Reunion-2, First Ever...

While voidlings were taking Mike, Qerin, Shiromi, Tealery, Arcued, Dean Lenix, and Nimpere brothers towards the Palace, Athan had entered and went into the garden where all girls were staying.

When Tiana, Avelia, Sen, Lily, Huarin, and Mimi were meditating, they heard the footsteps of someone entering and opened their eyes.

Tiana's eyes instantly became tearful with happiness shown in her eyes. Sen was also the same as both of them stood up and rushed towards Athan before hugging him tightly.

"Athan...Athan..., we will not separate anymore, never!"

Hearing Tiana and Sen crying while hugging Athan, Avelia, Lily, Huarin, and Mimi also became tearful with happy smiles.

They also knew what happened to Tiana and Sen and were truly glad that no mishap occurred. Otherwise...Athan's world would come crashing down, and so would others'.

After a while, Shiromi and others also entered the big garden while the Voidlings returned.