Chapter 24

Up and down staircases, we traveled through this maze of paths. We glanced at statues and pottery and all manner of arts. But the city was silent. Aladdin smiled as we joked about our newfound city, who would be mayor and creating new holidays, but none of it changed the shiver that kept traveling down my spine. The fears eating at me. I felt petty for feeling and thinking like this. For having to remind myself that we were going to make it out of here no matter what it took.

The silence was making me nervous. I had to keep talking to stay calm. I thought back to the girl. "I wonder what's going to happen to them." 'It's a shame, she's so cute. I hope she makes it out somehow.'

"I've never seen anyone like them," Aladdin answers. I'm confused and ask him to further explain. "You know, like that guy. The one with the mask. I've never seen anyone so big and strong. Or that other boy, the one with the red hair. He was so fast and his red hair and eyes were so cool! And the girl.. I'm just not sure. I'm still learning a lot of new things, new places, and new people. I don't get why they don't want to be free though." I couldn't explain to him that it wasn't that they didn't want to be free, but it just wasn't an option for him. They were still people though.

"Their master is a complete psycho though. You'd think the wealthy could be nice for once. I mean, they've got everything. But no, all they can do is mock the rest of us." I think back to him. He's just a spoiled rich brat, and I hate him. Everything about that guy makes me uneasy though. I wouldn't have dared to speak like this in front of him.

Before I dampen the mood too much though, I change the topic to the city. Wondering what it was, how old it was, if there were some in other dungeons and more. Then we talk about Ugo and what all Aladdin learned in the underground room. "So he can talk?"

"Yeah! Right now he can only get his body out, but he does have a face. He's pretty handsome!" I smile, he seems pretty proud.

"He's your friend, right? Do you think, when we get out of here, you can introduce me to him? Tell me all about yourself too! Cause we're friends too, right?"