Karakura High School

Tai was had pressed the blue screen and had been greeted with another one











-Appraisal (Allows you to see the information of all things and people)

-Spirtual vision (This skill allows you to use souls)

Tai scanned his stats (with his eyes as in he's just reading it) while thinking about what to do next "These stats definitely aren't the worst but there definitely not the best either...I definitely need to get stronger since I'm pretty sure Rukia will arrive within around a year I must get stronger ensure everybody I care for in this world is safe so that would mean... I'd have to fight soul reapers oh god I'd have to fight maniacs like Kenpachi and Buakuya-" Tai then quickly took a large breath in and exhaled "Hey lets calm down if ichigo could do it why can't I?, I have information and I have more time to trai-" Tai then smirked "More time to train huh...in that case maybe I should meet a certain somebody a little early.." After this thought passed Tai's mind the blue screen in front of him had given him two notification.


-Get to school on time!

-Beat Up 3 Bullies at karakura Highschool!

-Begin physical preparation training!


Tai gave of a smug look while looking at the screen "Did I get an extra stat point for Coming with that idea just now? guess I am a genius aren't I? Hahaha-" Tai then took a look at the quests "Physical preparation huh...probably just a work out, but let's focus on getting to school on time anyway- wait what's the time now anyway?" Tai checked and realised he had 30 minutes to get to school "AHH- DAMN IT IV'E BEEN WASTING TIME." Tai then quickly began to brush his teeth and began to get ready, he had already known where everything was due to the memory transferral but it was still going to be hard.

[20 minutes pass]Tai was downstairs looking for his shoes "Damn it where did I put them..."he then turned to Karin and Yuzu who where at the table having breakfast "Karin,Yuzu have you any of you two seen my shoes anywhere?" Karin shook her head "Nope sorry I haven't seen them how about you Yuzu?" Yuzu thought for a moment with a concentrated face and then replied with a warm smile "Oh yeah I think I saw it next to the door!"

Tai looked towards the door and saw the shoes "Ahh great there here!" He quickly made his way to the door and and put on the shoes and began to leave "I'll see you two a little later alright?" He then began to instinctively smile while waving goodbye at the quickly before shutting the door. Tai quickly began to run towards the direction of the school he had 15 minutes to go and was running faster then he use to in his old body "Is this what it feel like to have the body of an athlete?" He had then continued to run for another 9 minutes with only couple of seconds to spare before he'd be late but the question was could he make it in time?