Castle Event, Nightmare Continues-1

It's been a month since the test started...which means that the castle event will start today.

Currently, Tealery and Arcued were recovering their energy and healing their injuries. 

Arcued left leg was gone, so Athan was scanning his structure with his soul sense so that he can regrow Arcued's leg.

Tealery was also injured but internally as she was recovery with her eyes closed and a painful frown on her face.

" You two did well in the stronghold fight. " 

Hearing the praise from Athan, Tealery and Arcued became happy for different reasons.

But they had a lingering question in their mind, ' Why did Athan kill everyone he encountered? He also slaughtered everyone in the stronghold fight that we just fought. '

They saw Athan not even letting even one person escape as he killed every single one of them despite suffering major injuries in the process that made their current injuries look like a joke.