Adventuring out, Ayurin and Sen

" Hahaha. Good, Good. " 

Yone laughed out loud, seeing Athan perfectly fine and in his new style.

" Shiromi and your two friends haven't found a chaos phenom dimension yet. I have told them you have awakened, so they are now waiting at Timberbell Town in the Rising Willow region. "

" Got it. Sen and I will be leaving right away. " 

Athan nodded with a smile before looking at Sen and master Ayurin, " That was your plan from the start, right? "

Ayurin chuckled and nodded, " Correct. I had already made arrangements for Sen, but since you and the other three are going on an adventure to train yourself, I thought this could be a good chance for Sen. "

At this time, Yone appeared a bit apologetic and said to Athan, " Normally, I should be sending a protector with you, but everyone from our troupe is busy.