I opened my eyes. I felt my head on the soft grass. I saw someone that I didn't recognize sitting next to me. He was wearing a yellow looking mask, and yellow looking clothes. I guess it's green, but I have no idea. They're covered in a different shade of yellow, which I assume is blood. His mask has two slits in it, showcasing his yellow looking eyes, I guess they're green as well. It has a slit in it for his nose, and a smiley face was drawn on, he has pretty light skin. "Oh good, you're up sunshine." He says. I couldn't see his face, but I could almost hear him smirking behind the mask. "Your hunter came after you, and I saved you." I nodded, "yeah right. You can't trust anyone in this place. For all I know, you're working for them." I said. I sat up, I noticed he was much taller than me, a bit younger than me, but taller.
He unzips his hoodie, and reveals a white shirt underneath. He's also wearing grey pants, and boots which could be brown, they look good for traversing the earth with. He also probably is carrying hidden weapons, everyone does. He hits me across the face. I flinch. "Are you just going to sit there like an idiot? Or are you going to get up, and prove to me you aren't one?" He asks. I sigh, and accept his help up.
My legs feel like jelly, and I can't let go of his hand. "Wow, you are short sunshine." He says, I glare at him. He notices I'm struggling and helps me sit back down. "Who the hell are you?" I ask him aggressively. He looks confused. "You really don't remember?" He asks. I shake my head. He pulls his knife out, a small throwing dagger. And he starts twirling around on his fingers. "Did you hit your head?" He asks, still fidgeting with the knife. I rub my head, "I don't know, maybe."
He shakes his head. "Alright sunshine-" I cut him off. "Never call me that again!" I say, he starts to laugh, I punch him and take his knife. "Alright shortie. What do you remember." I almost want to stab him, but I'm too weak from punching him.
My forehead starts throbbing, and I wince from the pain. He starts to help me, but I push him away. "M-my hunter came in, and you saved me." I say, he seems relieved. He nods his head.
He watches me carefully, as if I'll collapse any second, which I probably will. I'm tired, scared, and stressed. Any second I could slip out of consciousness. He sits down by me to make sure I'm okay. "Why are you being so mean to your savior then?" He asks. Again, I can hear his smirk.
"So, who the hell are you. And why the hell did you save me?" I shout at him. He raises an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't I?" He asks. He stands up,
"Let's drop the subject. What's your name sunshine?" I'm infuriated by him calling me that, but I'm too weak to attack him. "George, what's yours?" I ask. He sighs, "people call me Wish, nice to meet you George." 'Wish' says, shaking my hand forcefully.
"Wish? Ha, that's funny, what's your real name." I say, fake laughing. "My name is Wish." He said, his eyes filling with coldness.
I scoff, "I'm not going to trust you if you don't tell me your real name."
"You ungrateful idiot! I just saved your life! Why isn't that enough to trust me!? He shouts, clearly holding back, and restraining himself from using less savory words. 'Wish' cools down, "I'm sorry, just drop it… okay?" He asks.
I nod. "Thanks for saving me." I say. "You didn't have to though." I tell him. He shakes his head. "I did, don't worry about it. Also, don't ask about the mask, it's a trust issues sort of thing. Plus, my face is gross, I have lots of scars." He says, looking through my pack at my small amount of medical supplies. Alright I think. Some people just want their privacy. And at least he has pretty eyes. "At least you have pretty eyes." I say without thinking. He just laughs. "You like green eyes?" They are green, now I have some confirmation.
"I also have blonde hair, don't faint." He says, flipping his hair from behind his mask. Now I also know what color his hair is. He's funny, obnoxious, but in a funny way. It's kinda cute.
"How are you so confident all the time?" I ask. He shrugs, "I don't know, you gotta have fun somehow I guess." He puts some bandages on my cuts on my face. I kinda wish I had a mask now, it makes sense, you can hide from your hunter more easily. We sit awkwardly, Wish tries to organize my supplies, while I organize my thoughts. I'm glad he stepped in and fought off the hunter just before I died. I have another thought. "Wish, did you kill my hunter?" I ask. He shakes his head. "No, he escaped, I injured him pretty badly though." He says. I look down at his bloody clothes. "I can see that." He smiles at me.
The silence drags on awkwardly, and one of us has to break it. Wish turns out to be the one to. "So Georgie, let's get to know each other." He says, still helping me with my cuts. I hide my anger at being called the nickname. "Yeah, you go first Wish." He smiles.