
When the bell rang she got up.

"Please get lost Jaehyun,this isn't a good place to talk right now" Cho-Hee said, nearly begging that he would leave.

"And why should I listen to you?" He answered, knowing how much power he has.

She couldn't do anything about it if he decided to stay,she knew that too.

"Because you're nice?" that was all Cho-Hee could think of for an excuse for Jaehyun to leave.

Jaehyun started giggling.

"I am literally a demon" he said and smirked,in the next second he was gone and Cho-Hee stood alone in the bathroom stall.

In the middle of her last period her friend who sat next to her tapped on Cho-Hee's shoulder.

"Do you smell that?" her friend asked.

"It smells like something is burning" Cho-Hee started sniffing and then the familiar scent hit her.

"I smell nothing" she answered at the end,trying to brush the situation off.

"Are you sure about that? You said my smell is penetrating" Jaehyun said while lying half way on her desk.

Cho-Hee flinched at his sudden appearance.

"Are you okay?" her friend next to her asked.

"Only you can see me" Jaehyun responded to Cho-Hee's questioning look.

"Oh yes, I'm okay. I just felt a tickle at my leg and i thought it's a bug" she said while giving her friend a smile.

"Wow,lil Mrs.Perfect is good in lying" Jaehyun said and started laughing.

'What are you doing here??' Cho-Hee wrote down on her paper and tilted it so Jaehyun could read it.

Quite he read the words out loud and Cho-Hee looked at his lips which were moving to the letters.

"I never left lol" he answered and sat down at the floor,right in front of Cho-Hee.

She frowned and he continued,knowing what she was thinking about.

"I can decide who can see me and when. But when I want you to be able to see me,others near you can smell me. If I don't want anyone to see me then no one will notice that I'm present" he explained and Cho-Hee nodded slightly to show him that she understands.

The rest of the lesson Jaehyun just sat on the floor,gave stupid comments to the stuff they were doing in class and bullied the teacher.

It was sometimes hard for Cho-Hee to not show any facial expression or start laughing.

When class ended she packed up her stuff and left the school building.

"So,you got any plan what my wish could be?" Jaehyun asked while he and Cho-Hee were walking on the sidewalk.

Instead of answering she took out her phone and held it on her ear.

"Who are you calling? I asked you something" Jaehyun said with a harsh tone in his voice.

"I'm calling no one,i just don't want people around me to think I'm crazy because I'm talking to myself. So I pretend to be on the phone to talk to you" she calmly said,a bit shocked about Jaehyun's tone of voice before.

"How did you die?" Cho-Hee asked after looking around,it would be weird for stranger's to hear her asking someone their cause of death on the phone.

But Jaehyun kept quite for a while.

"Why do you want to know?" He asked at the end.

"Because it could be a hint to what you wish for" she answered honestly,but it was just half of the truth.

She was also curious and wondering what Jaehyun had done in his life to be sent to hell and how he died.

It was quite for a while.

"I don't remember" Jaehyun said and the way he said it made Cho-Hee feel like he lied but that he didn't want to talk about it in any way.

A uncomfortable silence fell over the two,Jaehyun broke the eyes.

"You're really good at making up excuses" be said out of the blue and laughed a little.

"Get lost Jaehyun!" Cho-Hee said and gave him a little push.

He strapped aside a little,just to come back and laugh even harder.

"And you're really aggressiv too!" he noted and giggled.

He was right.

She was good at making excuses.

Her father was strict,when he was home.

Everything always had to be clean and Cho-Hee wasn't allowed to leave the house after 7pm.

That was one of the reasons why she didn't mind when he was gone for work,she would get her routine back when he was gone.

And that's why she pushed Jaehyun,she felt caught.

She hated her father to be so strict and she hated herself to get so bothered at it.

"Aren't those your 'friends'?" Jaehyun suddenly said and pointed to the other side of the street.

Cho-Hee nodded.

"You told them about the ritual,right?"said Jaehyun to Cho-Hee.

She looked at him with a shocked face.

"You were there?!" she asked,she really was about to freak out.

"Were you hoping they would help you with me? You're so stupid" he said with anger in his voice.

Cho-Hee kept quiet.

"Why do you even consider them as friends when they don't like you?" He whispered and then disappeared.

His words just made Cho-Hee realize how he was right and that they really didn't like her as much as she did.

When she looked to her friends again,all of them suddenly tripped.

A few meters away was standing Jaehyun who looked at Cho-Hee and then turned around and disappeared again.

Cho-Hee smiled,to her it felt like he did it for her sake.

If course she didn't want anyone to get hurt because of her,but her friends seemed okay as far as she was aware.