[Bonus chapter] Breakthrough, Power Spike, Close to the Goal.

Inside Athan's void region...

His order eidos was finally upgraded to satisfactory conditions as it shined. 

The dreamy blue and white energy from the chaotic cloud outside enveloped Athan before entering inside him and started circulating around his order eidos.

While circulating, The order eidos was also releasing order force as it mixed with the stream of dreamy blue and white energy as they started to combine and slowly formed into an orb.

This orb is known as Orderic Orb, and its uses are massive as it boosts one's strength considerably.

'Finally formed my first Orderic Orb. Let's see how much my SBP increased. '

Athan checked his SBP by activating the SBP token and using his powerful order technique.

[ Superficial Battle Power: 82530 Chaos Warrior.]