Chapter 51: Let there be Life (Part 3)

[Clock - 17:44 | 05:44 PM]

[Calendar - 01/04/2003]

[Location - Beastialis Kingdom - Old Gotham, Gotham City, New Jersey ]


POV Change

Atlas - Queen of Beasts POV

Atlas floated above the destroyed remnants of Gotham- it was so fucking destroyed! His eyes widened as he stared at the broken city below him. His floating body could be seen from below Old Gotham, from up here he could see Waylon alongside a few other people helping get the fallen debris off of the street. "It seems I helped..." Old Gotham, or at least the region which made up the Beastialis Kingdom. Atlas could see from up there that in the distance, at least half of Gotham was either on fire or something really big was burning! "Better act now..." He sighed and pointed his fingers down before he drew a straight line forward with them, continuing to cast [Wall of Stone] to make a perfect wall to separate them from the outside world. At the same time, he could see these vines and roots grow over the walls at an extremely rapid pace before thorns exploded out of them, turning the defensive wall into a thorny wall. Beneath him, the Lady of the Immaculate Garden, Pamela, was holding onto a black scorpion made out of stardust as Isis also aided her in the task Atlas gave her. They were to completely create a defensive wall around their kingdom before even thinking of rescuing more people! They rose from the depths of Gotham to protect and save the people of Old Gotham first before opening their doors to the rest of Gotham.

It was a risky move to expose themselves to the whole world right now, but Atlas had the semblance of a plan to get the UN to recognize Beastialis Kingdom as a proper nation. Although in the world he comes from it is not like this, in this universe the UN has the governmental "clout" to accept nations, which practically makes them accepted nations of earth! Atlas was pretty aware that the UN has not recognized Paradise Island as a nation, nor Atlantis, even though it is a world wide nation! They first need to solidify their rule upon the territory they have taken- this is no longer USA's lands, and therefore they're up for grabs! Atlas understood the way Waylon saw the opportunity to grab the land in which their kingdom stayed so nobody else could. And now they need to get as many people as they can to make their home a proper kingdom. "Pamela, dear, you okay?" Atlas noticed how the growth of plants was slowing down, he turned to look at Pamela with a bit of worry- he didn't want to push her as she was still growing into her powers as she regained her freedom from The Green. "Don't push yourself too much!" Atlas looked over at the green skinned lady with worry clear in his eyes, because there was a small chance that perhaps something bad might happen and she could get back into the control of The Green, and then Atlas would have to wage an Interdimensional war against the metaphysical embodiment of plant life. He'll do it, if it means that Pamela is completely free from those fucking seaweeds.

"I'm fine." A little out of breath, Pamela nodded- The strain on her face was soft but it was still there, Atlas nodded regardless before casting a simple [Greater Restoration] to make sure she wasn't exhausted. As this wave of bright blue ligjt flowed through her body, Pamela made eye contact with Atlas as he smiled, a llittle confused she just whispered: "...thank you?" She also touched her cheeks for a moment, the wave of magical energy removed the bags beneath her eyes and made her revitalized of energy and with the courage to face the world. "Thank you." She said once more, this time smiling.

Which just made Atlas smile as well and nod before he floated away and continued to do what he has been doing for the majority of the afternoom after taking care of the seriously injured people that they rescued. Atlas and Waylon has a minor discussion about the pros and cons of allowing everyone from the outside world join their empire, which was something Atlas could see more cons than pros, but Waylon was adamant that they become a beacon of light for all those who are lost... Basically, he wants to make their kingdom the equivalent of a giant foster home. 'Which is fine, I mean, what better way to run a kingdom than to make it an utopia?' Atlas thought- he already had many ideas and thoughts about the criteria of how to allow people to join the Beastialis Kingdom (future empire), because Atlas is a paranoid bastard (courtesy of having the knowledge of Batman) and wants to remedy a problem that is yet to become one. No better way to make sure something doesn't become a problem, just make sure it never has the chance to! Spies would be a problem to deal with later, when they're better established and already a powerful nation, but for now he can only think about it.

"Love!" Shouting his pet name at the top of his mighty lungs and getting everyone's attention (and making Atlas blush, because he was sure everyone knew they were together at this point) including Atlas's, Waylon floated up towards him. It was an amazing sight to see how the powers of the gods were slowly seeping into his soul now that he was a Demigod. His onyx colored scales reflected the sun's light as it set in the horizon, making Atlas sigh softly as he noticed that a heavy day was coming to an end and that a probably even heavier night was coming- In Gotham, whem the sun sets, crime rises. "The walls have been completed and we've closed off every entrance outside of the main entrance. Everyone is helping clear the streets, and the... corpses have been preserved, as you requested- Are you gonna do that crazy ritual thing you wanted to do to drive up worship to the gods? I mean, pops did say it'd drive up the worship like crazy if successful." The thing Waylon was speaking of was a rather opportunistic outlook of this whole situation. You see, Atlas wanted to drive up the worship of the gods of Beastialis because that would also accelerate Waylon's road to power. He has been able to use partially some aspects of the gods like he was doing now, to fly with his massive reptilian wings that made him float so effortlessly as they flapped. He even used the Wisdom of Thoth a few times to come up with ideas to resolve some problems they were having, and that was incredible.

"I believe it is for the best..." Atlas was going to do something incredibly powerful and incredibly stupid that might cause one of the big Ds of the universe to notice him, more specifically the big sister herself - Death. "Is everyone ready to witness it? If so, then take everyone deep down the Beastialis Kingdom, right in the middle of the town place all the corpses down." Giving his last instructions to Waylon, Atlas softly kissed his snout before he left and looked up at the sky... He had read a book recently, a book titled [The Big Ds of DC: Who are they? What do they do? What do they want? What do they eat? All your answers answered here! by the D-Story-er] that had a detailed explanation of the big Ds of DC, who they were and what they did. And one of them actually hated him already, mostly because of the [Endless Library] that lived inside his head...

The Endless. They are described in the book he read as a somewhat dysfunctional family of seven siblings who each represent an aspect of the universe: Dream, Death, Destiny, Despair, Desire, Delirium and Destruction. They were born out of natural processes, Dream represents the aspects of reality and how bendable it is, Death represents the ultimate end and the beginning of everything for death is also life, Destiny represents all the endless roads that lead to the end, Despair represents the dark thoughts and fears of everything, Desire represents the want of everything for more and their power to change the world around them, Delirium represents the change of mentality and the doubt that comes with it, ever changing and ever different, and Destruction represents the creation of everything and their inevitable destruction. These beings are all powerful in their domains, and one of the things that Atlas is willing to do is to overstep his boundaries with them- Death is definitely the strongest of the siblings, seeing as they are all born of Night (Mistery) and Time (Inevitability), but Death was the first one born. Destiny already hated him- It was written in the [The Big Ds of DC: Who are they? What do they do? What do they want? What do they eat? All your answers answered here! by the D-Story-er] that Destiny hates all those whose destiny he cannot read or change, and he cannot do that to the ones who have the [Endless Library] with them. So Atlas was completely immune to anything that Destiny can do to him, which made the cosmical bitch grumpy as fuck.

And now? Now he's gonna cause mass ressurection and possibly piss off Death. But he doesn't care about that... why? Because of a simple phrase written in the end of the book, a simple warning that said if you ever met Death and pissed her off, you should offer her a deal to solve the riddle that has plagued the endless siblings for as long as they've known each other... A riddle that was unknown to them: Why did Delight become Delirium? And the answer came in the form of another riddle.


Once happy, she learned.

That the truth of all is earned.

When the end meets the start.

Everything is torn apart.

When Despair feels Delight.

Only Delirium is left behind.

She learns the truths of all.

She couldn't hold it, dropped the ball.

And found herself sick of it.

And then, everything just click.

Oh no, oh shucks, it was too late.

She had no way to change her fate.

The end of all has found her now.

Her mind scrambled, inside out.

And to become anew again.

She must return to now, not then.


It was a rather... interesting riddle, but that the author of the book explained that it was linked to why Delight became Delirium. It hinted that Delight learned about a truth, a truth that caused her to feel Despair, and that changed her to Delirium. This was the key to get Death off of his back if it was necessary.

"...which will probably be." Sighing heavily, Atlas sank into the ground as he phased right through, casting [Etherealness] on himself to turn into something akin to a ghost. He floated above the Beastialis Kingdom soon enough, and there stood his people, all in the center of the kingdom. Atlas descended from above, his clothes immediately changed into pale white robes as casted [Disguise Self] to make himself look like he was wearing clothes. "Citizens of Beastialis." Calling out to his people, Atlas moved to float right above the many corpses of the dead innocents who died in this freak accident (because it was caused by a little fucking freak), he opened his arms- there was this soft blue mist that emanated from him as he casted [Temple of the Gods] to bring forth the more powerful forms of the gods of Beastialis: "Witness this miracle. Provided by the gods that we worship. Witness this act of divinity."

The gods did their parts. They lifted their hands as their humanoid forms materialized from behind Atlas, these titans of semi transparent energy of different colors, with Sobek, Hathor, Khepri, Ptah, Isis, and even Bastet. 

"For this is Beastialis." 

Atlas casted [Mass Ressurection]