Chapter 29: A Godly Meeting (Part 1)

[Clock - 17:13 | 05:13 PM]

[Calendar - 13/02/2003]

[Location - Croc Kingdom (Name Pending) - Old Gotham, Gotham City, New Jersey]


POV Change


"This..." Frowning, Atlas turned to look at Waylon- so, after their furious night of fornication and waking up on the same bed (or pieces of a bed, before Atlas used [Mending] all over it, of course) and sharing a small awkward moment where Atlas tried to hide his face only to have Waylon grin, was kinda embarrassing and yet oddly comfortable... and after spending the day teaching Waylon about his duties as king, they received the news -who was also frowning. "...this is going to change a lot of things." It happened a few hours ago, everyone in the world knew it by now, and they were getting the news at this delayed time because of the lack of reliable technology on the Croc Kingdom... At least technology that connected them to the outside world. Atlas has failed on that- he focused too much on magic, huh? But he hasn't even touched the tip of the iceberg yet, so he will keep going! '...Lonnie might need some work, so I guess I'll make use of the terrorist who also happens to be an anarchist that is living in a newborn empire... Oh goodie.'

"Shit... Batman, the blue boy scout, the big titty herself, green light guy, and the blur or whatever his name is- They're all together? Please tell me this is a one time thing and I won't have to deal with those guys too?" Atlas also frowned a little- The Justice League has probably been created today, and that is going to be a bit of a problem because they literally have a hidden kingdom beneath Gotham! And Atlas wants to hide this place as much as possible, so they can gather as many people, as much power as they possibly can. "'re making your thinking face, oh my Sobek, this is going to be a problem."

"My thinking face?" Confused, Atlas twisted around to look at Waylon- The big croc man was wearing his crown, looking unimpressed at his own hands as he pondered whatever he was pondering: "Well- I would bet my left testicle that this won't be the last time we see these heroes, and maybe even more heroes, joining forces to fight crime or whatever the fuck they do in their free time- Seriously, being a hero must be either the most free job, or the most boring." Rolling his eyes, Atlas flipped the page of the book within his mind as he read- reading, he needed to read more and more books because they were very important! "I reckon we need more information... I guess we need to take advantage of the fact that Batman isn't in town and gather the supplies we need to go hidden. Slowly gather the people for the kingdom."

"Why go into hiding, if you don't mind me asking, my Jester? Tell me, what are your thoughts and what wisdom do they bring?" With that same cocky tone of voice he whispered in when they were *cough* "wrestling" *cough* Waylon asked the question. Atlas could only lift his eyebrows as he looked at his king with "r u serious?" face (why was he speaking like that?), and seeing how his king kept the same stoic face, he added the name of a God to his list and prepared himself for a small lecture.

"Well, my king, there are a few thoughts in my head... We are weak. Sure, I am strong enough to defeat some opponents in single combat, but we need to think about our people-" Atlas floated softly from his chair as he easily casted [Fly] on himself, turning to face Waylon completely and looking at him with the utmost sincerity: "-we need to think about how our actions reflect in our people... I want more people to help us, nobles that will take on titles of importance, and those titles come responsibility to the kingdom and to you... I already have a few people in mind, and in fact, you might know a few of them..." Should he enact his plan right now? There are a few things that could be done before that, but why wait? It will take a while for her to come and visit, but then again, there is no rush right now. Sure, the threat of Batman to their little kingdom was a real one, but there a few things he can do to prevent Batman from ever finding out their home... He can buy time for the kingdom to grow if necessary. "But I believe we're not in a rush yet, there are some projects I will need to finish, and you? First things first, you're going to Sobek's Crocodile Farm, and you'll get used to being around them."

"...why?" Waylon raised one of his non-existent eyebrows.

"Because I said so- And it's good to establish the Kingdom's sacred animal as quickly as possible." Atlas smiled- mentally, he was sighing. The process of strengthening Waylon is going to start soon, and he'll need to be close to his divine siblings.

"...very well then." Waylon resigned for a moment: "...right now?"

"Right now." Atlas nodded- he had some things to do, and two new special buildings to finish. 6 Gods to be had here, and more things to do! He was very busy, and it's time to finish some things. "I need to do some things... I'll see you later." Without further ado, Atlas shyly turned around, kissed Waylon's snout, and vanished in a burst of blue smoke.

"Heh-" Waylon placed a hand right where Atlas had kissed him, and smirked: "-little brat."


[Clock: 02:48 | 02:48 AM]

[Data: 14/02/2003]

[Location: Croc Kingdom (Name Pending) - Old Gotham, Gotham City, New Jersey]

"...I think its time." He had just finished placing and enchanting the last bit of magic stone brick on the building before him, and with a deep breath, Atlas concentrated. Six monuments, six Gods, and six beings that he was seeking the ability of- he gathered his magic, weaving it into a net that was thrown over the entirety of Croc Kingdom, but no one was wiser of such a thing happening.

"[Temple of the Gods]"

A powerful presence instantly descended into the space that was conjured from the beyond- it was a small space when compared to the entirety of the Croc Kingdom, but the size was not important in this scenario. Atlas casted this spell because it would create the special place for the six gods he created six buildings for to appear, and one of them just descended to enter the extra space he created. The net of magic touched every single monument dedicated to the specific gods he was seeking. Atlas soon felt the other five presences materialize within the temple he created of magic, and with a smile he turned around, greeting them: "Welcome- God of Rivers, Crocodiles, Fertility, Military Power, and Pharaohs: Sobek, Goddess of Magic, the Cosmus, Stars, Knowledge, Beauty, and many other things: Isis, God of Creation and Patron Deity of Crafstmen, Sculptors, and Architects: Ptah, Goddess of the Sky, Fertility, Sex, Pharaohs, Beauty, Souls, and many other things: Hathor, Aspect of the God of the Sun Ra, Rebirth, Morning, and Hope: Khepri, and God of Wisdom, Magic, the Moon, Knowledge, Memory, Art, and many other things: Thoth."

Sobek was a huge and muscular man with the head of a big crocodile. He looked exactly like Waylon, but if he had taken steroids since birth! "Well met, consort of one of my descendants... It is rare for a mortal like you to hold such power, and to use it to make instead of destroy is even rarer... You have my interest, for this budding kingdom takes my sacred animal as part of it, and this is something beautiful." His voice sounded like the rumbling of thunder a great distance away, but he was a god so this isn't much of a surprise to him! ...he was also wearing crocs.

"Well met, powerful magician." The Goddess Isis was exactly like he depicted on the statue. She wore a dark veil that resembled the night sky with a thousand stars that hid her beautiful face away, but her eyes were still visible- Piercing and bright. "You have created a beautiful art piece of myself, and for that I thank you deeply... I cannot remember when was the last time someone made me a statue of such magnificent beauty and magic that I cannot fully understand..." Her voice was, however, like a howling wind- Loud and ever-present, expanding and contracting, like the sky above.

"Ah, and what master piece! I am still sad you haven't placed any beautiful sculptures on the halls of the home you've made for me! But I forgive you, that place is beautiful and magical, its been more than a thousand years since I've been worshipped with such beauty and respect in the form you've granted me!" Ptah, when compared to the other two gods, was a rather simple old man with a short beard. He was even wearing crocs! Oh, he must've gotten it from Sobek, because there was a little crocodile sticker on it. "So, tell me boy, why have you called us here?" He sounded like a wise old grandfather, ready to share his wisdom with his grandson.

"Please be patient, Ptah, we haven't all talked to him yet." With a soft and yet firm smile, Hathor turned to look at the man with the head of a scarab, before she sighed: "It's a pleasure to meet you, the one who has managed to ressurect the worship of me and those of my old Pantheon. It's good to see a Queen to a Pharaoh, even if a bit unorthodox and different of what I am used to." With this beautiful disk above her head, Hathor looked like a dark skinned beauty that you would only see in your dreams! Her long hair looked to be softer than silk, and her dress was made of threads of gold... The only different thing was that she was wearing these pink crocs with a crocodile sticker to them... Just like Sobek and Ptah.

"*scarab clicking noises*"

"..." Atlas simply looked at Khepri. Deadpan face as the man with the face of scarab clicking his pincers away in tap dancing sound.

"Ah, you must not understand him yet, huh? It will take a while." The next one to speak was the man with the head of an Ibis bird. His beak was a deep dark color while his neck and shoulders were covered in snow white feathers that looked pure and immaculate! "I am Thoth, but you already know that, of that I am sure... It is curious to see someone with knowledge I have not seen before, I am very curious about it... What Khepri was saying was "It is good to meet someone who has remembered me, even after sunset no longer meaning Apep will devour Ra", which is actually fascinating that Apep simply... stopped existing." It was truly a curious thing, is it not?

"Thank you, Gods and Goddesses... I have called you here because I have a dream. A dream of an empire that rises above the clouds, a dream of a king that is powerful, a dream where you all receive the worship that you deserve." Atlas smiled to all the Gods: "I have come to bargain... Sobek, I have a request to make, if I may?"

"Go ahead, I like you kid!"

"Please accept Waylon as your son. Make him your demigod."

"...listen, that takes a lot of time and power-"

"I'll bring back every pre-historic crocodile for you. Sarcosuchus, Deinosuchus, and any other pseudosuchians and even dinosaurs. "

"-done!" What? He wasn't here when those beautiful beings were around! Is it a crime to want them to be back!?

"Good." Atlas smiled- more things added to his list, and more things crossed off... time to see if he can cross off another one: "...What I seek from all of you is for you to be part of this kingdom. Become part of me, of my people, of my king- I want him to have the Strength of Sobek, the Wisdom of Thoth, the Endurance of Ptah, the Rebirth of Khepri, the Wings of Hathor, and the Magic of Isis... I want you to make Waylon Jones, my king, a new Shazam." He has chosen these 6 gods for a reason- and this was his reason! They were forgotten, thrown away, and now he is offering them new worshippers, a new champion, and a new kingdom to make their home.

There was only silence in that godly space- But Atlas had a good idea of what their answer would be.