04 Freya.


"Hmm? What do you mean, Goddess?"

"I'm talking about these numbers! What exactly did you do inside the dungeon today, Bell-kun?"

"Today huh... I just went around killing some small jumping monkeys. Is there something wrong?"

"Something wrong you say?!"

Hestia slammed an empty sheet of paper on Bell's back and draw a circle with her finger to copy whatever is written on it. "Take a look at it yourself! Humph!"

She's a little upset for some reason. Although Bell did told her about the things he did inside the dungeon during their dinner, what he said were not enough to explain the cause of such a huge leap in his parameters! Bell is definitely hiding something from her and she kinda hates it.

Bell can only smile wryly as he received the paper from Hestia.

"What exactly did made you angry? It should not be my doing right?" Bell then took a look at his status written on the paper.


Name : Bell Cranel.

Level : 1

Strength : I 13 -> E 407

Defense : I 10 -> F 370

Dexterity : I 4 -> E 450

Agility : I 12 -> G 270

Magic : None

Skill : None

'The heck is this?!' seeing the numbers, Bell didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He really did messed up!

No. It's definitely that event that happened last night that caused this.

Bell already has his own suspicions since this morning as he did felt a lot stronger than what his predecessor should be. Did the soul fusion he had experienced last night not only earned him several memories but also strengthened his physique? That should be... a good thing, right?

With that thought plus the things he did inside the dungeon yesterday makes this huge power up quite reasonable. Though knowing this won't exempt him from Hestia's suspicion at all.

Bell didn't show any changes in emotion outside. He nonchalantly nodded after seeing his stats and said.

"Mn. Not bad, though I still don't have skills and magic."

"N-not bad??! Your parameters have jumped insanely and you'll say it's not bad?" Hestia got off of him angrily and stood up. Pointing her finger at Bell, she asked. "Tell me, Bell-kun. What exactly did you do inside the dungeon?"

"Eh? That again? But I had already told you everything." Bell also stood up and wore his T-shirt. "I'm already sleepy, Goddess, see you tomorrow."

Bell laid down on his sofa once again to sleep His back facing the still pouting Hestia.

"You!" Being ignored, Hestia became more angry. "Bell-kun you idiot!" she shouted as she run towards her bed.

Bell only smiled, amused. This goddess of his is really exceptional.

'One... Two... Three... Four...' Bell began counting numbers inside his mind. When he reached 104 seconds, he finally heard a soft footsteps approaching him. He continue lying like that, pretending to be asleep already.

'She really did came huh.' Bell thought.

"Stupid Bell-kun." Hestia whispered as she also lied down right beside Bell and rested her forehead against his back. Much to her surprised, Bell swiftly turned. Hestia then felt a hand wrapping on her waist pulling her closer followed by a voice.

"Goodnight, Goddess."

With a healthy blushed, Hestia raised her head to look at Bell but found him with his eyes closed. She pouted for a few moments before she finally smiled. "Mn. Goodnight, Bell-kun."

Something about her Bell-kun did changed. Hestia was very clear about that but can't figure out what exactly it was. She's also surprised to realized that she doesn't seemed to be bothered by these changes at all.

Perhaps because it works in her favor?

Because Bell seemed to have been more open to her and her advancements now?

Either way, Hestia felt very happy right now and hope these things will last.


The next day.

Bell still woke up earlier than his Goddess. He got off the sofa and washed his face before wearing his dungeon outfit.

There's still that fried potatoes Hestia brought with her yesterday so Bell picked up a few to fill his stomach knowing that he won't have time to eat anything later on his way to the dungeon again.

"Goddess, I have to go now."

"Mn." Hestia sleepily responded with her eyes still shut tight. She really isn't a morning person. "Take care.. Bell-kun."

Going out of the Abandoned Church, Bell first went to the nearest blacksmith shop that sells affordable weapons. His knife broke yesterday so he has to buy a new and better one.

Bell ended up paying a total of 3 000 valis to buy two short knives. It's surprisingly cheap.

Bell was supposed to buy a sword but the swords available there can't simply enter his eyes at all. Once he has enough funds and materials, Bell plan to forge his own weapons and armor himself.

Finished getting his weapon, Bell headed towards the guild to meet up with someone there - his dungeon adviser. Bell remembered that he was supposed to meet him yesterday but for some reason, he forgot to do that so, here he is right now.

"Why did you not see me yesterday, Bell? Didn't we agreed to meet here first before you enter the dungeon for the first time? Do you know how dangerous it is exactly to go there without a map?! Especially for a first timer like you!"

Sitting in front of Bell, a 30 to 35 year old man with bunny ears reprimanding him. He's Arnold, Bell's dungeon advisor assigned by the guild.

Bell can see that this guy although it is only in professional way, genuinely care for him and was worried for his safety so he didn't mind being reprimanded like this. He only hope that it will be over soon.

"I'm sorry, Arnold-san. I was so nervous yesterday and forgot to come here." he bullshited.

"You forgot??" Arnold glared at him for a few seconds before finally releasing a helpless sigh. Taking a scroll from his pocket, Arnold handed it to Bell. "Whatever. Take this. It's the map from first down to the fifth floor of the dungeon. I hope it will be useful to you. And this too."

Saying that, Arnold took out another box and gave it to Bell also. " Consider it as my separation gift to you, Bell."

" Separation gift? " Bell confusedly received the box. Opening it, he saw three bottles of potions inside." Arnold-san this."

"I'm sorry Bell but I'll be retiring by the end of this month so I have to hand you over to one of my colleagues. She will be your new Dungeon Adviser starting tomorrow, make sure to come here again tomorrow morning okay? I will introduce you to her since it's her day off today. "

Bell spent 15 more minutes conversing with Arnold before he finally set off towards the dungeon. Since he's more prepared today, Bell wanted to double his profit from yesterday.

At top floor of Babel tower.

"Welcome back, Goddess Freya!" A row of adventure greeted in full spirit when their Goddess entered the hall way. Each of them shows an expression of worship and reverence towards her.

Freya, the Goddess of Beauty and Love.

One of the most popular deity of which has a beauty that is superior and outstanding even among most of her fellow Goddesses. Freya has long silver hair, silver eyes and white skin that as white and fresh as snow in winter.

Her clothes are in large part black and red, they expose most of her stomach and breasts. She also wears two flower-like ornaments on her hair that made even more beautiful by her natural beauty instead of the other way around.

She's simply too beautiful that one glance from her would be enough to provoke the beastly nature of men.

Freya nodded at her children and continue heading towards her private room. Ottarl, the bulky man and the only Level 7 adventurer that has been revealed in Orario mysteriously appeared behind her and followed Freya inside.

"Ottarl." Freya called out after she gracefully sat down on her chair. Her voice sounds so sweet and pleasant to the ears. "I need you to investigate a person for me."

Ottarl didn't respond but simply poured a red wine on a glass bottle before handing it over to Freya.

Taking a sip, she continue. "It's the boy from a new Familia. Get me all information you can gather about him."

Freya then gave more information to Ottarl about the boy she has her eyes with.

"I will do as you say, Goddess." Ottarl bowed his head slightly. "I will take my leave now."

Once he's gone, Freya was left alone inside the huge room. Remembering the thing she saw last night made her blood boils and her body starting to get excited.

"I'm looking forward to see how beautiful you really are."

"Aahhh. ~" she moaned seductively. "This won't do. I need to calm down and watch your growth first but.... I will definitely make you mine... Bell."