Deepening bonds

[Another time skip]

It's been a few weeks now and lately ichigo's been hanging out with Sado more often. At this moment in time the two where both on the rooftops relaxing as it was there lunch time "Chad gotta say...for a big guy your a total softy ya know?" Chad was lying down on the ground next to ichigo "well where did that come from?" Sado was now a little bit more comfortable with ichigo now after all the bonding ichigo had gone through with him although he wasn't all the way there yet. "Like what makes you think that kurosaki?" He said while nonchalantly holding an ant on his finger in a protective manner. Ichigo sighed "You know what? Forget about it your a cool dude and that's all that matters.." Chad looked towards him "And why'd you think I'm cool?" Ichigo then scratched his head "Don't ask me hard question like that I just do."

Sado got up and slightly chuckled "your a weird one ichigo.." ichigo then stretched his arms out also beginning to stand up "says the giant get we make a pretty good weird duo don't we?" Ichigo then smirked whilst Sado replies with a simple nod "yes..yes we do" he then picked up His bag "oh that's right..I need to go somewhere ichigo but I'll see you later." Ichigo then replied "yeah yeah I know you do what you gotta do alright? I gotta get to kendo class." Chad made his way through the door while ichigo jumped of the roof onto a nearby tree which he then proceeded to slide down on "Gotta love enhanced stats...damn I can't believe having conversations with Isshin and my two sisters gave me rewards as well..but I guess isshin is a former squad leader." He then started to speed of into kendo classes.

"WHACK" "WHACK" the constant sounds of two wooden swords could be heard across the whole estate whilst two figures within protective gear battled fiercely on a mat. "HA!" The figure on the left gave off a powerful vertical swing to which the figure on the right reacted to by quickly going in for a horizontal strike. The two blows almost as fast as the eye can see quickly approached there target but only one had hit.

The figure on the left took of there helmet off and waved his long blue hair around as drops of sweat hit the mat this was supposedly ichigos Mentor "Ichigo...what kind of monster are you?" The figure revealed as ichigo took off his protective helmet not sweating as much but still feeling active "Well I learnt from the best didn't I?" Ichigo had a smile plastered across his face he had felt fulfilled in a sense since he had been really working hard towards getting stronger. "Ah wait god damn it I left my wallet back at the roof didnt I?!" Ichigo quickly got changed and sped out of the dojo

Then suddenly a ding sound only ichigo could hear began to ring In his ear.

[Hidden quest Completed]

[Rewards:you have attained +20STR and" way of the sword" skill]

Ichigo was intrigued decided to check out the skill later and ignored it for now. "Damn it i really wanna by some ramen today!"

[Yaturo sado pov]

"You must think your big huh? Well your not so big are ya now big guy?" a tall man with an averaged build with 4 people around him laughing then punched another larger man strapped to a chair with his arms tied in unable to move. The larger man was none other then Yasutora sado who still remained calm whilst the situation was going on as another man in a purple blazer along with slicked back hair and a piercing took a seat in front of him "So how does it feel?" he asked in a sarcastic tone "Does it hurt enough to make you want to piss your pants?Huh?!" the man seemed somewhat resentful but Chad remained silent "Your not saying anything huh? Then how about this." The man then decided to take sado's chain to his surprise to which he began to react to. Sado's once relaxed arm had now become tense as he began to try break free almost trembling with anger which caused the other people around him to get a little scared." What are you pussy's scared about he can't break out of that now all of you start kicking his a-" But it was at that exact momment an orange blur had came in kicking the man with so much force he had been knocked out while taking back the coin "Its scumbags like you... Who really piss me off ya know?" said ichigo with eyes akin to a predator

[back to ichigos pov]

The others where still startled and unable to grasp what had just happened due to the sheer speed it had happened in. Even Chad had barley seen the kick." I'm kicking all your sorry asses! "ichigo then sped towards the delinquent who had first punched sado "what the he-" but before he could even react ichigo had given him a harsh right swing to the jaw leaving him cold on the ground. "Get him boys! There's only one of him and a bunch of us!" ichigo gave of a slightly crazy smile to that remark while they all began to head towards his direction with bat's and fists ready. They had seemingly surrounded him but at the last second ichigio had flipped up into the air and stomped onto the back of one of the students with a bat "Arghh!" but the 3 others gave ichigo no time to rest two of them had already been in the middle of throwing a punch towards ichigos head but with both of his hands he had caught them with his hands in an X like shape "time to sleep loosers" he then pulled both of there arms using force to knock them into each other resulting in both of them having been knocked out cold. Ichigo then looked back at the last member of the group who had quite literally already began to piss his pants while running away "Well I guess I'm not chasing a guy who pissed his pants.. Pathetic." ichigo then began to untie sado whilst he began to try talk "ichi-" he then interrupted him "You know what Chad I think I've come up with a good idea that'll benefit both of us you don't like fighting for yourself right?" ichigo had just finished untying him and they where both standing now. "So how about you throw your punches for me and I throw my punches for you that way if your going to stake your life to protect it.. Then I'll stake mine to protect it too" ichigo the brought the coin towards sado's face and smirked.

"its a promise alright?"















[Hidden quest fulfilled]

[Rewards:+10All stats and Max rep with Yasutora Sado Aquired]