
(Adrians' pov)

I was woken up by a bright ass light that sat right across my face and cuddling a small but very warm lump, I sat up and got the light out of my eyes before opening them, I looked down and found Silver, who was now beginning to wake up, "I guess he was what I was cuddling," I mumbled as I watched him roll from his side onto his back, he brought his right arm up to his head and laid it lazily over his face, palm facing upward, his wrist covered his left eye while the rest of his four-arm slanted upward across his face revealing his right eye as he began to open it, "A-Adrian?" he stuttered out in his half-asleep voice that made him sound like he was whining. I felt my face heat up a bit as I quickly turned away from him, I pursed my lips as I held my hand over my mouth, "holy fuck," I thought as I sat on the edge of the bed. After a couple of minutes, I heard Silver hiss in pain, I turned around and saw him trying to sit up, "hey idiot!" he jumped and looked at me when I spoke, "I thought you were told not to move," "I-I'll be fine, I just gotta get up and get moving," his face scrunched up as he began to sit up more, I placed my hand on the upper middle of his chest and pushed him back down, "you'll be fine after you rest." I stated as he began to glare back at me, "I'm fine. now let go of me!" he grabbed my arm and pushed it away as he started to sit up once again.

(Silver's pov)

"I'm fine. now let go of me!" I grabbed ahold of Adrians arm pushing it off of me as I sat up, "Silver." I glared back up at Adrian who's voice was now very stern, "lay. down." I continued to glare at him for a moment before sitting up a bit farther causing pain to shoot through my stomach, I jerked and winced in pain and before I knew it Adrian had turned around completely, he had pushed me back down onto the bed and held both my arms above my head with one of his as he leaned down over me, "I said, lay. down." he growled as he glared at me, "if you sit up it will only cause you pain, so why the hell won't you listen to me when I tell you not to fucking sit up!" we sat in silence glaring at each other before I realized how close he was and that he was pinning me down, "j-just get off of me!" I stuttered as I attempted to raise my voice, I felt the familiar heat come back to my cheeks as Adrians eyes no longer had any anger in them, they became orbs of confusion at first but quickly began to almost glow with satisfaction, it seemed he took joy in seeing me how I was as his scowl twist up into a devilish grin, "then are you gonna be a good little boy for me~" he cooed lowering his voice and bringing his face closer to mine, the heat on my face got warmer as it began to creep its way around to my ears and the back of my neck, my stomach tightened a bit as I heard him let out a low chuckle, "answer the question baby boy, or I might just have to force the answer out of you~" "ahem-" Adrian and I both turned our heads to the door, "officer," Adrian spoke politely as he released my wrists from his death grip and sat up, "pardon the intrusion but I must speak with Mr. Zoldyck for a moment," "I see, well not to be impolite officer, but, I'm not leaving, if you have something to talk to my fiance about then you'll have to say it to me as well," Adrian and the office exchanged glares before the officer continued, sounding slightly annoyed, "well, due to your mental handicap you can not live by yourself until the age of 21, as you were told almost eight years ago, and you are unable to go back to your foster fathers house because of what happened, so you will have to stay with his sister, she's thirty-four, has one daughter and lives close to the college you're attending so we decided that sending you to her instead of his brother would be a better idea," I nodded and the officer began to leave, "hold on a second officer!" Adrian piped up right before the officer stepped out of the room, he turned around and glared at Adrian, "what is it now," he grumbled back in response, "well I just thought that if Silver can't live on his own, then, couldn't he come live with me, I don't have an apartment yet because I figured I'd wait till after I finish college, but I have a job, and I've got a dorm room," the officer stared at Adrian for a moment, "I just figured, since Silver and I are engaged and go to the same college, that it'd be a lot easier if he just stayed with me instead," Adrian and the officer stared at each other for a little longer before the officer sighed and continued out the door, "I guess I can see what I can do, but don't be surprised if the answer's no, alright," the officer shut the door behind himself leaving Adrian and I alone once more, "what the fuck was that?!" I asked, slightly pissed, "you didn't even ask me if I was alright with it!" "oh I didn't need to, I could tell by that look on your face from earlier, exactly, what you were thinking" he chuckled, "oh yeah? enlighten me then, what was it that you say I was thinking." I snapped back at him, he turned back to face me with a smirk on his face as he leaned back down over me and hovered next to my ear, "I could tell that you were just, dying, to sleep with me again~" I felt my face instantly heat up, Adrian let out a chuckle and sat up off of me, "sorry kid, but you make it too easy~" I stared at him in a mixture of both confusion and shock, "w-what did you just call me?" Adrian ignored my question and stood up, "I'm gonna ask a nurse how much longer you'll be staying here, I'll be right back," before I could say anything else Adrian had already left the room. I laid there for a moment as I cussed him out in my head before realizing that since he was no longer in the room, I could get up, I sat up as far as I could before the pain got to be too much, then I placed my hands at my sides and pushed myself off of the bed as quickly as possible, when I stood I felt pain shoot through my body even more so than earlier, causing me to almost fall over as I gasped in pain, I grabbed a hold of the chair next to the bed and stood there for a minute to regain my balance and hopefully lessen the pain. When the pain went away, for the most part anyway, I stumbled my way to the bathroom, unhooking the heart monitor and ripping out the IV on my way, I stood in front of the full-length mirror and pulled up the shirt I was wearing, there was, what looked like, a deformed circle, stab wound? The old bastard stabbed me with that fucking broken bottle! I sighed and let the shirt drop from my hand as I exited the bathroom, "They told me that you'd need to rest for the entirety of today, then they'd check on you-" Adrian froze in the doorway and stared at me, "shit," I muttered, now realizing that it was probably a bad idea to get up, "you fucking idiot," Adrian huffed as he made his way towards me, "what the hell were you thinking! I thought I told you to stay in bed!" he raised his voice slightly as he got to me, "well it's not like I got hurt-" "yes, you did, you got fucking stabbed! and now, the only thing that is keeping you from bleeding out is that glue shit that they used to hold you together, meaning if you were to fall, or strain yourself in any way, then the glue could give out and you'd bleed to death!" I stared at the ground and refused to look at Adrian as we stood in silence for what seemed like forever before I heard Adrian sigh, I felt him place his hand on the top of my head as he ruffled my hair, "alright then," he said softly as I slowly looked up at him, "lets get'ya back into that bed," with one swift motion Adrian picked me up bridal style and began to carry me back to the bed, "hey! what the hell! come on, I got legs so let me use'em!" I whined, "nope, you're not supposed to be out of bed, especially not walking around," Adrian replied as he laid me down on the bed, "next time I find you up wondering around when you're not supposed to, I'll just have to make you completely unable to walk~" his words sent a shiver down my spine as they entered my ear, "so you'll just have to be a good boy and stay in bed if you don't want me to break you~" at this point I was redder than a fucking tomato, if that's even possible, and let me remind you, I'm not gay, "so, are you gonna be a good boy for me or will I, have to persuade you by-" my heart and mind were racing and I felt as though I was overheating, my stomach tightened, then all I could think to do was hit him, I kicked Adrian in his lower stomach causing him to fall backward, he began coughing, "oh, god damn kid," he wheezed, clutching his stomach and rolling slightly, "w-well I already punched you b-before, s-so maybe you sh-shouldn't have done that then, you f-fucking idiot!" I stuttered in my attempt to scold him. Adrian soon began to chuckle as he stood from his place on the floor, "guess that was a bit too much of me for you to handle," I glared at him for a moment, "you can sleep on the floor tonight." I grumbled, lifting the blankets over me as I turned my back to him, "oh come on, where's your heart?" he whined, "I lost it a long time ago, now shut up I'm gonna take a nap," I stated plainly, allowing my eyes to shut. I laid there for a solid ten minutes before I gave in, I had gotten used to it way too quickly, and now, I can't sleep without him, I let out a sigh that was followed by small chuckles behind me, "fine." I sighed, "get the hell up here." "you don't have to tell me twice!" Adrian chuckled happily as he climbed into bed with me, Adrian laid down on his left side before outstretching his arms as if he were trying to hug me, I rolled my eyes in an attempt to hide the smile that crept its way onto my face and quickly tucked my face into his chest, I gripped onto his shirt as he wrapped his arms around my waist as he pulled me into him. As we laid there I found myself listening to his heartbeat, for some reason it was oddly soothing, I listened to his heartbeat until I passed out.

I sat up in the bed, flinching a bit as I placed a hand on my stomach where I had previously been stabbed with a broken beer bottle, I looked around the room to find it to be almost pitch black, I felt around on the bed next to me but couldn't find Adrian, "Adrian?" my heart began racing as it grew silent, I frantically began glancing around the room in search for him, but to no avail, "Adrian!" I cried out once more before deciding to get out of the bed, the room was so dark I could barely see a foot ahead of me, I staggered my way across the room until I met the wall, I walked along the wall, finally finding the door, I twisted the handle but didn't open it, I had a sickening feeling and was completely frozen in fear, whatever was behind the door had terrified me before I had even looked at it, "w-what the hell?" I muttered as I was no longer frozen, well I was frozen in place, but my body was moving, I was shaking like a Nokia 3220, my heart felt as if it were about to jump out of my chest, I released the handle, leaving the door shut as I stepped back away from the door, "Silver~" I felt two large hands grab onto my shoulders from behind me as a deeper, yet still familiar voice cooed in my ear, "I've found you my little kitten, and it looks as if you've only gotten cuter~" I felt my eyes begin to well up with tears as a chuckle escaped his lips, "Adrian may have been able to save you then, but this time, I'll kill him before he even gets the chance~" my throat became dry, I began shaking again as I felt tears streamed down my face, "I'll be seeing you very soon my pet, I won't let anyone else have my birthday present~"

"...-ver, hey kid, wake up." I was woken by Adrian gently shaking me awake, he was leaned over me, softly caressing my left cheek, I looked up into his eyes, "hey... it's okay... you're okay... I'm right here," he said softly, after he did so I quickly pulled myself back into his chest as I began sobbing. "... well since there has been no word from her and the hospital wishes to discharge him today he'll be going with you for the time being," I rolled over onto my back as I listened to the conversation between the officer from earlier and Adrian, "that's perfectly fine, we'll be getting married in a couple of months anyway so I don't mind... I bet sleeping beauty over there doesn't mind either, right baby boy," I could hear the smirk on his face in the tone of his voice, I giggled a bit before opening my eyes and looking at the two, the officer was in shock, "how... how the hell could you tell that he was awake?" "oh, well when Silver here sleeps, he sleeps on his stomach or sides and when he wakes up, he rolls over onto his back, plus his breathing pattern changes too," the officer stared at him in disbelief for a moment, "w-well, I had some doubts about you too being a couple, let alone engaged, but this, I guess this just about proves it, I mean you treat each other like you're together, you sleep together, you're able to tell when the other wakes up, and I'm guessing if you're getting married you've had intercourse before," my eyes widened as the officer spoke, "oh yeah, I mean not here, he's way too loud for that, hell you should've seen how many people in the dorms filed noise complaints-" I felt my face heat up as I threw a book at Adrian, hitting him in the back of the head, "shut up, don't say shit like that!" I scolded, Adrian turned around and began to walk towards me with a grin on his face, "oh? and why's that? are you embarrassed my love?~" my face became all sorts of red as he grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head as he pushed me down onto the bed, "I'll give you two some privacy," the officer said as he quickly exited the room, shutting the door behind him, I felt Adrians warm and very wet tongue glide it's way from my shoulder to the side of my neck, "A-Adrian, he's gone you c-can stop now," I felt my stomach begin to tighten as he moved up to my ear, "it makes no difference to me whether he's in the room or not, I'd still fuck your brains out~" after speaking he returned to my neck where he began sucking and nibbling, I felt his free hand slip under my shirt as he trailed his fingertips up and down my side, just barely touching my skin, I tilted my head back and clenched my eyes shut as I let out a soft whimper, "you can tell me to stop whenever you want, and I will, I wont force you to do anything you don't want to do, okay?" he asked softly, his voice was laced with a caring tone that just melted me, I nodded in response, Adrian paused for a moment before continuing, he slid his hand farther up my shirt until he reached my upper chest, he pulled away from my neck and released my wrists as he yanked my shirt up over my head before immediately bringing his mouth back down to my neck and re-pinning my hands to the bed, I felt my stomach tightening more as he slid one of his thumbs under the waist band of my pants, once he did so I realized that I was hard as a fucking rock, Adrians hand began to slip into my pants, "w-wait- s-stop" I stuttered out, with that Adrian removed his hand from my pants as he sat up, "shit sorry, are you okay?" "y-yeah I'm fine, s-sorry..." "hey- hey, it's okay you don't have to apologize, kid, it's fine," Adrian ruffled my hair a bit, "come on, let's get that shirt of yours back on," he leaned over the side of the bed, snatching up my shirt as he leaned back up, "alright, arms up kid," I raised my arms as he slid my shirt back over me, "there ya go, now..." he smirked at me, "how bout we get you checked out of this place since you hate it here sooo much-" "yes!" I exclaimed as I attempted to jump up out of the bed, Adrian quickly grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back onto the bed, "you're gonna stay, right. here. until I get back, understood." Adrian stared into my eyes for a moment before I sighed, "alright fine," he grinned and leaned down towards my right ear, "good boy~" my face flushed once again as I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him as he tried to run out the door.