanted to go out and see this Chaosverse and its wonders. As Yone said, He wanted to broaden his horizons.

But He still needed to train more since the requirement was to reach third-stage Tier-1 Order base and Red Realm-7th Step body strength.


Time passed as Athan focused on training without taking any break, and Drizzly was also the same. She didn't pause in her training even once in these two months.