013 Blue Papillon wings.


Standing in front of the 'soon to be emptied' wooden shelves inside the shop was a young woman Bell can recognize at one glance.

She's a chienthrope, a dog person named Nahza belonging to Miach Familia. She's currently cleaning and arranging the few potions displayed inside those shelves.

As usual, her clothing is quite strange. Her shirt sleeves are two different lengths, the left sleeve ending just above her elbow, but her right sleeve goes all the way down to her wrist.

Her right hand is covered by a glove. Looking farther down, Bell can see her thick, bushy tail sticking out from underneath a long skirt. He watch it sway from side to side for a moment before looking up at her half-open eyes.

Nahza's mood has never been good all these time, even today. Not only she has to think of a way to pay the huge debt of her familia but also to keep an eye to her God that keeps on giving potions to almost everyone he met for the first time!

Nahza really wanted to.... to give her God some 'peace of mind' to teach him a lesson but she can't because that God, Miach is also the person she owes the most. She's very grateful to him to the point of even having romantic feelings for him.

While she's being occupied by her thoughts, Nahza noticed that a customer has come in. It's a chance to earn some money.

" I'm looking for some strength recovery potions. " Bell straightforwardly asked.

" Strength recovery potions? " Nahza's lazy looking eyes are fixed at Bell, scanning him from head to toe. It's the first time she saw this young man meaning, he's a new customer. That's a good news.

Now for his equipments, aside from the two knives on his waist, this man currently isn't wearing antrying that can be considered as a dungeon items to him. His clothes are very casual but since he's asking for potions only means that he's an adventurer most likely.

There's three kinds of customer for Nahza. The Rich, the Poor and the Naive one. The way she entertain her customers also varies depends on their kind. She shows all of high quality potions for the rich looking adventurers and average potions for poor looking ones. As for the naives, she takes advantage of them in many forms like selling them diluted potions for example. She has done it a lot of times already and earned quite a sum of valis.

But she doesn't seem to be in luck today. Although this adventurer still looks very young, definitely younger than herself, he looked very sharp. Like someone you should not messed with. That's what Nahza's sharp senses are telling her.

" We still got a few of them, how many bottles do you need? "

Nahza closed the glass cover of the shelves she's tending before going to the counter and showed the bottle of potions to Bell. There's around 2 to 3 dozens of glass tubes filled with blue liquid there. She put them in front of Bell so he can have a closer look.

Bell picked up one bottle, he removed it's cover and sniffs a bit before covering it again with a nod. These potions are real. He didn't have to examine the rest as he can see that they are all the same in quality.

" How much? "

Nahza was a bit surprised how straight forward this new customer is but still answered. " 500 valis each. Depends on how many bottles you'll buy, I might give you some discounts though it won't be higher than 5%."

" I see. " Bell nodded. Based on the current money he has with him, he can only buy a dozen of bottles at most. That's his current limit since he haven't sold his magic stones at home yet. " I will take 10 bottles for now. "

" Okay. That will be 4 750 valis. " Nahza said in more energetic way. She never thought that this ordinary looking (in equipments) young man would buy that many potions in one go. Really can't judge the book by its cover.

Bell paid the money and took the potions he bought putting them inside his bag. He was about to leave when he noticed something from the corner of his eyes. It's the piece of parchment pasted on the wall.

" Those are..? " Bell pointed at one of the parchment.

Nahza followed the direction Bell was pointing at and can't help but sigh helplessly.

" Those are the quest our familia was offering. The ingredients required to make the potions we are selling here but.. as you can see, no one is willing to take them. "

" No one's willing? Why? "

" It's because we are only a small familia. The price we can pay are not only a bit smaller but also in terms of potions only since we don't have that much valis. That's why adventurers would rather sell their drop items to bigger shops or to the guild that pays valis.

That makes sense. Shops as small as this one is very unlikely to have that much money in their hands after all. And for Miach familia who still has a huge debt on its head, that's very unlikely.

" I see. " Bell took a close look at the items for a few moments. There's 3 of them there, and he recognized one of them. He even has a few pieces still stored at home.

Blue Papillon wings.

It's a Blue Papillion monster's drop item. Dealing with that monster isn't that difficult especially to someone as skilled as Bell but... the problem lies on whether you can find one or not.

Blue Papillons are rare monsters, you can rarely meet one or even not at all for a while day. The only reason why Bell was able to slew a few of them was because he's been grinding like a madman these past days roaming almost all the edges of the dungeon's upper floors. And one time, he happened to come across a 'pantry' - a place where dungeon monsters are getting their sustenance. The place that provides monsters their food in case they failed to kill some adventurers to eat.

Remembering that place brings a feeling of nostalgia to Bell. If possible, he really wanted to build a house there because of how beautiful that place alone. It's a pity that there's a lot of monsters that comes there everyday so it's a no-no.

Bell fought and killed hundreds of monsters there along with some Blue Papillons but there's simply too many of them. Just a single mistake made all the monsters there to discover him leading them to all gang up together. Bell's supplies has been all spent in no time, his blades become dull, his light armors broke leaving him no other choice but to run for his life. Transmigrators are not immortals after all especially when they are only starting!!

Bell never came back to that place again after that. Not because he got scared or anything but simply because it's not convenient.

Those pantrys are located very far from the main routes of the dungeon. It will take almost an hour just to go to one of them. Really not that appealing for any adventurers even for Bell.

" This Blue Papillon wings, I think I have a few of them. " Bell said after thinking about it for awhile. He remembered that this Nahza and her God Miach are both reliable people. Helping them a bit should not be a problem. Besides, he also has a plan of his own for doing this but now isn't the time yet.

" Excuse me.? "

" I said I have a few pieces of this wings here. " Bell repeated.

" REALLY!!?? "

Nahza quickly stood up, her fluffy tail starts moving side by side again. She looks very excited for some reason and Bell didn't know why.

" Do you really have Blue Papillon wings with you? How many do you have? Where is it? Can you sell them to me? "

Among those three items, the Blue Papillion wings are the hardest items to get. Hearing that this new customer have some is surely a great news. Nahza felt a little too excited because this really might help them solve her familia's problems even a little.

" Mn. They are not with me now but I have more than a dozen. Around 16 pieces I think? I'm not sure. "

" 16 pieces!!?? I want it, please sell them to me. I'll buy them all!! "

" Okay.. but how much? "

" Er... " Nahza was taken aback after hearing that question.

She's more than willing to buy them at market price but, 16 pieces is a little too much. She's afraid even their savings won't be able to cover the total price.

More or less 40 000 valis. Where could she get that amount in short period of time? Most of their assets are still in terms of potions. They have to sell them first but.. can this adventure wait for that long? What if he will sell them to others?

But giving up was not an option for Nahza. She can't simply give up such rare items just like that.

" C-Can we talk about it more? I'm Nahza, may I know your name? " Nahza stretched her hand to Bell.

Bell accepted her hand and said, " I'm Bell Cranel, nice to meet you. "

" Nice to meet you too, Bell. So.. about those Blue Papillon wings.. "

" Oh, I'm fine selling them to you at market price but.. "

" But what? " Nahza immediately followed up.

" But I prefer to be paid in valis. "

" Urrgg.. "
