Chapter 23: Coming of the King (Part 2) [NSFW]

[Clock - 00:09 | 00:09 PM]

[Calendar - 12/02/2003]

[Location - Foundation Station Train, Croc Kingdom (Name Pending) - Old Gotham, Gotham City]


Warning! Warning!

Smut Ahead! Men kissing! Men doing lewder stuff, like holding hands before marriage. 

Expect the F slur to be used- but I'm gay, so I can use it. Some degradation, minor D/S, and other kinky stuff too.


Atlas was unable honestly surprised by how easily he was able to take it- he hadn't had a good and long look at it, but from what he could see it was a normal looking humanoid genitalia. Thick and long, sure, but mostly because Waylon is Huge with a capital H! Seriously, this big boy is big in all aspects. His head was pulled until he felt his nose touch the smooth skin of Waylon's crotch, and with a groan from the big croc himself, the hand on his hair tightened its hold and Atlas snapped back to reality to feel this long and warm thick rod pressing against the walls of his throat- The very first thing that he noticed was the soft heartbeat that would echo against his throat, the second was his jaw spread open in a way thay was humanly possible but very painful to pull off without extensive and thorough practice, and the third thing he noticed was the sharp and musky taste against his tongue, pressing against his lips, and down his throat. With wide eyes, he blinked as this soft sensation went through his spine for a split second before he realized- ah, right, he hasn't breathed in... 5 seconds now? He could hold for longer, but this was kinda uncomfortable-

"Shit, I thought you were a pretty little princess... Turns out you're a big whore, aren't you little guy? Pretending to be a pretty little boy so I can go easy on you, huh? Well, I thought you'd gag at least, but it seems like you're a professional..." Waylon sounded hot- oh fuck, add degradation to the list of 'Things I'm into and didn't realize until now'!

-and then his head was pulled back by his hair, slobber and this salty liquid that his mind easily recognized as precum started dripping from his open mouth and he panted, a little out of breath from suddenly having his airwaves locked by a foreign object that was... too big. "W-what...?" He looked at Waylon to see the big croc guy smirking at him like he had him all figured out, making him stutter: "Waylon, what's this...-"

"...I thought you'd like that weird acting thing porn actors do in bed?" Confused, Waylon placed his fingers on Atlas' chin and lifted it up so they were looking at each other's faces: "I saw you do your magic thing and then I tried to act like those porn actors- Y'know? You're a virgin kid, I thought you'd like that, since your only experience with sex is porn, right- Wait, you have watched porn, right?" He sounded smug through the majority of his explanation, almost like he was expecting Atlas to bend back- Okay, Atlas would definitely do that. "Shit, if you haven't watched porn then I guess I'll have to bring you some things after this... But after this, I'm not leaving until I can paint your guts white."

Realization blossomed like a flower grown on asphalt. "Oh... Uhm, you can continue?" Unsure of what else to say, Atlas motioned with his hand for Waylon to continue, and with a cocky grin, the crocodilian royalty man pulled his hair tight, earning him a surprised moan from Atlas, whose face went from a soft pink into a vermillion red when he heard his own voice. "Fuck..." Whispering with both a hint of pain and surprise at his own slutty moan, Atlas was even more surprised when Waylon simply let go of his hair and picked him up, twisting them around so he was lying down and Atlas was leaning against him, his hand soon falling on top of Waylon's dick as Atlas had to catch himself as to not fall at the sudden change of positions. Catching himself by grabbing a big dick was not something he expected to do, but hey, neither was being fucked by a big and strong... Okay, he has to stop focusing so much on Waylon's distracting hunky self before he starts drooling... Oh, maybe drooling isn't that bad: 'Oh boy...' Looking down at what he had on his hands, it sure felt like drooling was not a bad idea at all!

"So eager, heh?" With both hands behind his neck, Waylon leanes back and watched with a grin: "Go on then, slut, do your best to suck me dry- And if you're good enough at it, I might consider keeping you as a little cock sleeve, what'chu think? I bet you'd like that life, huh? Being a pretty little bitch, getting to sit on my cock all day every single day... What honor would that be for you, to be King Croc's cock sleeve." Okay, this shouldn't be as hot as it is to him, right? Is this a kink- this is definitely a kink that he is discovering right now and oh gods the noise he made when Waylon started speaking about him being his cock sleeve was not human, that noise was a rat! Yes, a rat. It did not come from him at all. "Go on, little faggot, have a taste of your king's dick. You're not backing down from this, so you better start sucking like a good little bitch- yeah, like that- Fuck, go down... yeah, lick the head too." Giving out pointers to him was also good, because Atlas was very clueless of what he was doing, but he was doing what he thought would feel good.

If you're a guy- independent of being gay, bi, pan, or whatever -you know what feels good. If you're somehow find yourself in a situation where you're getting forced to get a handjob from a virgin, and you have to select a guy or a girl, pick the guy.

Back to Atlas- he wasn't fully clueless of what a blowjob was supposed to be. He has written about it, but writing and doing are two separate things, but with his theoretical knowledge, enthusiasm, and the guidance of a the big dick himself, Atlas felt like he was doing pretty good! With no gag reflex, all he had to do was to breathe slowly through his nose before sinking down further and further, and the bitter and salty taste started to flow. 'Wait...' His fingers grasping the thick cock glowed a soft orange color as he casted [Prestidigitation]. Now, the things he could do with a cantrip were limited, but it was listed in the spell's description that it could be used to alter the flavor of something... Meaning? 'Much better...' Waylon's precum tasted no longer bitter and salty, but tasted like mint and strawberry bubblegum.

...what? Is there a rule written in the [Book of Sex and Magic - The Do's, Don'ts, and be Dones] where it says he can't use [Prestidigitation] to change the taste of precum...?

Don't answer that.

"-fuck, if you keep doing it like that, I'll burst before I even get to fuck your throat like the good little bitch you are." Blinking away the haze that seemed to try and grasp his mind, Atlas made eye contact with Waylon again, seeing live how Waylon reacted to his appearance right now. Lips wrapped around a big fat dick and with misty eyes, looking at him? Might as well let him fuck his throat already... not a bad idea? "Shit, little fag... Can I fuck your throat- shit, you look so good right now, I just wanna see you cry as I destroy your tight little throat, fuck, I wanna keep you so bad- Look how good you are, can't believe this is even your first time, damn! What talent you have."

Pulling his head back until the dick had left his mouth with a wet popping sound, Atlas had to use both hands to hold it still: "...I, uh..." Taking s few deep breaths, Atlas felt Waylon's clawed fingers on the back of his head and said a weak "Yeah" before he opened his mouth and aligned his throat- And Waylon was not merciful. He was brutal, in a moment Atlas was adjusting himself and in the next his head is being held tightly in place as his throat is abused- and, well, it didn't hurt or anything like that, it felt... weird. He could feel himself slipping away, but it was very slow and it felt like he was going to disassociate (he doesn't like doing that), so he refused to give in and kept himself conscious to enjoy the ride while it lasted- He felt time pass by, he felt the thick slobber and saliva drip from his chin to his... shirt? Oh, right, he hadn't even taken his clothes off yet.

Somehow, that made him feel even dirtier... Like, he was so needy that he hadn't even taken his clothes off before he was being used as a fleshlight for a royal big dick. He was aware when Waylon's hips started to stutter and a potent and thick liquid started to flow into his body. The force of the ejaculation was so much that some of his cum even spilled out of Atlas' mouth and nose, but the big croc was distracted by the biggest and best fucking orgasm of his life- He was seeing stars for a few seconds before his eyes gazed down and he saw the beautiful (and slightly seductive) sight of Atlas, his face covered in white cum and saliva, looking up at him. At one point of Waylon fucking thag tight little throat, he had flipped him around, so he had his back to the bed and his head over the edge so he could have an easier access to his throat. And as he looked down, he had never felt more aroused- He didn't have a long refractory period (refractory period is the time necessary between orgasms for the dick to get hard again, pretty basic porn shit), in fact, his refractory period was almost non-existent. In about half a minute, he could feel his erection coming back with the same (of not twice the) enthusiasm.

He had, after all, found someone that could take him! Do you know how hard (heh) it is to find someone that can take you, as a monster like him? No, as any person out there that has any degree of super strength, super speed, super endurance, or any other boost to their physical capabilities. But Atlas could not only take him at full power, he could endure it too- Waylon has only had sex with one person who was able to take him at full power before, and after about 5 minutes, she was all spent while he hadn't even cummed once! She was on the brink of passing out, and yet here is the boy he met on the sewer of Gotham , eyed wide open and looking at him with a mixture of arousal and something he couldn't truly pin point. He was panting, catching his breath, and Waylon felt this seed of pride grow within his chest- It was a weird sensation, but one he was happy with. "You ready for the main course, my eager, cute, adorable little bitch?" Waylon had easily noticed how Atlas liked being called names- it's always the weird ones that are freaky!

"...main course...?" He sounded winded, so Waylon decided to let him take a break for a few moments as he panted- he opened his palm wide open and a bunch of water started to pour into his mouth, he drank mouthfuls after mouthfuls. Waylon also got offered water, and he did drink it. After a five minutes or so, Atlas spoke once more: "...I use the lube now?"

"Well, yes, as you can see-" Waylon opened his hands to show him the rather sharp looking claws he had: "-I might cut you if I try."


"Good boy."

Waylon smirked when he saw him shiver- Oh, he knew the type, and he will admit, this is going to be fun.