First Day of School 1/?

I woke up to the blaring sound of my alarm going off right next to my ears. I check the time and it is 6 am and school doesn't start until 9 so I went to eat a balanced meal and then brush my teeth. When I went back up it was 6:25 I get dressed into gym wear and exercise in my conservatory 45 minutes until school. I finish my workout at 8:15 with beads of sweat falling down my face as well as my back and armpits drenched with sweat. I then go take a shower as I would smell horrible if I went to school full of sweat. After about 15 minutes I hop out the shower and get dry which took another 5 minutes. I then carefully chose my outfit which was skinny black jeans with a rivet long sleeve drawstring hoodie over my Gucci shirt. I then check all of the stuff I need for school and altogether that took 10 minutes. I head out to my car and encounter Mr Larusso and Samantha but coldly ignore them. I get to the school a full five minutes before it starts I then took out my map and memorized the school layout but bump into someone. The person I bumped into was a beauty.

Mars: I'm sorry I was looking at the layout my names Mars Alexandrine what yours?

Tory: Don't worry about it my names Tory Schwarber (blushes slightly)

Mars: Also do you know where the teachers lounge is I'm kinda new here

Tory: Sure I'll lead you there new kid

Mars: Thanks

A few minutes later

Tory: Here's our stop

Mars: Thanks I appreciate it (begins to walk to the door)

Tory: Hey

Mars: Yeah

Tory: Can I get your number as well

Mars: Sure [maybe she still wants to tell me something] (exchanges numbers)

Tory: I'll see you later then Mars

Mars: See you around Tory

I then step into the teachers lounge and asked where the dean was and I got lead into the office of the dean by a teacher.

Dean: So Mr Alexandrine

Mars: Yes Dean

Dean: I'll get your paperwork done and get your timetable ready it should be done in a few minutes and if you want I could possibly send someone to guide you around the school in that time.

Mars: [Maybe I can ask for Tory but I've already memorized the layout so I will decline] No thanks Dean I'll roam the school in my own time.

Dean: Okay just stay out for a few minutes then

Mars: No problem

About 10 minutes later

Dean: Well here is your timetable and have fun at school Mr Alexandrine

Mars: Thanks dean

I peek at my timetable and inwardly groan as I have physics first maths second english third business fourth and technology last. I navigate my way around the school and finally find my class. As I knock on the door the teacher allows me to come in.

Teacher: Ahh you must be the transfer student

Mars: Yes sir I am

Teacher: Well introduce yourself

Mars: Hello my name is Mars Alexandrine and I don't like to be disturbed

Teacher: [Well that could've gone better] Alright Mars take your seat at the back row next to Kyler

Mars: Yes sir