018 The emotional Goddess of Forge.

Bell didn't answer immediately but looked at Hephaestus instead, observing her.

He can tell that she's serious just by looking at her eye and the expression she had at this moment. She even went as far as offering one of the high quality equipments below in exchange which was very interesting.


Although the weapons and equipments below are all high quality and were extremely expensive, they have no use to him. What's the point of having a weapon he can't use to its fullest potential?


That's the same as giving the legendary sword to a level 1 player, not only it's moronic but also impractical.

Instead of helping, it might only bring harm to him instead. That's why Hephaestus had locked the Hestia knife's abilities before in the canon and made it directly proportional to Bell's growth. The stronger he became, the more abilities of the Hestia knife he can unlock and utilize.

But the Bell now didn't have that kind of privilege and there's also no way in hell that he will spend 200 million valis for a weapon he can create himself. Simply no way.

So Bell's thinking of what he should ask later instead in exchange. After all, this kind of chance might not come again because meeting this alluring crimson-haired goddess wasn't easy at all. As the leader of the world class level smithing familia, her schedule tend to be full most of the times.

A weapon of his own liking. Something that would suit him and his fighting style very well.

Daggers and knives will be fine but they are not suitable in facing against large category monsters. He needed something bigger... like a sword.

A sword.

But it has to be strong enough to handle his strength and his craziness in battle. It should be able to last until he's finally STRONG enough and FREE enough to forge his own weapon which will only happen when he's level three or four.

The goal was to reach the lowest floor of the dungeon and his enemies will only get tougher and larger as he goes on. A strong weapon is a must.

It's funny how he's already counting the chicks before the eggs have even hatched.

Well, not really.

As unbelievable as it may sound, Bell had already seen through the sword despite only seeing it today for the first time. That's also the reason why he was mesmerized by it because it's simply insane. He can't help but admire this crimson-haired goddess in front of him for being capable of creating such sword. She really is something.

Bell felt like the sword was speaking, telling him how it was made, the process, the materials etc.. It's a magical thing like as if he's watching a movie on the screen.

" You overestimate me, lady Hephaestus. " he said humbly. As he is right now, Bell can only silently admit defeat in front of this goddess. " As much as I do want to get a piece of equipment below, I never really forge anything yet so I hope that my answer won't disappoint you that much... "

" You never forge anything? " Hephaestus knitted her eyebrows slightly. She's genuinely surprised." Does it also mean that what you said earlier are all empty compliments, Bell? "

She didn't believe that's the case. Hephaestus can feel that there's something special about this young man that she can't explain. It doesn't have to do anything whether he had forge anything or not. It's different.

His words, though it may sounds like a normal compliments for others, Bell's words are heavier. Hephaestus felt like it's something that came from an equal. This child of Hestia was indeed.... very interesting..

Deities can see through mortal's lies so she can tell that Bell was not lying when he said that he never forge anything nor have experience about forging before.

But what she didn't know though was that Bell's protection will only kicks in when he's trying to really hide something. If not, any gods will be able to see through him like any other mortals.

" Not at all. What I'd said earlier, I really mean them all, lady Hephaestus. I am sure that sword was very well made, it's very close to the pinnacle weapon that a mortal can make. "

" Close? "

Hephaestus was amused hearing that. The sword in front of them was the best sword she had ever forged so far throughout her entire time here in Gekai. She's very proud of it.

But now, this child in front of her says that it's only close to the pinnacle but not the best? Does it mean that he had seen something better before?

No. He did said earlier that this sword was the best sword he had ever seen so far. Just what exactly is going on here?

Hephaestus quickly denied that thought. But if that wasn't the case, then why? The deeper she tried to think of an answer, the more confused she become.

A double edge sword that was less than a meter in length, two inches in width and probably around 3 millimeters in thickness. It's obsidian black in color and has a very ordinary appearance as it didn't have any unnecessary worthless designs to it. Aside from the Hieroglyphs imprinted to it which Bell can't understand, there's nothing more. The sword doesn't even have a sheathe to put it into.

But even so, the sword doesn't have even a speck of dust on it.

" Explain it.. " Hephaestus finally said after awhile with a voice that's more interested than before.

" Mn. " Bell nodded his head and continued. " I think that the most crucial aspects in creating this sword was time and... Determination. "

Hephaestus' eyes visibly enlarged, even the patched one because of shocked. But she managed to hide it right on time. " Hmm? And what made you think so? "

" It's because this sword... takes decades of forging to make. " Bell said. His answer made Hephaestus silent.

She only stare at Bell, blankly. But deep inside her, a storm of emotions are surging in chaos.

Seeing that none of them are speaking, Hestia who has been silent all this time finally spoke. " What do you mean, Bell? Was a few decades really that long? "

As a goddess herself, not to mention decades, even centuries or millennias wasn't a long time at all. It's only a small part of her life.

Bell can't help but chuckle a bit hearing what Hestia said.

" Silly Goddess. " he flicked her forhead which made Hestia complain with a pout. She's staring at him angrily with puff cheeks.

" Moah. Why did you do that, Bell? Nomnomnomnommmm.... "

" A few decades might be a very short time for deities like you, Goddess but for us mortals that can be our entire lifetime. " Bell explained seriously. " But this wasn't an issue of being a deity or not because after coming down here in Gekai, all Gods and Goddesses have sealed their arcanum aren't they? Without your arcanum all of you are no different than a mortal. One who fell sick, get hungry, get tired etc... Well, aside from the fact that you didn't age at all. But still...

" The determination required to keep on hammering more than a ton of metal till it finally reached this size..... To be able to persist till the very end despite having that weak body.... and also, that level of dedication and skills.... you have all my respect, lady Hephaestus. "

Bell has a genuine smile filled with admiration and respect as he said all those words to Hephaestus. There wasn't the slightest hint of exaggeration to it at all. For him, whether it was a deity or not, anyone who worked really hard for their own goals are worthy of respect. It doesn't have anything to do whether you are an immortal or not.

Drip drip...

Tears unknowingly started flowing from both of Hephaestus eyes. It was already too late when she noticed what's happening.

" I... What's wrong with me? " she said with a smile trying to wipe away the tears on her eyes.

" Hephaestus... " Hestia tried to reach out to her friend but she stopped her by saying ' I'm okay' to her. Hestia can only stop and let Hephaestus be.

Bell on the other hand didn't say anything but continue looking at the sword hanging on the wall. He swear to make a weapon that can surpass this masterpiece someday. This sword who had successfully triggered the competitive side of him. He will do that without fail.

After awhile...

Hephaestus finally calmed down, she has a bright expression on her pretty face as she looked at Bell.

How long has it been since she became this happy? No. Has she ever been like this before to begin with? She didn't know for sure but... having someone that was capable of appreciating what she did.... Someone who can see through her work with just a mere glance... Someone who can understand her despite only knowing her for the first time that.... really feels great..

For once again, Hephaestus felt like she finally found what she's looking for which was -------------------------------- an equal. She cannot help but have her hopes again even if it's just a little.

" Tell me Bell, do you want to have that sword? "

" What??!! "
