[Bonus chapter]Last Trial-8, Seed Of Nightmare??

"And then...we parted. He made me a direct disciple of the valley master of our Thunder-Fire valley and told me he fulfilled his promise and went away with his friend."

Tiana smiled as she shook her head, "But then I realized my feelings. After returning to the valley, I became one of the most important people of the valley. Everyone respected me, but...I felt empty. Every day, my longing for him increased, and then I decided to pour out my feelings and made a major decision because...I felt similar to Sen, I guess. He was so powerful, but I was weak. So I decided to confess to him to see if I could spark his love for me and then took the risk to get powerful.

"I waited for him to come back and then knocked on the door of his house before pouring out my feelings. He was stunned at first, but I moved his heart. I could see his expression changing while he looked into my resolve-filled eyes. He was attracted to me as I sparked that same flame in him at that time."