Grand Finale, Mind-blowing Phenomenon.

[ A/N: By the way, I suggest reading the two new auxiliary chapters I published. You will gain much clarity of the story and status of Athan after reading that. I will also be updating them as the story progresses. ]


" 580 mid-grade chaos stone for this extremely rare Dawn-Break fruit! Going Once! Hey, hey, This is a rare chance, and this fruit came in a timely manner for those aiming to join Chaos Monolith Hills. You won't get another chance like this in the next five years. Going Twice! And...Sol-"

" 600 mid-grade chaos stones! My final bid. "

Hearing that, The auctioneer smiled and looked at VIP room no.7, " Alright! That gentleman up there bid 600 for this fruit! Anyone else?...600 Going Once! Going Twice! Sold! "


" Hahaha, Brother Athan! That's double the fruit's original price. You've struck it rich. "

Shish excitedly spoke. Celesti, Drizzly, and others were also smiling.