Training-3, Trying something unorthodox.

After eight days, Athan opened his eyes as he now stood at stage nine of the Tier-1 order base.

Today also marked the end of the second month since he started training in this place.

He actually didn't take as much time as he expected to take when he comprehended levels eight and nine of the Lightning Dust of Yellow Hell.

After he broke through to stage nine by comprehending the final level of lightning dust, The power of meta-aerodite once again started working as it came out from his order base and entered the essence core of the lightning dust order ken.

Athan could feel the power of meta-aerodite rapidly filling up the essence core, and shortly after, It almost saturated. Almost because he didn't want to saturate it right away.

He looked at the remaining amount of meta-aerodite power inside his order base and estimated that he consumed a total of 18% of the total meta-aerodite power until now.