Chapter 45: [Interlude] A Home (Part 3)

[Clock - ???]

[Calendar - 20/03/2003]

[Location - Fortress of the Glażar Family - Boundless Blue, Elemental Plane of Air]


'...I wanna go to the Cambrian period... Imagine all the stupid looking Sacabambaspis, the adorable Anomalocaris, and the terrifying 5 feet long Euryptids...' Atlas silently cried to himself as he kept a beautiful smile on his lips, his body floating along beside Iżvir Glażar and her son Żamgas Glażar, with Waylon and Sobek floating right beside him. Waylon had taken his hand as they floated together, much to his shy embarrassment as he kept speaking pleasantries to the polite giant woman: "And that was how we met." With a beautiful stringed story that he twisted to make sure Waylon came out as a hero ("He saved me. I was lost and alone, and he found me. In return, I offered to make him the happiest, strongest man I could and he accepted, so we've been together ever since... If he hadn't found me there, I don't know what would've happened to me... He's the reason I am who I am today, and for that I am forever grateful.") and good person, he also made himself seem like a little damsel in distress just for the sake of the conversation he was having with the lady of the house. She was polite and shared her own story as well! And, well, it was kinda cute too.

"That was a beautiful story." She said, her eyes filled with happiness and gushing about how cute they were together. She was, as it turns out, an energetic giant woman who loved everything to do with love, romance, and stories! She herself said thay she had a beautiful collection of books with the sappiest, most romantic stories ever! "It reminds me of how me and my beloved Gażas met- You see, back in the day, he had lost a terrifying bet against the worst giant ever- Amovir had cheated, and thus my husband was forced to serve him for 100 years, or until his demise. We met on the battlefield in a war against dragons and their servants, he was covered in blood and grime, and I had just saved his life. And that's how our first few meetings went- I saved his life, he saved my life, we saved each other's life... And then, we found out that Amovir was in cahoots with the dragons, and after a long trial to prove my now husband's innocence, Amovir was executed and my husband freed."

Atlas had the inkling that whoever Amovir was, he wasn't really in cahoots with any dragon. "That is a beautiful story as well, Lady Glażar." They were guided down another hall, this one shorter than the previous one, taking them directly to a massive and open space. There was a beautiful pale white tree with white leaves that adorned it like a snowy crown, white flowers dangled from dark gray vines, blossoming to greet the beautiful world and make it more beautiful with its own beauty. There was soft green grass around the soil of the tree, with mundane flowers blossoming as well- Atlas could easily recognize lilies, and a few wildflowers too. Atlas could also hear the soft sound of wind chimes echoing across the garden, as these small insects that resembled butterflies but with four wings flew around them, each having a different color to the other: "You have a beautiful garden, Lady Glażar, I'm afraid I am not very familiar with the white tree- might I enquire what is its name? Such a beautiful specifies." He was expecting that she would act like a noble woman and simply explain that it was her garden before calling a servant or something (he got that impression from them, that they were rich nobles), but no!

The giant woman smiled brighter after having her garden praised, and without even bothering to hide away her happiness, she replied: "Ah, finally someone who recognizes the beauty of nature properly!" To the side, Atlas saw the Żamgas boy sigh heavily as he looked like he was about to list to a lecture from her mother- This might have happened several times if the boy was apprehensive about whatever his mother was going to do. Much to break Atlas' expectations of the worse, she only spoke about the tree and the history of her family with the tree: "This is my beautiful Windtaker. Windtaker Trees grow rarely in the Boundless Blue, they're known to grow on clouds and enchante the air around them! They project a calming breeze that dissipates the thunderous and extremely destructive storms of the Boundless Blue and protects their territory, and even if a storm does happen, the Windtaker makes due its name and takes control of the winds and makes its territory the eye of the storm, making so nothing in its territory is destroyed." With a proud smile on her lips, the giant woman (Who, Atlas just noticed, wasn't even half the size of the tree) continued her explanation about the beauty that was the Windtaker Tree: "It is quite peaceful when storms happen because of this beautiful tree, and we've been protecting it ever since we moved to the Boundless Blue, about 230 years ago."

"Oh? That is wonderful. We're new to the Boundless Blue, but I have read about it- Tell me, Lady Glażar, is it true that Feather Dragons live in this realm? They're quite the formidable beings, I reckon?" Channeling his best polite nobleman, Atlas spoke as politely and enquiry as possible. He was ready to use every tool he had at his disposal, and he had to act like Waylon's wife too... Well, they don't know yet that Waylon is a King, but acting like a Queen doesn't hurt... right? H-he can act like a Queen, if i-it's necessary! Of course he wouldn't do it normally! He hasn't even daydreamed of doing something similar before! Who are you even talking about? He has no extremely homosexual gay gay homosexual thoughts about Waylon Jones - aka King Croc! Preposterous! "I always wanted to see a Feather Dragon. Oh- how rude of me, may I give you a gift, Lady Glażar?"

"Please, call me Iżvir, or Lady Iżvir if you feel more comfortable." As they approached another enormous door, Atlas had yet to see another giant- It seems he has judged these giants wrongly? Normally Cloud Giants were supposed to be, like, the nobles of Giantkind, right? Maybe they're just modest and don't have servants. "And oh, a gift you say? What kind of gift would that be?" She pushed the door open, and on the other side Atlas could see the biggest, most decorated great hall he has ever seen before! Giant tables with decorative carvings, chairs the size of a bus or maybe bigger, and with chalices of gold and silver with beautiful gemstones on them. "Ah, right, how rude of me- Welcome to our humble abode, travellers. This is the Great Hall of the Glażar Family."

"Well, first of all, thank you for inviting us to your beautiful home-" Placing a hand on his chest, Atlas smiled at the giant woman- he was truly thankful for her generosity, even though he expected to fight and maybe kill a giant today -before he extended his hand, a book slowly materializing and growing in size. When it was about the size of a car, it stopped growing. "-and have you ever read [Tusk Love]?"


POV Change

3rd Person POV

As it turns out, no- She hadn't! [Tusk Love] is a smut novel written by Matilda Merceria. It follows the "saucy" relationship between Oskar, a half-orc, and Guinevere, the daughter of a traveling merchant, after they meet on the Amber Road near Druvenlode. Though they initially cannot be together, for fear of their families' opinions of the relationship, it ends with them happily in love! So, a classical forbidden romance with tons of smut too, which seemed to be right on par with the lady of the house. Lady Iżvir was enamored with the book the moment she began reading it, and she was quite taken aback by chapter 2 of the novel too.

"Oh- Oh my! C-can you do that? Oh, I never thought this would be possible!" She exclaimed, her face covered a soft pink color as her blushing intensified. She was reading chapter 4 probably? The smut scene of this chapter is pretty spicy! Even Atlas, who has no interest in women, found himself questioning why that book was so fucking spicy! "...Gażas, we have to try this." Turning to look at her beloved husband, Iżvir smiled brightly.

Sitting by the "head" seat, the lord of the house kept a plastic smile on his face- He was tall, taller than Iżvir herself by maybe an entire head, and he was quite the muscle man as well! His pale white hair was long, reaching his shoulders as he tied it, and his scars covered his entire neck, shoulders, and arms. He was a seasoned warrior, that much was very obvious! "Iżvir, my love, please do not read such books on the dinner table-" He turned to look at the open pages of the book, slowly reading the few setences before his eyes widened and a bit of food fell on his beard as his jaw almost dropped to the floor: "-Oh my gods, that is spicy! How is that possible- Oh, no, I see it. Huh, I never even thought of using it like that-" He paused for a moment, looking back at the lecherous look his wife was giving him before he sighed... Well, it seems like he will need to be prepared for this new found sex position, huh? Damn you, Matilda Merceria! "...I apologize, my guests, for ignoring you all."

"Oh, please, don't feel like you need to entertain us-" Because you're doing that just by speaking to your wife about doing sex in a very risky position right on the dinner table and that is entertaining enough "-It is simply enough for us to observe your beautiful abode." Atlas smiled as politely as he could, trying not to laugh at the way Iżvir seemed to love the idea of trying the new ideas that she was getting from the book: "...I also have other books from Matilda Merceria. Would you like to take a look at [The Devil's In-Fearne-o]? [Under the Tendrils of Uk'otoah]? [Shadowgast: Beacon of Betrayal]? I have some of them, but sadly not them all." He had found himself someone that enjoyed books as much as he did, which was what made it even more amusing to him when she turned out to be a degenerate like him that loved to read smut! I mean, he visibly remembers reading pretty hardcore smut right in front of his father- 'Huh?' He could remember this? That's kinda surprising. He focused a bit more, trying to remember his father's face- DON'TTURNOFFTHELIFESUPPORT -but he couldn't?


Regardless, of his thoughts, Waylon was both feeling amused, but also a bit bored. He was amused because he could watch this scene unfold, but bored because he wanted to gamble! He wanted to play with the giants or something like that- Atlas did promise (Note: Atlas did not promise anythin) him they would have fun! And their gambling gaming fun hasn't even started. "[...Wife, hey wife, when is the gambling starting? You told me there would be gambling.]"

"[Calm your gambling addicted ass down.]" Atlas regrets ever telling Waylon about the Cloud Giants and their gambling habits. I mean, Waylon didn't have a huge gambling addiction, but he did like gambling a bit- But it seems he has started to grow impatient! "[...P-please, not in front of them!]" Struggling to keep a polite smile on his lips as he felt Waylon's rough fingers push inside him with a impressive ease as Atlas' hole welcomed him inside like a long lost friend. (What can he say? ...he has gotten used to it)

"[Heh- Hurry, then.]" Atlas heard Waylon's voice whisper in his mind as those thick fingers of his pushed against his prostate once, twice, thrice, almost making him moan: "[I might find this here much more... Interesting.]" With that, he curled his fingers and moved them in a circular motion against Atlas' prostate-

"Ah!" Disguising his soft moan as a "ah, I remembered something!", Atlas got up from his seat beside Waylon (floating, of course) as he said: "I almost forgot... We were hoping to start a match of the Gambling Games?"

Immediately, the atmosphere changed.

"...Very well."

Oh, this will be fun!