[Book 2] Chapter 01: Ascension Festival (Part 1)

[Clock - 11:33 | 11:33 AM]

[Calendar - 05/05/2010]

[Location - Beastialis Empire - Skypelago, Menagerie Island, Central Region]

Warning: Info Dump ahead! Lore drop too :3


Book 2: Skypelago Empire


POV Change

3rd Person POV

Children of various different physical appearances ran through the crowd of different people. Some had scales in their skin, some had animal characteristics, and some just had a different skin tone that would be seen as unnatural in a normal human society. Blue, green, grey, orange, yellow, and other tones too! Floating alongside them were these small little creatures, adorable and excited to be playing with the children, Flumph pups. Along the streets, you could rarely see someone with a bigger, an adult version of a Flumph. A flumph's body is shaped like a flat saucer with a diameter of 2 feet (61 centimeters), slightly larger than a human from shoulder to shoulder, and between 3 to 4 inches (7.6 to 10 centimeters) thick at their center, about as thick as a human arm. The thickness tapered to about 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) at the edge of the saucer. Their bodies are hollow, with a small circular hole at the center of their topside. They have a pair of 6‑inch-long (15‑centimeter) eyestalks on either side of the central hole, as well as numerous tentacles and small spikes that grow from the underside. These special little guys are psionic in nature, and feed off of psionic energy that the brain of sapient being naturally produce, and with their hive mind they can communicate telepathically to any other of their species in the blink of an eye.

They're also extremely adorable and good little fellas.

A shadow flew above as this massive blue whale floated in the air, a ring of blue water surrounded it and bubbles of water surrounded the heads of the passengers alongside other important body parts too. In the streets, these enormous crocodiles walked with saddles of them, carrying excited children with their parents who couldn't help but smile as well. Poles of wood and metal held to ribbons and threads with thousands of colorful triangular little flags that decorated the streets, magical glitter fluttered in the wind as small little fairies flew around and gifted children small candies- The ground shook as in a + shaped crossroad, two red lights appeared in the west and east sides as this massive Mammoth beast walked through, with the crowd parting and giving way for it to walk. A small grove of children hanged from the beast's fur, decorating it with beautiful flowers by tying it in braids. A vendor smiled in his cart, handing off this long stick with all sorts of meats and vegetables to a smiling cat-like child who ran to his father, a massive lion humanoid with this enormous and vibrant vermillion red mane.

Similar scenes were happening all around the streets, with children being encased in these enormous bubbles that lifted off in the air with them- this particular attraction was manned by this large and regal looking Owl-like humanoid with pale white feathers and a massive pair of wings, ready to catch the children as they laughed and flew inside bubbles of soap. Massive tree-like humanoids stepped carefully through the streets, many blossoming with flowers, and a few beautiful lady Ents had their canopy blossoming like a cherry tree, which was the recent fashion! A massive bull-like humanoid held out his hand and behind him this small herd of smaller versions of him stopped- before them a big Deinosucchus passed by, and the children above the enormous crocodile's back waved their hands as they passed by. The Homo Beastialis Bos simply huffed, a small smile on his lips as he turned to look at his little ones- a herd of 15 children, all looking exactly like him, the oldest being 5 years old while the youngest being born a momth ago.

There was music playing- violins, cellos, flutes, and other instruments that created this harmony that sounded a lot like folk music. There was dance- a group of teenagers, a few human looking individuals and a few Homo Beastialis Felinae (Cats) and Leporidae (Rabbits) danced together in a little group, with a few children joining in too. Frolicking and having fun. There was magic, there was food, and there was fun.

Humanoids with the lower half of fishes, dolphins floated on the streets with their heads submerged within bubbles of water while shark humanoids walked normally across the streets. These were both aquatic Homo Beastialis and refugees from Atlantis... a civil war happened. The war didn't last long, but now these people have no place back in Atlantis when they can leave in the Aquarium Island, where they don't have the risk of being prosecuted and killed because they looked like a Homo Beastialis.

But such thoughts had no place here, because you can think of death and destruction later! 

Welcome, to the Festival of the Day of Ascension!

7 Years ago, the Empress of Beasts had risen the Empire from the ashes of destroyed world. This was a story well known in the entire Empire, in the entire Skypelago of Beastialis, where the majority of the citizens were Homo Beastialis, Homo Metas, or Homo Magis. This is the place where all the rejected, the undesired, and the lost find home- The entire Skypelago of the Beastialis Empire flies above the leylines of the world in tandem, known colloquially as the Blood Vessels of Gaea, these pathways follow a route that is easily traceable by the many powers of this world. Due to the pathways being the leylines, they end up flying above places of concentrated magic, and this further aided the empire to be established and known as the Menagerie of Magic by the magical community. All the 9 islands of the Beastialis Empire Skypelago are incredibly protected by [Bubble] spells that are virtually impenetrable by mundane technology of thr 21st century, with a few notable differences being atomic weapons and weapons designed by damage a kryptonian, the only difference was that the barriers created by the [Bubble] spell recovered way faster than those weapons could cause damage.

Small rats wearing various styles of clothing rushed by the streets, thousands or even millions of them were present today, all to celebrate a very important date with an even more important event for the day! These little rats were either working or enjoying their free time, and those who were working did so diligently because they were all excited for today- Oh, right, you don't know! Today is the day the Contessa of Cheese mamarries! Cinderelli was her name, and she was the most beautiful rat, a competition was held a year ago where the winner was given a chance to know her, and today she was getting married to him. His name was Cornet, the new Count of Cheese.

Walking along the bustling streets, riding a gorgeous Black Panther and being followed by several cats, the Guardian of Felines easily made the crowd part. She was none other than Selina Kyle, one of the many members of the Council of Beasts, and floating right beside her shoulder was one of the few Flumphs that lived in the Beastialis Empire Skypelago. As her mount, the beautiful Black Panther known as Xiclu, moved through the streets, she smiled at every child that waved in her direction and gave candy to others that approached her, because she was a public figure that was very loved! All members of the Council of Beasts are very loved by their peers, and everyone adores both the emperor and the empress. As Selina stopped her mount to watch as the enormous Sarchosuchus walked through the street, she couldn't help but admire all that the Empress brought to life. Animals that were long gone in the history of earth were easily found here, being used as mounts, pets and companions, and a few even being part of the Imperial Guard to serve the Emperor and Empress as does the Council of Beasts. On the Monster Island, one of the 8 islands that surround Menagerie, various monstrous beasts and animals grow wild. An echosystem that was artificially create to allow for monsters to roam free, to not only grant them a life but also to be hunting grounds for the Hunters, but also a place where the students of both the Ankuh's Royal Knight Academy and the Learning Palace of Thoth could get some combat experience.

Ankuh was the Egyptian God of War that was attracted to Beastialis, and he took the form of a peacock. He was also the god of warriors, which made all the Royal Guards also be his worshippers in a way! But the truth was a bit darker than you might think... After all, when a God gets left in a jar for too long, he can be changed into whatever you want him to be. And the fact that Ankuh died a long, long time ago also left the vacuum space for Ares to be molded into the Egyptian God of War and Hunting, who was much more chill than Ares ever was. And, well, why would the Greek Pantheon miss the God they have been dismissing for so long and that has been causing so much trouble for them? Ares died and Ankuh was reborn through his death, becoming the new God of War that served the Beastialis Empire.

"[Mistress, you have received a message from the Empress.]" The floating little Flumph known as Mr. Odin broke her out of her thoughts— Learning the truth always put the knowledge you previously had to perspective, and she had no idea that Gods were even real before she met Atlas, the Empress: "[He says: "Hey, Selina, remember the little paper I gave you about a week ago? Yeah, you can read it now! But remember, don't dismiss it like Robbie did before, I had to ressurect a lot of people that time." He also has sent a few mental images, if you'd like me to relay them to you?]" It was still weird to hear the Empress' voice going directly to her head through the little floating disk of pseudopods and love. These little guys have become part of the Beastialis Empire and everyone from the Council of Beasts loves these little buddies a lot.

"[Please tell him: "I am going to read it now, Empress. Do not worry, I shall not ignore whatever this paper says... I still can't believe you can see the future."]" With that message sent, Selina neevously looked at the paper that was given to her by Atlas, who instructed her to not open it or read it until he told her to, which she was about to do... Recently (And by recently she means four years ago), the Empress started to act a little weirder than normal, which caused the Emperor to ask what his beloved was doing... That led to Empress explaining that he could see the future now and was messing around to try and understand the power he had, and that was it. A year after that, the Empress warned Robbie that something was going to happen but he couldn't explain or give detailed explanation as what was going to happen, instead he gave him a paper with instructions to avoid disaster and warned him not to read it too early.

Robbie ignored his advice and read the paper.

What happened was that one of the Empire's worst accidents, where hundreds were harmed and a few died. Having learned their lesson, everyone would always follow the Empress' instructions, no matter how ridiculous, because they could change a disastrous outcome from happening.

As she unfurled the paper given to her, she read:

[Clock: 12:03

Location: Isis Fountain, Menagerie Island, Center Region, Skypelago of the Beastialis Empire.

Date: 05/05/2010

Instructions: Comfort the small Homo Beastialis Carnivora Canidae Canis Lupus. Male, 6 years old, a little adorable fucking pup. His name is Lup. He is lost and doesn't know where his parents are, find them and reunite them.

If the child is not found, rip thih paper.]

"...this is simple." She closed the paper and folded it back before putting it in her pocket. She smiled and patted her panther before guiding him towards the direction she wanted him to go. Little did she know that if she didn't do that, thousands would have died that day. Because the pup, Lup, had anxiety and would have gone through such stress that it would awaken both his Meta Genus and his Magi Genus, resulting in a powerful explosion that would have killed him and thousands of other children.

But that's a future that won't happen.


And we're back, folks! Some lore answers:

The reason there's so many kids is because Sobek blessed the empire, which increased the Fertility... And you know the rest.

Atlantis civil war was on the fact that the leaders of the "Pure Blood Atlantis" movement learned that the was an empire of "beasts", and that made them even more hostile to the Atlantians that show animal characteristics. The civil war lasted for two years (2004 - 2006), and that has exposed some of the nobles of Atlantis too, making them lose their power.

There are 9 islands in the Beastialis Empire Skypelago.

Menagerie Island - Central Island (used to be Gotham)

Verdant Island

Frozen Tundra Island

Desert Island

Swamp Island

Reverse Island

Monster Island

Aquarium Island

Trading Center Island

You can guess what each are or do.