Warm ~ Marsur x Reader (Part 1)

When I first met him I thought he was cold, but he's far from it. He's just quiet and tends to keep more to himself. The memory has cycled through my mind since then. I cling to it, feeling more drawn to him every second I live in it.

I was paying another visit to the palace's garden. It's one of my favorite places to relax, but along the way that day I ran into an unforeseen obstacle. His red eyes captured mine. They were filled with some sort of shock. His face itself continued in a neutral stare as if made of stone. I backed away carefully, eyes not leaving his.

At first he scared me: there was a strong and frightening aura around him. Before I could make it away though, our familiar King arrived. Calling out to the male who replied without looking away from me. His lips parted as if he went to say something more. It seemed even Sinbad turned to see what had caught the fanaris' attention. Taking a few speedy steps away, I turned to run until out of view.

I guess I grew to like him, because since after that I'd catch myself getting a glimpse of him whenever he was nearby.

Today was one of those days. I peek through the doorway as he passes through the halls. He turns his head, and I quickly whip mine away before clinging to the wall. I wait for him to pass by the side while clutching onto my thudding heart. After a minute, I release a long held breath, "That was close.." I mutter.

I turned towards the door. 'I should get out of here before anyon—' There he is, standing in the doorway and staring down at me. I gasp audibly, not sure what to say or what excuse I can make for coming here. "I knew I recognized that scent," he speaks. 'Had he noticed my watching him already? No.. he would've already said something. It wouldn't make sense to leave me be all these months. But then again, I was no threat.'

I hear someone else coming down the hall. "Don't.. please don't tell them I'm here.." I finally breath out. He glances down the hall then back at me before pulling me back into the room and against his chest. He's warm.. and he smells like the garden I love so much. It's nice. His arms hold onto me tightly, and he carefully listens to the passers. His fingers trailing along my (h/c) locks, soon press to my lips to shush my loud breathing.

Our company is long gone before either of us move. "Um, y-you can let go of me now.." His grip loosens from around me as I settle my feet on the floor, regaining my balance. My hands cup my face, eyes wandering away to hide my blush. A part of me wishes he had kept on holding me though.