Dreevindo's investigation

"The thing is...actually, Athan had more companions with him, and all of them were very strong, comparable to that Huarin and Lily. However...," Dreevindo spoke as he paused and remembered the result of his investigation.

"Huh? He had such powerful companions? Where are they now?" asked the King of Limbark.

"Actually, on that day, several forces had surrounded an Island bubble where Athan's companions were staying. However,  from what I found, Athan had entered into that island bubble with his unfathomable pets, that cat and monkey. But then the entire island devoured and disappeared, leaving a cocoon. From that cocoon, Athan came out."

"So Athan killed his own companions?" The King of Xan Empire asked with a surprised expression.

"Impossible!" Dreevindo shook his head with absolute certainty, "there is no way that Athan would do that. He cares about his companions very much. They are his life." 

"Then what happened?"