The Beginning

Tai was asleep in class like any other day with his hand barley keeping his chin up to keep from suspicion arising for his teacher.He was day dreaming about his favourite anime which had of course have been bleach, when suddenly the sound of a book hitting his head could be heard throughout the classroom


"You need to stop sleeping in my class you little punk." Tai straightened his back and quickly said "I am awake sir!" The teacher gave Tai a dirty look and under his breath muttered the word "Failure" He then began to teach again. At this point kids had Began to whisper and giggled towards this "He's dirt poor and decided not to listen in class?, he must be an idiot" Tai heard all of his classmates who were insulting him and couldn't help but grit his teeth he didn't Need to listen in class because he had already known what the teacher was talking about so people calling him stupid and Poor kept annoying him."I'll show you all.." Tai had though while looking of into the horizon at his window seat.

[Skip to the Bell Ringing and Tai is going home]

It was heavily raining and tai had no umbrella but he hadn't really minded. He had liked the rain ever since he was a kid because before his father had died he had told him "The rain is a sign that tells you after the bad, good things will come" and tai had wholeheartedly believed this. After walking towards his home tai had stopped at a puddle and started at his own reflection. He was a tall average looking boy with tattered school clothes along with trousers that were way to baggy for him and shoes on the verge of ripping. He sighed and looked up "But when will the good things come father whe-" A loud clap could then be heard throughout the city as a bright light brighter then anything tai had ever seen had then descended upon him and after that everything had went black.