Chapter 16: To the Swamps of Slaughter (Part 1)

[Clock - 22:07 | 10:07 PM]

[Calendar - 21/01/2003]

[Location - Underground Cavern - Old Gotham, Gotham City, New Jersey]


Warning: Info Dump Ahead


Atlas finally figured it out. The reason his magic item crafting wasn't working and it would explode! The problem wasn't the method, the problem was the material. The quality of the material he was working with was sub-par, so when exposed to the strength of his magic, it was overwhelmed and exploded as a result! Once he figured that out- 5 minutes ago -he started thinking of a very obvious and very solid solution: If you can't make shit with shitty materials, get better materials! So, where would he get materials that are used to magic enough that they won't explode? The answer is pretty simple, actually: Slaughter Swamp! Why that place? Well, because of the tales of the people... they tell the tale of a man, a dead man that walks, called Solomon Grundy. Some say he was a very rich man in 1865, killed by the pregnant woman he was having an affair with after he tried to get rid of her and the "evidence" of his cheating, others say he was a gangstar in the 1920's that was killed by a rival gang and had his corpse thrown in the swamp, while others even say he is the personification of the swamp itself.

But Atlas? Well, Atlas simply was curious! He used his [Q&A] function and asked a simple question for the day-



Q: Is Solomon Grundy an Undead?

A: Solomon Grundy, real name Cyrus Gold, is categorized as a restless undead. He was ressurected by the magic of the Slaughter Swamp, an unnatural source of Necromantic Magics. As such, Solomon Grundy is more than a simple undead, he is the protector of the Slaughter Swamp and one of the Avatar of the Black, agent for the Parlament of Decay. Although, as a side effect of his ressurection being tied to the Slaughter Swamp, he cannot stay out of it for long periods of time.


'Well, this complicates things a bit...' Considering Slaughter Swamp is the closest place with magical material available, Atlas was a little bit bummed by the fact that he would have to fight the... Rot? 'What is the rot...' He paused for a moment and looked over his system through the [Search] function.


[Search: "The Rot" in the DC Universe.]

[What Are These Colors and What do They Mean? By Kalandros de Vebir] - DC Universe

[The Parliament of the Colors, What they Are, What they can Be, and What they once Were, By Guillermo the Amador] - DC Universe

[So, you've found out about the supernatural colors that aren't the Lantern Colors. What do? By Amelia ----] - DC Universe: "The Gay One"

[Why the fuck is the Ocean called "The Clear" and not "The Blue"!? An angry rant essay by Prince Sharon, of the Atlantic Empire] - DC Universe: Injustice

[I heard you likes death and decay? By Avatar of Death N°2567] - DCAU


And there were thousands of other books like these. Atlas smiled- this wasn't the first time he saw books that talked about any kind of thing in this world being written by someone like him- someone who has access to an internal mental library. Many of them have visited the DC Universe, and some even live in it still, from what he could see from these books... he wonders if there is any of them here with him? "Let's just read the first one." He opened the [What Are These Colors and What do They Mean? By Kalandros de Vebir] and started reading- it was surprisingly a short one, with basic introductions to all the different forces that these colors represent, and the ones that could be born depending on his actions or the actions of others... it was a rather... interesting book.

Here, take a look:


[What Are These Colors and What do They Mean?] By Kalandros de Vebir 

So! You're in the DC Universe, right? Otherwise, why would you be reading a book exclusively tied to the DC Universe? My condolences baby, you're in for a ride! At least there's comic book hot people. Anyway, let's get to the juice stuff, here's the rundown of the colors and what they mean- These colors are, actually, manifestations of the power of Gaea, Mother Earth. She is, quite literally, the center of the DC Universe, independently of which Universe you're in! These colors are the Green, the Red, the Blue (I refuse to call it the "Clear"), the White, the Orange, the Brown (I refuse to call it the "Melt"), the Gray, and the Black. There are others too, but they aren't named after colors, so I'll write about them later... Anyways! 

The Green 

Basically, the magical network of everything that is green and everything that is plant life. Ferns, grass, trees, algea, and other plant life has a connection to the Green no matter what. There are other people who have connections to these too, and you can also make a connection to this supernatural force if you wanna cool tree powers... careful not to get crazy like Poison Ivy. The Green is ruled over by the Parliament of Trees. Imagine Treants from Lord of the Rings! Just as misogynistic and annoying as fuck. Don't listen to them, they can fuck off. The Green is also, technically, a separate realm of existence, so you can go there physically and mentally. The Green is existent in the entirety of the DC Universe, but there are different Avatars for each Universe too. Like, in my universe, Bruce Wayne went on a hippie Thanos shot and collected connections to these colors like they were infinity stones! Sad he got killed, he was s fun guy and fucked like a truck! If you're in the DC Universe, fuck Bruce Wayne. Seriously. Oh, also, the Parliament of Trees is kinds genocidal to human life- i mean, don't really blame them. 

The Red 

If The Green is plant life, The Red is animal life. From ants, scorpions, spiders, to even whales and fucking dinosaurs! This is one of my favorite cosmic powers of the DC Universe, mostly because Beast Boy could turn into a horse. Regardless! Any hero or magician or whatever that gets power from animals and animal life, gets their power from The Red! Then there's the collective consciousness of The Red, they're callled the Parliament of Limbs (and besides the metal name) and they're cool beans and like to be pet in the belly, if you don't mind their Eldritch appearance. I still remember when Bruce became a champion for The Red... his horse cock could become a true horse cock. Anyway, don't really need much explaining- they're cool beans. If you meet them, act like a good person and they won't try to eat you! Much... 

The Blue 

Oooh~ This one is kinda freaky. I hate the sea, but The Blue is kinda cool. An endless dimension of pure water! There is nothing but water and more water- kinda like the Elemental Plane of Water in the Dungeons and Dragons Multiverse. Now that I think about it, they would love that place... anyway, The Blue is the same as the others, but for the sea. Don't ask me why they got it separated, but divorce between The Red and The Blue happened a long time ago and I don't have the sweet tea. This force is a unification of the water and the animals and anything that lives in the water, which is why Aquaman is pathetic like a wet cat- seriously, the man can't catch a break, gets clowned on by everyone. The Parliament for this one is called the Parliament of Waves, and I haven't met them so I don't know shit about them... but apparently one of them is a giant kraken, so that's cool. 

The White 

Simple: Elemental Plane of Air but DC edition. There's wind there. They're really boring, nothing much to say about them except that one of their little avatars tried to fuck me while being a cloud. Their Parliament is called Parliament of Vapors... sucks to suck I guess. 

The Orange 

Oooh~ This one is hot! The Orange is like all of the above, but for fire and flames. Think Elemental Plane of Fire but DC universe and without a place to touch the ground, only endless plasma, heat, flames, and other things like that! Their Avatars tend to be stars because living things don't handle heat pretty well... Their Parliament is called Parliament of Flames and if I'm not wrong Surtur and Prometheus were once a psrt of it too. Bruce managed to become an avatar in my universe, made him a thousand times hotter! Really miss him sometimes... for some reason, The Orange has beef with The Blue, don't know why but I am so curious about it. 

The Brown 

This one is really great too. Terra was one of the Avatars of The Brown in my universe- anyway, The Brown is like the others, but for the earth. At one point in time, The Brown and The Green used to be one, but once plants started to grow, they got a divorce... It turns out, sometimes, kids do break a marriage. The Brown is one of the oldest forces of the DC Universe, if you wanna learn secrets untold, the earth will tell you. They are pretty lonely, so if you make contact with them, they'll talk a lot! But beware, the earth sees time differently, you could send a message to them today and The Brown might answer a year or more after because they just heard it at that time, so the sooner you do it, the better! Please be sweet to the little Clay Elementals, they're the messengers of The Brown and they're fucking adorable. 

The Grey 

Okay, this one is kinda different. They don't reallt have a Parliament, because the Avatar is chosen to be the total authority over The Grey. They're all fungi- no, not "fun guys", they're kinda shitty... But, if you wanna eat mushrooms all the time, they're great! Fungi were the first ones on land, leaving the ocean through evolution, and the mycorrhizal network helps trees transfer nutrients in nature, which would make you think The Grey and The Green get along, right? But not really. They have an understanding going on between them, but they don't really like each other... Well, unless you somehow become a champion slash avatar for both of them, which would be a good first step to make them make up for shitty stuff. 

The Black 

And the last in the list of the colored... The Black is not really life friendly but they love everything alive- the majority of them, at least. They are the collective representation of Death in the universe, and they're also the undeath, which is kinds funny to me... Anyway, their Parliament is called the Parliament of Decay, and they're pretty chill most of the time. Kinda indifferent to others, but they're literally the representation of death, so they are allowed to be aloof and ignorant. But their Avatars usually have a need to kill or feed on dead (rotting) things, which is kinds weird... The Black, The Green, and The Red have a harmonious existence, if the harmony is broken, then shit is fucked! 

The Non-colored Ones 

These are the ones that aren't named after colors- and some that might happen in your universe if you're not careful. 

The Metal  

This one is like The Green, but for technology and computers. Think that internet dystopia thing from the Matrix movie (its bee a while since I watched it, okay!?) but alive and with shit inside. Normally, you need some sort of full dive equipment to access it, which connects all technology together and it's born from the actions of humanity- seriously, humanity sure is loved! Their Parliament is called The Rithm, and they're a bunch of nerds! They do have beef with The Green, but if you manage to make Bio-Machinery, they'll chill. The Metal, not The Green, they'll think its "an abomination that needs to be destroyed"... those assholles. And then there's the others- 

The Divided

The Void

The Dreamers



The list went on and on... and Atlas stopped reading for a moment to gather his thoughts. "It seems I'll have to send a message to The Brown..." After alll, Croc Kingdom will be underground! "Well, time to go to Slaughter Swamp to get some stones, wood, and more shit to make magic items with."

But for now, he will keep reading.