[Book 2] Chapter 18: More than 6 (Part 1)

[Clock - 13:13 | 13:13 PM]

[Calendar - 20/07/2010]

[Location - Beastialis Empire - Skypelago, Menagerie Island, Central Region]



Adam Begala - Electric Light POV


"I belive in magic now, please help me!" Wally shouted at the top of his lungs as he looked down, panic in his eyes. He was surrounded by this paper thin bubble of soap that was miraculously holding him mid air, the same soap bubble that he himself created using soap that was given to him, and that he tested to make sure it was 100% pure soap and there were no other chemicals that could potentially make it strong enough to hold the weight of a human body. He did this all because he was a little shit and told Mr. Stithi that he didn't believe that the bubbles he made were strong enough to hold a human body and that he must be using some sort of chemical to make the bubble strong enough to hold a human body's weight. "I belive in magic now! Get me out of here! Please!" He was panicking because the bubble has risen 65 feet and he was still going up.


"Don't worry, you're doin' good!" Adam chuckled, as the man beside him cackled out to Wally above them. Looking beside him, where Mr. Stithi was looking up at Wally too, both grinning. Well, only Adam had a visible grin because Mr. Stithi had a beak! His bright white feathers were shaking softly as he chuckled, and Tyto, Mr. Stithi's Awakened Owl friend was also laughing out loud. "We will get you once you truly belive in magic, kiddo!" Before coming to the Beastialis Empire, Mr. Stithi was part of the military from India, and he had lost both his legs. He was lucky to survive the plane fall when his plane simply stopped working mid-air, and maybe it was destiny that when he arrived at Beastialis and soon volunteered to take the Awakening Serum when it was first perfected 7 years ago he transformed into a Were Snowy Owl, or if you wanna be scientific about it and very specific, he became a Homo Beastialis Aves Strigiformes Strigidae Bubo Scandiacus. A mouthful just to say "WereSnow-Owl"


His friend, however, was an Awakened Snowy Owl himself! Tyto became his friend after an event that happened right at the beginning of Beastialis that was so insignificant that most forgot about it.


The US attacked the Beastialis Empire!


They sent these highly advanced jets to "test the waters" so to say, and it did absolutely nothing! Well, besides of course, the Empress going ham on the US by teleporting to the White House and threatening the president with severe magical harm... At that time, the Empress was not satisfied with the tentative and fragile peace Beastialis had achieved with the United States, so he created the White Feathers! A group of specially trained Awakened Birds that would act as spies! And Mr. Stithi was once the leader of such group, the new leader was unknown to him because he didn't really care about keeping up that group now that he had nothing to do with it, but for his work he was given a good work where he had to do something basic every now and then, having a lot of time and peace for himself. His owl friend decided to also retire - and they were allowed to do such because of the huge secret that they found together, a secret that saved the Beastialis Empire from the Light.


The Light is a council comprised of self-proclaimed enlightened assholes that think they're better than everyone else in the world whose primary goal is to precipitate mankind's next evolutionary step, thus placing it on the center stage of the cosmos... Or so they claim to each other. After finding out the identity of each member of The Light, the Empress simply had each and every single one of them observed for a while... Until, of course, they were either caught or ordered to abandon their position and return to Beastialis. Stithi was one of the few that was able to return, the others had to be rescued by the Empress himself, which resulted in the first clash between Beastialis and The Light that resulted in a portion of Brasilia, Brazil, exploding. Well, it's a long story, so to keep it short, Brazil was being secretly invaded because of the secret sanctuary for The Green in the Amazon Forest that The Light wanted to use to do something.


The Empress stopped them from doing whatever they were doing, got to the Amazon Forest, saved The Green and made the Lady of the Immaculate Garden the Queen of the Green, which is a historical event that is taught to any who wished to hear, with some facts twisted to make sure The Light is seen as the villains.


"I can catch you if you fall, Wally!" Adam couldn't help but feel both exasperated and frustated, mostly because no matter what he did to Wally, he'd always try to find a scientific explanation for whatever it was that was happening, associating his magical powers with technology that he "carried around" or a use of his Meta Powers... Which was ridiculous and flattering sometimes. You think I can lift more than a ton with my Meta Powers instead of having to sacrifice one third of my entire energy to ritualistically cast an empowered version of the [Levitate] spell? Oh, so you're saying I now have some sort of Anti-Gravity technology with me that I carry around, technology which my country is hiding away from the world? Make up your damn mind, Wally! Sighing a little at the rather frustrating memories of Wally's stubbornness, Adam couldn't help but be glad that Wally was now "starting to believe". "...I mean, there is the Feather Fall Wards that activate whenever someone is in danger and falling from a high place, so if you believe in magic, you don't have to worry about getting hurt!"


The glare he got was more than worth it.



3rd Person POV


[Clock - 13:45 | 01:45 PM]

[Calendar - 20/07/2010]

[Location - Beastialis Empire - Skypelago, Menagerie Island, Central Region, Pyramid Palace of Cycles]


Weaving the thread of magic before his hands, one of Atlas' many minds watched over each visitor, with Adam having his little moment with Fast Boy he wanted to keep an eye other the others to make sure they weren't doing anything that could endanger his citizens. His hands glowed a soft silver-white coloration as he weaved these threads of magic into a beautiful coat. It was meant to be a gift for Adam when he graduated from the Learning Palace of Thoth and embarked in his own magical adventures, as a means of protecting him from magical threats, but it seems he needs it right now! He was planning on giving this to Adam when he had grown more used to his powers and had established a proper magical discipline, but seeing the dangers he was going to face in the future, Atlas decided to simply give it to him now and prepare something else for his future graduation ceremony. Atlas was just readjusting a few enchantments, and for that he had to peer through the magic used to create the coat itself, unwavering it completely before putting it back together.


And he can do that easily.


Sitting beside him was Waylon, who was working with his claws. Ever since he got the Magic of Isis, he began working on the most powerful magic he could cast and that was Aprotopaic Magic, also known as Defensive Magic, or Warding Magic. A solemnly defensive type of magic that banishes evil, creates barriers, and purifies magic! Thanks to Sobek being a Divine and Waylon being his Demigod, Waylon could channel Divine Magic and make his magic extremely effective against Demons and Chaos Lords. The three factors that stop any Chaos Lord from fucking with Beastialis is the Wards that each island has that is made to counteract them that were created by Waylon, the Gods that defend Beastialis with their might, and Atlas.


They were fucking scared of him - terrified even.


Waylon was practicing carving a few runes on some wood- his claws dug into the wood like a hot knife throw butter, there was barely any resistance at all -when he felt it. He paused for a moment and gave a weird look to Atlas: "Hey, love... Do you feel that?" He shook his entire body, his black scales seemed to click together and make this soft finger snapping sound as Waylon got tense and ready to fight: "It feels like Divine energy... It is so fucking familiar, but it's not ones I know-" He paused, realization seemed to catch up to him and run him over like a train. With wide eyes, his hand reached out and touched Atlas' stomach. It was a bit bigger than before, he looked like he had grown a gut, but it was soft and cute to the touch. When his rough leathery skin touched his husband's stomach he almost wept.


Waves of Divine energy seemed to pour out. Six of them.


"They're... talking to me." Waylon realized what those waves of energy were, and as the tears fell from his eyes, he knew. He knew exactly what they were saying even though there were no words, only sensations and emotions: "They're calling for me... They're calling their dad."


"Well, aren't you gonna answer?" Atlas chuckled- He ignored the wet sensation drooling down his cheeks, a smile on his lips as he touched Waylon's hand on his stomach -the rough black scales were warm to the touch, and as he kissed Waylon's arm he couldn't help but tease him a little bit: "Go on. Your children are calling for you, daddy." He grinned when Waylon seemed to snap out of his thoughts when he was called "daddy" in a non-sexual way... It felt weird? Oh no. He has to come up with something other than daddy to call Waylon or else it'll be weird. "Okay, need to find another sexual thing to call you, daddy won't cut anymore. It'll be weird to hear our children call you daddy when only I've been calling you that while you rail me against any flat surface, and sometimes not in any surface at all..."


"...I wasn't even thinking of that, and now I feel dirty in a not sexy way." Waylon shuttered for a moment- Okay, he can find something else that Atlas can call him besides that word! He stopped for a moment as realization downed on him, he was being a bit slow because he just got overwhelmed with the Divine Presence of his children, who definitely are either going to be one quarter gods or Demigods themselves because of the sheer strength of his divine genes. "...Fuck, okay, I guess it'll be weird to be called daddy after we have kids." He'll either have to get used to being called that in a non-sexual way, or he'll have to find another word for his kids to call him. "What about da? Or dada? Or maybe pa? Or maybe papa? Papa- That's good enough for me."


"...And I'm gonna be called motherMommyMater? Momma? I mean, I'm already called Empress and don't really mind that." Shrugging, Atlas watched as Waylon's hand glowed a soft golden coloration, and felt tiny waves of energy from within him that were of foreign nature respond. Immediately, his [All Tongue] translated and allowed him to learn this "language" of energy... And he almost wept. "Oh, that's so cute..." It was like hearing his children's voices before they were even born. He could tell by each of their divine energies which was which and who was who... "Well, Waylon, it seems like we're having a bit more than just six."


The reason they thought they were having six, is because two energies were so intertwined that it felt like one.


One of the eggs had a twin.