Resource Hoarding, Encounter.

Lily, Mimi, and Dreevindo started roaming the dimension rift searching for resource treasures.

This was an Atomix-grade dimensional rift, and Lily was still not powerful enough to content against Atomix powerhouses, so when it was time to fight, Lily didn't do much as Dreevindo and Mimi handled the fights.

Naturally, Lily's job was simple; Taking the resource treasures.

With the Ark, she would disappear while Mimi and Dreevindo handle the enemies, and during this time,  Lily would pop up beside the resource treasure and take it.

However, if there were powerhouses in Raisor-stage in enemy groups, even if they were at the peak of Raisor-stage, Lily would fight hard and hone her battle abilities.

After ten hours, Huarin opened her eyes as she also managed to upgrade herself like Lily and reached the 2nd Rise of Raisor stage.

She then came out of the Ark space to join others in this adventure of gathering resources.