Inbreeding Terror.

" Carve whatever I'm about to say in your thick skull. If you forgot about it by chance, you would find yourself drowning in the river of regret. "

The crowd saw the cold face of Athan on the giant screen with a hint of a carefree smile on his face.

The crowd became incensed seeing him like this.

Right now, The sections on the screen were no more as it returned to full display with only Athan and two envoys visible in it.

The envoys went along with Athan's wish as they were also curious about what Athan is going to say to the crowd.

But they were dumbfounded by his first sentence.

At this moment, Athan continued as he formed a grin on his face, " Are you all angry that I killed many of your relatives here? "

The crowd instantly became rowdy as they hurled curses at Athan. Actually, There was also a screen in front of Athan that envoys conjured so he could also see the crowd.