Two more ascends.

"Lord Athan. You can enter the peace dimension directly from my house's portal to avoid disturbance. Also, Ummm...there will be other people of Drenu society inside. So I will accompany you for a while," Tamiril said with a wry smile.

Through sound transmission, she said to Athan, 'please forgive me for my rude words about calling you as my disciple.'

'It's fine. I told you to finish the matter as soon as possible, using any method, so you did a good job. Now let's not waste more time and hurry,' Athan said.


After a while, everyone arrived at Tamiril's home and entered. Out of these four friends, only Tamiril was living alone because her parents had died. So there was no one at her home.

After entering the house, she hurridly activated the portal to peace-dimension for Athan.