024 Overdid.

Bell's gaze was focused intensely at the two monsters in front of him. He's observing them.

Just over a dozen of minutes ago, solely out of pure curiosity and part stupidity he, engaged a hand-to-hand combat against the two level two monsters. Of course, he failed miserably. He wasn't able to land any solid hits at all.

Whether it was his punches, elbows or kicks failed to bring any real damage. He can only dodge and dodge till he eventually was sent flying out of the cavern.

Minotaurs are monsters known not only for their strength but also for their thick and durable hide. Normal blade attacks might not even leave a mark on their skin, much more a simple punches and kicks from a level one adventurer like Bell.

It's an unbridgeable chasm that cannot be overcome by skills and strategies alone. He has to go all out.

If punches and kicks doesn't work well, then he will cut these bitches with his sword. That's the thought running inside his mind.

Bell's status has not been updated for almost a week now due to his goddess working with Hephaestus, doing his sword. And when she finally came back this morning, Hestia was already too tired and quickly fell asleep.

All the excelia that he had gathered these past days remains unused, it's not wrong to say that the Bell now was not in any way stronger than what he was a week ago.

" Wait! " Lefiya called out from behind. She's looking at Bell like as if he's a suicidal person. " Aren't you a level one? There's no way you can fight against th-.. "

" Says who? " Bell interrupted her without turning his head around. " Even a normal person without falna can kill a cattle, so why can't I do the same? "


" Just stay there and watch, miss Elfie. "

Finished saying that, he ended their conversation. He didn't even hear what the elf, Lefiya said after that. He refused to listen to anymore complains, leaving the poor little elf there, sulking and fuming in anger.

How can a cattle be compared to a Minotaur? If you want to die then so be it! She angrily thought with puffed cheeks.

Tip tap tip tap.

Bell stopped when he's only 3 meters away from the two Minotaurs. He lifted his head up only to see a stream of saliva dripping out of their mouths.

' Fucking cattles.... Dare to treat me like a food??! Do I look like some green grass to you? ' he thought, gritting his teeth slightly in annoyance. He's very eager to show these two Minotaurs who was the real predator here.

The monsters are still a few meters away from him, but that distance was no different from a single step considering how strong these two monsters are.

Bell can see the beasts bodies, their furs was like heavy armor. He has to be able to penetrate that first or there will be no way for him to win this fight.


It was the two Minotaurs that made the first move.


The ground beneath his feet cracked as he blocked the incoming club with his sword. The beast glares at him but Bell put more space between them as fast as he can and narrowly avoided the axe of the second Minotaur, his body spins in the air.


A silver light creeps in the empty space in front of the two Minotaurs.

The moment that Bell's feet landed on the ground, a small cut opened the the thick neck of the second Minotaur and at the shoulder blade of the other one. It's only a small cut but fresh blood still gushed out from it.

" Tsk. What a thick skinned bitches. "

Bell expected that counter attacked to be a bit more lethal, but it seems like he's still had underestimated the Minotaur's toughness.


Bell's unexpected counterattack enraged the two Minotaurs. They ignored the murky liquid gushing out from their wounds and rushed forward. The moment they plants their massive hooves on the ground, the two Minotaurs instantly reduces the distance to zero. Wide red eyes glaring at the boy while holding their blunt weapons in both hands, preparing for a full swing.


Bell shouted and duck with all his might might, barely avoiding the attacks. He can tell the power of the those swings as the edge of the monstrous club passes just above his head.

Slash! Stab! Slash!

He counterattacked.

Just one solid hit from any of these two Minotaurs can be very fatal to Bell but, like a moth that was not afraid of fire, he chose to fight them in melee battle.

"" MROOOAH!! ""

" RAAAAHH!!! "

Another insane life and death battle between two monsters and a white haired boy had began.

The Minotaurs swings down their weapons again and again but Bell continue avoiding them by the skin of the teeth. This pantry having a very wide area works very well for Bell as it gives him a lot of space to maneuver.

He expertly maneuvered himself, circling around the two Minotaurs sending sneaky counter attacks with his sword.

Though the two Minotaurs are a lot stronger than him in raw power, Bell was slightly faster ----and more skilled. He sent swords slashes after sword slashes at different parts of the Minotaurs' bodies -----it was starting to accumulate especially in their chest area. If everything will continue like this, there's no doubt that Bell will be the one to stand victorious in the end.

" He... is he really a level one? " asked Leene, her eyes was full of surprise watching the back of the boy mightily fighting with the two ferocious Minotaurs. And he's not at any disadvantage side at all!

How can a level one be that strong?

Lefiya was also the same. The way that boy fights, no, his swordsmanship, it reminds her of a certain person. The person she looks up to the most!

It was precised, strong and graceful according to her own description. It's like he's dancing with the wind. It's quite hard taking her eyes off him.

If Bell would know what Lefiya thinks of his swordsmanship right now, he will surely cry out in complain saying, ' Graceful my ass! '

But then..

* Crackling * * Crackling *

The walls of the corridors behind them trembled and a few cracks started to appear. The cracks grew wider and wider till finally, monsters came out of it.

A monster party!


More than thirty minutes have past since Bell began battling against the two Minotaurs and unknowingly, the dungeon was about to be done repairing itself.

Not only at the corridors but also at the other parts of the pantry, monsters are starting to respawn though only in a very little amount.

Bell saw this too but he's too busy to care and can only hope the two girls will take care of it for him.

And they did.

Lefiya quickly began chanting while Leene was distracting the monsters, kiting them with her spells and skills.

" Fusillade Fallarica! "

Finished chanting, Lefiya released her spell. It's an AOE attack. Large number of fire javelins flew up and accurately hits each and every monsters around aside from the two Minotaurs. It's an instant one sided slaughter.

" Wew~ " Bell whistled. He was genuinely amazed on how Lefiya easily dispatched those monsters in mere seconds. Magic spells really do make things easier.

" That was amazing, Lefiya. Your magic is really strong. "

" T-thank you, miss Leene. But I was only able to do it thanks to you distracting them. " Lefiya humbly replied. The two of them only smiled at each other before returning their attention to Bell. He's still fighting against the two monsters.

His breathing was heavy, bruises all over his skin. His armors long gone, clothes are tattered.

The two Minotaurs are not in better conditions either because their bodies are now covered with huge amount of cuts. They might only be small cuts but was placed in crucial areas like veins, joints, nerves and there's a lot of them! They look like as if they are about to fall at any moment.


Bell swung his sword to get rid of the blood on it.

Bending his knees slightly, he raised the sword over his shoulder with its tip pointing at the ceiling. He took deep breaths.

Inhale.... Exhale....

In each breath, the atmosphere around Bell changes. It's like his very existence was disappearing though he's obviously still there. The pressure around the cavern seemed to have intensified, the air gets colder. Bell's eyes narrowed and in the next moment..

Pew! Pew!

He disappeared.

No, his movements are simply too fast that made it looked like he had vanished. Bell appeared behind the two Minotaurs, still gripping his sword in hand.

"" ?? ""

"" !! ""

The two poor monsters didn't even realize what happened yet when their bodies started to disintegrate before turning into dust.

An instant game over!

" Miss Leene he... that boy.. "

" Mn. He... won.. "

Both the girls can't believe what they just saw. It all happened very fast. It's like they blinked for a moment and then, the battle was over.

The white haired boy was now standing there, breathing heavily, his legs are shaking.


He fell on the ground, butt first.

" I still....* Huff * ...can't ....* Huff *.... use it yet huh... " he laughed mockingly to himself.

He knew that he overdid it by using that technique prematurely. His whole body was now as painful as hell. Like he's being ripped apart. The only good thing is that he won by successfully killing those two Minotaurs.


( A/N )

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