Visionary Embodiment

- After three days in the hospital -


Koru who had been sleeping for a long time suddenly opened his eyes!

Koru searched his entire body immediately after which he breathed a sigh of relief.

He did not have any injuries, nor did he notice many differences from the previous one.

Remember koru what happened and sigh.

He risked so much that he almost died twice!

Fortunately, he gained a lot.

First, "The Visionary" evolved into " Visionary Embodiment ", as his Cursed Technique.

Koru was very thankful to Sokona, if it weren't for his fighting, ability would not have developed.

As a token of gift, koru will take the rest of the fingers for himself and make them power reactors.

This if he found it of course.

For god sake was koru almost killed by him and you want him to be thankful? You must be kidding!

The difference in " Visionary Embodiment " from the previous one was simple:

He can now make what he wants and even embody it, but the incarnate thing needs a cursed energy to survive or it will disappear in addition to his focus is no longer applied to one thing.

Before, he could not do that. His focus was on one thing. If he imagined something else, the first would disappear.

Since it's a Cursed technique he's going to have his "Domain Expansion" now, he won't need to imagine that because he has one of his own now.

But he can only do it once a day because his cursed energy is not enough, if he uses his domain expansion his cursed energy will run out and he will not be able to materialize much of the lack of energy.

Of course, embodiments that have proprietary power reactors, and that do not depend on energy from Koro are exempt from this.

Also, his ability no longer applies to others unless they are much weaker than him, the intention is that he cannot imagine a person suddenly dying or his bones turning into cakes and so on.

He cannot imagine things of a very large scale, because his cursed energy is not enough.

So the koru problem applied in 4 words 'lack of cursed energy'.

"Oh, I haven't spoken to them in a while ..." koru recalls the group chatting.

He shook his head and decided to think about it later.

Because he is too weak to think about that now.

Koru clicked the chat button in his field of vision and the group chat appeared.

There were a lot of messages, messages piled up during his fight with Sokona and had lost consciousness for three days.

[ Yato: This is very strange. Admin koru hasn't been around for a while. ]

[ Fubuki: Do you think he was arrested while stealing the cursed tools? After all, theft from an entire region is not a joke ...]

[ Rin: "Don't be so pessimistic, he must be training or something. ]

[ Kazuma : By the way, who has finished quest it yet? ]

[ Yato: I already completed it! Thanks to the manga sent by Superintendent koru I learned of Yukini's whereabouts and made a contract with him. ]

[ Kazuma : " tch...Damn Lucky! ]

Yato laughed after seeing this and snorted scornfully.

[ Yato: What? Don't say you haven't completed your quest yet? It's just 10 frogs! Hahahaha ! ]

[ Rin: You see? He's just weak a coward! ]

[ Kazuma : you !! Just wait ! ]

[ Kazuma: Why doesn't anyone understand me. Sigh .. Those frogs are ...]

[ Koru is Online ]

[ Koru: Since you are so smart, why don't you make a big trap for them? I mean first you use Megumin's explosive magic, and then…" koru explained his plan to Kazuma.

The group was silent for a while.

[ Yato: "didn't you ... Didn't Superintendent arrest you? ]

Yato asked in surprise.

[ Koru : "What? Why would have to being arrested ? ]

[ Fubuki: "... you stole some stuff so you know ...]

Koru consciously smacked his head.

[ Koru: Are you talking about my mission? You guys haven't started it yet, what about you ? ]

[ Fubuki: Sigh, it is a difficult task! Until now I have only killed a tiger level monster! I have 3 left ...]

[ Rin: Don't look at me! It's impossible to get the job done ! ]

[ Koru: Actually I think there's no way that might enable you to do this. ]

[ Rin: R-Really? What ?? ]

[ Koru: It's simple. I think you have at least 400 coins, right? You can just buy some magic from the store .]

[ kazuma : "Yeah! How did we not think of the store ? ]

Kazuma and the rest quickly opened the store and looked for something suitable for them, of course as much as their budget could afford.

[ Fubuki: I don't know much about these manga and anime so can you give me a recommendation ...? ]

[ Rin: Me too ! ]

Meditate koru a little and think of something suitable for them.

Fubuki has good physical ability and strong endurance, so there is no shortage in physical terms.

But if she strengthened her body more, he would be able to withstand the use of stronger techniques, because every time she used a strong barrier, she bleeds a lot of blood from her nose and her veins are almost bursting.


[ Koru : Buy some body building pills. I think this will let you unleash stronger attacks. ]

[ Koru: But I warn you! Buy the cheap ones first and start strengthening your body from the lowest level, until it does not explode. ]

[ Fubuki: Alright ! ]

Fubuki was sitting on the chair in her office.

Behind her were two guards with their hands behind their backs.

Fubuki opened the store and clicked the [Store] button and wrote what Koro had said to her.

[ Skin fortifying pill: 50 coins ]

[ Muscle Toner pill : 60 Coins ]

[ Bone-strengthening pill: 70 coins ]


[ Koru : Oh, don't forget to buy a Impurities cleansing pill or something. ]

[ Fubuki: Okay. ]

As for Rin, Koro thought a little and came up with one option.

Magicians should act like magicians, right ?