Battle Game of The Candidates-1

"Great!" Athan said as he finished refining and strengthening the foundation of his body to a new level with the energy orb provided by Lily.

"Let's inform sister Huarin and leave; there's no need to waste any more time," Lily said.

"Let's go, let's go!" Mimi said with a cheerful smile.

Athan and others came out from the zone of the dark clouds...

"Sister Huarin, Athan is finished, we can leave now," Lily said.

"I am done here; we can leave 10 minutes early now," Athan said to Dreevindo and Blankrino, who were waiting for them, 

"Good, good," Dreevindo nodded with a smile, "anyway, I will later take you to a very good place so you can become powerful in your way."

This destructive zone was a piece of cake for Athan, Lily, and Huarin to pass, so they didn't have any problem. They soon passed it and arrived at another sky where a giant golden ring was floating.