[Book 2] Chapter 14 [Interlude]: Project Skyfall (Part 2)

[Clock - ??:?? | ??:?? PM]

[Calendar - 21/06/2010]

[Location - Beastialis Empire - Skyland Isolatus, Boundless Blue | Elemental Plane of Air]


3rd Person POV




As far as the eyes could see, there was endless blue and azure colors of several hues that blended into one another so perfectly that the artists that volunteered to this expansion expedition wanted to drop everything and just try to capture the sensation the Boundless Blue was giving them at first sight. The soft breeze of the wind brushing against their faces, the soft scents of clean air, and the sweet sensation of having their lungs cleaned by a mysterious force was so intoxicating that all volunteers (every single 50 of them) were enamored with the place. Floating above them was the Empress and the Emperor, alongside them was the previous owner of the island they stepped on, the one and only Master of the Skies aka Marchosia Ventus, Mr. Breeze. His humanoid form faded into whisps of white clouds before they condensed and exploded outwards, revealing the Feather Dragon in all his glorious draconic form. With shiny white-silver feathers and a bright yellow beak, the proud yet friendly Dragon stretched out his wings and took flight.

Immediately, his young follow suit.

Unlike a few species of dragons who raise their young together, Feather Dragons lean into Paternal Care. The fathers are the ones that raise their little ones all alone, or so would be if it wasn't for the assistance of the Empress- Marchosia was really overwhelmed as a first time father, but he loves his little ones a lot, spending a lot of time with them and only asking Atlas to take care of them when he is busy. The majority of his theater crew were well acquainted with his kids, many even becoming loving caretakers whenever they were around the stage, even participating in a few of the plays and becoming little actors and actresses themselves. But as he watched them take flight and follow him around, he couldn't help but smile and feel a lot more proud of them than he felt when they spoke their first words- being a parent os truly weird. The joys and woes of parenting were becoming more and more present on his day to day life as these children grow, and he is afraid of the future but also very excited about it too.

"Welcome to Skyland Isolatus!" Speaking in English- it was much easier to learn this language than he first thought, being a rather flawed and simple one -Marchosia said: "So, does this look good for the expansion of the Beastialis Empire?" He truly didn't understand completely why the Empress Atlas wanted to expand the empire to the Boundless Blue, aka the Elemental Plane of Air, but the way he acted was like he was preparing... Well, you don't question seers! Everyone who can see the future is scary, and he doesn't want to offend them! He already respected the Empress a lot when they first met (mostly because he was really good at flying) but when he found out that he could also see the future? That was just a bonus! "The island is great, right? It took me a while to properly set the island up to be good enough to attract a mate, but I managed." It had taken him a long time to change and shape the floating island to become this wonderful floating paradise in the endless skies of the Boundless Blue, and soon enough he attracted the attention of another Feather Dragon, and then they mated, she stayed for a month to lay the eggs before she flew away and never returned.

"This is a wonderful island, Ventus." Looking around, Atlas could easily see the markings of the island- it was about 30 square kilometers island, which is the equivalent to 7413 acres, which is the equivalent to 11 square miles. The island was beautiful, but it also had rooted trees with pale grey to bright green barks, beautiful flowers spread all around and a rather large central pool of water that seemed to flow and shape itself in a circular ever flowing movement: "I see you have even taken a small swirl from the Elemental Plane of Water, huh? I guess this could also become an anchoring portal to the Bottomless Deep..." It certainly felt like a small portal to the Elemental Plane of Water, which was impressive in and of itself, considering the fact that Marchosia Ventus managed to get a big island that escaped from the Elemental Plane of Earth, also known as The Anvil, and he also managed to add a lake tied to the Elemental Plane of Water, also known as the Bottomless Deep. This is very rare and hard to do, if you do not have great magical prowess like Atlas has. "It is very impressive-"

"-Holy Sobek, is that a coconut tree!?" Ah, of course, the Emperor would ignore all the rare magical phenomena and everything else around him to focus on the most random of things. He was looking at this enormous (and rather impressive) coconut tree... Huh, weird? Where did he even get this tree?

Soon enough, Atlas started the construction of the emergency exit for the Beastialis Empire once Darkseid invades. Better be prepared for it, else the worst might happen. The citizens will be sent to this second floating empire, so they won't be at risk of being attacked or having their wills overwritten by the Anti-Life Equation.

"Well, coconut tree aside-" Atlas ignored Waylon, who trying to eat a coconut whole by biting down on it: "-this place is perfect. Thank you, Ventus."

The big dragon nodded while everyone ignored the Emperor choking on a coconut.


[Clock - 20:27 | 08:27 PM]

[Calendar - 19/07/2010]

[Location - Salem, Massachusetts - Tower of Fate, Top Floor (Battlement) of the Tower]

Time Skip - 29 Days


There was a soft breeze in the air. Silence dominated the space as the clouds darkened. Two entities stood, staring at each other's faces. One was hidden behind a helmet of pure gold, while the other was wearing a mask of cold indifference. "Fate." A single voice echoed out as Atlas stared into the golden glowing eyes of the person who once was his student- beneath them was the corpse of the man once known as Doctor Fate, Kate Nelson himself, and beside him was the kid that Adam was complaining to him about- he sent him a complete and detailed complaint about how stupid this Wally kid was for not believing in magic when he was surrounded by it -who looked up at him with tears in his eyes. "Release my student." He warned the stubborn spirit of the Lord of Order: "Or I will bring chaos into this world."

"Foolish man!" The Lord of Order spoke- it was an imperfect mixture between Adam's voice and another otherworldly voice that seemed to echo out of the helmet. This golden ankh symbol appeared behind the floating body of Doctor Fate, who continued: "The child put on the helmet out of his own free will! He is now my host, and I will not allow you to threaten me with such foolish threats!" The ankh flew towards him, phasing through Doctor Fate's body and immediately hitting Atlas- only to shatter into a thousand pieces. Angrily, Doctor Fate raised his hands and various blasts of golden energy shot out of his hands like bullets, but they found no purchase on thejr target as they- like the ankh -simplt shattered into harmless sparkles the moment they touched Atlas' skin. "Ahk H'enik Ovha Meron- Kalmarry!" Shouting in a language Atlas immediately learned, Doctor Fate shot out towards him golden lighting, right out of the tip of his fingers-


-but that lightning simply unraveled itself into motes of harmless light, dissipating into the atmosphere with the sound of a simple pop. Static electricity danced around in the air, almost like they were inside a thunderstorm, before the electricity gathered around the Empress' fingertips- In a similar fashion, a bolt of lightning shot out of his hands. But, instead of having a golden coloration, it had a pale silver-white coloration, a truly beautiful color. The lightning bolt, even with an incredible speed, was stopped by this golden shimmering barrier of energy that was formed before Doctor Fate faster than an eye could blink. The lightning splashed everywhere, not having its strength reduced one bit, and as a split bolt was about to hit Wally, a dark shadow covered him- "Love, watch the kid!" A deep, guttural and honestly quite intimidating voice spoke from above him. When Wally blinked and looked up, all he could see was what he could only describe as a dragon man. He had seen him in the picture Adam had shown The Team, but to see the Emperor of Beastialis was something that was fascinating- he wanted to ask the guy what kind of alien he was, but that might sound slightly racist, so he decided to not say anything and stay behind him instead!

"Sorry, love." The Empress answered, a ball of energy gathering in his hands and twirling like a vortex- the energy crackled and it was about to take the form of electricity, only for it to flatten out into a disk and fire towards Doctor Fate. The disk unraveled into thousands of thin threads of energy, and a net was thrown towards Doctor Fate- But with a swish of the his hands, the net that was sent towards the possessing piece of shit that is that helmet tore itself several thousand copies of itself, wrapping around the arms, fingers, legs, neck, and overall the entire body of the possessed Adam. "I just need a few moments to destroy this fucking helmet..." The threads of energy that were holding onto Doctor Fate immediately tightened around him and they glowed. Waves and waves of energy exploded out in a bright silver glow. The net of energy seemed to glow golden as Doctor Fate tried to resist, but the golden light was drowned out by the silver light of Atlas' magic. "Stubborn bitch!" With a rush of power, a bright white silver light exploded out- And when it faded, Adam fell from the sky.

Wally reacted faster than his thoughts could: "Adam!" In a blur, his body moved and he jumped- caught Adam mid-air, and landed. He easily landed, feeling the weight of the stubborn boy that saved him, and feeling guilty as fuck. "Fuck- I'm sorry!" He felt like crying when everything caught up to him- When Red Tornado gave them the new mission about Kent Nelson, Doctor Fate, and how he had been missing for a long while- He never truly believed in magic, and even when it was right in his face, he refused to believe it. He has experienced a lot by Adam's mischievous (read: annoying) magical hands, in which he has driven him insane and hasn't allowed him to get away with nothing, always teasing and probing him at every second. And that was when he remembered Kent's last words to him: "Find your own little spitfire, one who won't let you get away with nothin'. For example, that boy- What? Don't look at me like that! Just 'cause I'm old, that doesn't mean I can't learn about a few things-" okay, not helping, brain!

"Well, quite eager to hold the damnsel in distress aren't you now, prince charming?" A snickering voice reminded Wally of where he was- he turned to look at the two beings that Adam adored and basically glorified at every conceivable opportunity. Emperor and Empress of the first and only floating Empire... Beastialis. "Can't wait to tease that stubborn kid about it- oh, you think Flash's kid want some advice, love?"

"What kind of advice could you possibly give, Waylon?" Atlas ruthlessly said: "You suck at romance."

Without missing a beat, Waylon answered: "And you swallow."

...Wally just took a few steps back, not wanting to be there for that conversation.