[ professor entered in classroom ]

"Good morning Sir" Everyone greets the professor.

"Good morning students and all of you settle down fast"

[Professor David told to these group of students who were standing in front of my desk.

So they move to the last bench, while moving to the last bech that girl was constantly and continuously staring at me]

Canteen Scene

"I don't know but i think am i in trouble or something?" I asked Samantha.

"And why this thought came to your mind?" Samantha replied.

"Are you thinking about the thing which happened in the morning today?" Bailey asked me with raised eyebrow.

"You are overthinking it, just chill. there's no need to worry about" Samantha said to me in a relaxed tone.

"You need to worry"

[ Suddenly a male voice comes from our back so we all turned back. there is a blonde guy named Andrew standing, who interrupted our conversation.

He came close to our table and put his lunch tray on the table and sat infront of us]

"What are you saying Andrew?" Bailey asked him.

"Well the thing Tashbhii had done in the morning will throw you all in a very big trouble" He replied.

"Come to the point" Samantha asked him furiously.

"That girl you messed with is 'Lucy Thomson' The daughter of Drake Thomson" He said with eyes wide open.

"So what?" I asked.

"You stupid girl, Don't you know who is Drake Thomson?" He asked with surprised face.

"He is a corrupt Politician who have a number of crime records in various things like drugs, murder, robbery, mafia and many more things like that. that person is a psycho and her daughter is a biggest psycho. if anybody come in their ways.... they just ( he pauses and looked at us in a wonder way )

"They just what....?" I asked

"They don't have any limit, they can reach at any level.if somebody or something came in their ways..... i just came here to warn you because you all are my friends. it's my duty to warn you. they have very huge gang so take care of yourself.

[ After finishing his sentence he left the table.

I, Bailey and Samantha silently looking at each other's faces ]