[Book 2] Chapter 20: More than 6 (Part 3)

[Clock - 18:55 | 06:55 PM]

[Calendar - 20/07/2010]

[Location - Beastialis Empire, Skypelago, Menagerie Island, Central Region, Pyramid Palace of Cycles, Empress'/Emperor's Main Room]


3rd Person POV

So, uhm, laying egg? Not that easy.

"Push, love-"

Although he had used magic to try and stretch his own body's muscles and bones to give way to the big fucking eggs he was laying- seriously, they were the size of an ostrich's egg. How the fuck was this thing inside him? -something he failed to consider was that:

1: His children were a mixture of him and Waylon, birthed from divine magic.

2: If something can wrong, it will go wrong in the worst way possible at the worst time.

With these two things mixed together, you get the biggest "fuck you" Atlas has ever seen in his life! Because you see, the eggs could absorb magic. So whenever he tried to cast his [Transmutation] spells to allow himself a window to breathe and lay the eggs more easily, the eggs would easily suck up the magic from his body the moment he casted it. And, afraid of consequences for the little babies that were absorbing magic (too much magic has consequences), he made the hard decision of not using magic and have a naturally painful birth... It was that or risk giving his babies magical cancer, and there's no way he would ever do something like that!


"If you tell me to "push" one more time, I will push my hand into you chest, rip out your heart, and feed it to our children."


Waylon, wisely- Thoth felt like his wisdom saved someone today... -made the decision to take a step back and simply smile to his Empress, allowing himself to silently panic. Holy shit, normaly he'd think that was hot, but the sheer intense stare that he got alongside the deep demonic voice was enough to rattle his bones! "Uuuhhh... Oh, I can see one!" Because of the suddenness of the birth, Atlas teleported them both to their main room, the room they slept in every single night. They have been here for a while now while the midwife- Miss Nora Fries, High Priestess of Khepri -prepared a tonic that would help the Empress heal afterwards.

You see, birth is very powerful. I mean, you're literally bringing new life unto this world, so it had several magical and esoteric qualities! Natural birth was not only a literal birth but also the "birth" of powerful life energy. The pain and the blood were a sacrifice from the mother to the child, and with these two factors, Atlas could cast a really powerful spell that would bless his children by literally paying the price in blood and pain. Waylon also joined in, his teeth dug deep into his own flesh and bone, and he allowed his blood to flow freely into Atlas' large belly as the eggs within slowly but surely moved out of the anal cavity. Their shells were black, deep dark black and it momentarily looked like Atlas was shitting void droplets- Okay, his mind thinks random thoughts when he's in deep pain? "You, fucking, little shits!" In pain, Atlas really thought he would shit himself- like many women do in childbirth, a really natural process -and in a way, he was, but the feeling he felt was the very first egg leaving him. There was a momentary sigh of relief followed by more pain, although he was properly and easily stretched beyond his natural and normal human limits. Sure, his body was enchanted by his magic- how do you think he's surviving laying these eggs otherwise!? But, still, such a thing had a limit!

Like being ripped apart from the inside out for 2 hours straight without any sort of relief.

"Love, I know you're gonna hate me for saying this, but you gotta push- They're coming out already, I can see more of them!" Waylon winced when- yep, he felt that! Usually, with his Endurance of Ptah, he was able to easily shrugg off various painful and otherwise deadly dangers to his livelihood... But apparently "Angry husband giving birth to my eggs after I magically impregnated him because I am son of Sobek aka a Demigod" wasn't on that list... Weird, right? That's, like, the most normal thing ever! That happens every Saturday- The Demigod impregnating people, not him impregnating Atlas... Although that would be awesome. The more children the merrier, right? He can already imagine, a baker's dozen... Thirteen children running around, holding swords, slaying monsters and playing with other kids... He can imagine them graduating from either magical or knight school ready to take on the world... He got so lost for a moment that he forgot everything! Where was he again?

"AAAARGH- I SWEAR TO  SOBEK , WAYLON, I WILL RIP YOUR DICK OUT YOU !#@%!×+_/>;•■°€`¥~₩`♤°£°■`£•♤○♤&^@^@/+/×^#&"

Oh, right, his beloved laying eggs!

It took a little while, but in... 7 hours and 37 minutes, 6 beautiful black eggs stood before them. Immediately upon laying the last one, bleeding and tired, Atlas dragged his fingers across their black and shiny surface, writing out their names. The names that he and Waylon chose for their children!

"Exal." He wrote across one of the eggs- Upon muttering the name, the blood glowed a bright yellow-gold light, bathing the egg in a warm light. It was bright enough to shine through the egg, showing the world the embryo within the egg... It was beautiful. "Exaltant child, devoted lover of beauty, golden blood of divine, and beloved daughter... First born." Describing everything he could feel from his daughter's soul, Atlas finished writing within own blood around the egg, each word once again, glowing the same yellow-golden color.

"Devon." This time, the one to speak was Waylon. He dragged his bloodied finger across the eggshell of his first son- His eyes glowing a bright and pure white light, just like the blood upon the shell as he wrote and spoke: "First born son, second born child, devoted to peace and light... Life bright and pure, destined to great wonders of the soul." With his last word, the whole egg was shining white! The void black eggshell faded away, being replaced by this pure and transparent glass-like barrier of pure magic that protected the embryo inside... They could all see the embryo within, it was beautiful because his scales were growing, and they were completely white. Atlas could also feel a familiar magic coming from Devon, and that was his own... His son had the same magical soul, it seems.

"King." The next egg was bathed in their blood his hand, splashing all the blood they could gather. It was necessary, for this child's destiny and soul was a bloodthirsty one! "Child of blood. Representing the endless cycle of life and death, creation and destruction, you are destined to be a child that will impact history and shake nations... Your very being is going to become a monumental piece of history. Birth kingdoms, and raze them to the ground." Although it sounded ominous as fuck, Atlas knew deep within that this son- King -would never harm his family. His soul was a bloodthirsty one, it reeked of Divinity born from his husband's taste for good fights. The egg turned a bright red color, almost like it was made of pure, crystallized blood.

"Quinn." This time, Waylon did not write down the name in the shell of the egg, but instead drew this weird and beautiful sign. An arrow that split into three arrows, each end with three different "heads". The left one being this long needle-like pointy end, the middle one being this dark and jagged saw-like end, and the right one being this blunt round end. Almost as if possessed, hundreds of different voices spoke through Waylon's mouth as he channeled his magic: "Wild soul you have, my daughter, and a beautiful one too... Three sides of the same coin. The sharp end, Destiny. The tortuous end, Love. The undamaged end, Mercy... You bring three sides, and yet you're one, a curious descendant and a peculiar Triple Goddess. Diana, Hecate, Tridevi, Kuan Yin... We have another one, huh?" Those voices were voices neither recognized, but both knew- They were the voices of the many, many deceased and long gone Children of Sobek. They have manifested before, but only in the afterlife that was created for them by Atlas, which was where the majority of believers in the Faith of Beastialis would end up on, where they can chill and party for the rest of eternity... or for however long eternity lasts.

Atlas, this time, swirled the blood around the next egg- as the egg floated, the blood simply began writing thousands upon hundreds of thousands of letters in various languages! "Many names, many names you want... But you'll have to settle for one, Neo." From the Greek word for "new" or "young", Atlas knew very well how this one's soul reacted... It wanted everything, it wanted to learn, it wanted to be everything and everywhere. "Heh, you little spazz..." Snickering a little, Atlas began to weave the spell he and Waylon have been weaving in their children: "Soul of wonder and curiosity, burdened with the beauty of ignorance and the horrors of knowledge, with a thirst for wonder and a hunger for desire, you are wild and inspired by the world... Your light will bring forth the revolution of creation itself, where even Gods will be inspired by your voice of creativity and love." With a final push of magic, the eggshell surrounding Neo's egg began to crack, revealing this floating embryo surrounded by... nothing at all. Well, until you tried to reach out for it, that is when your hand will touch an invisible eggshell that protects the embryo but allows you to see it.

He had a still developing thrid eye in his forehead. Although developing, Atlas knew, deep within, it would be a bright emerald green eye!

Looking at the last egg, the one with the twins, Waylon and Atlas touched them at the same time. Their magic intertwined with love for their children, love for each other, and love for their nation. Their magic twirled, their blood mixed, and each began speaking about one child-



Two similar names, but somehow, they felt different- they were so different that they almost felt like they were... opposites. One dull and colorless, the other bright and colorful. One soft and fluffy, the other harsh and hard. One talked about love for life, the other cried for the beauty of death.

"...son of beauty, desire for delight, singing voice of the spring, flowers bathe upon your existence and bloom at your command-"

"Great daughter of oblivion and devotion, wailing voice of withering winter and desparing ends, nature dies within your presence so it may grow again the next spring-"

"You bring life upon this world, so death may have something to remember."

"You bring death upon this world, so life may have something to create."

""You balance each other.""

The magic in the egg illuminated two embryos within it- One full of joy and life, other with dread and death. Both loved, both alive, and both destined for great things.

"You protect-"

"-each other."

Finishing the last portion of the long ritualistic spell the they have been casting ever since Atlas first started laying these damn eggs, magic blossomed. It took upon each weaved magic spell in each egg and made this beautiful, colorful, and intricately designed net that seemed to shimmer and shift with sheer power. Gold, light, blood, destiny, love, mercy, curiosity and creativity, life and death.

Divinities, these were divinites.

Even if young and not developed, like their father, they were Demigods. They had the blood of Sobek, and as such, they were... divine in nature! Atlas, tired and just recovering from a long and arduous spell- seriously, 7 hours of laying eggs? At least his children are protected for as long as he lives -that he and Waylon had just finished casting, he closed his eyes to sleep while his beloved husband held to the six eggs, seven babies, four boys and three girls...

Oh, their lives have gotten much, much more interesting.


Author Notes:

Hello one and all to another chapter of- MY DEPRESSION DIDN'T WIN TODAY.

I mean, yes I laid in bed for more than a week without moving or feeling like I wanted to do anything but breathe. Yes I do suffer from Vitamin D(ick) deficiency... What do you mean I have to "touch grass"? I'm allergic to sunlight, okay!?

I also dislike garlic... and crosses- I'm not a religious guy! Van Helsing also dislikes me for some reason, I don't know why, but I love Hugh Jackman to death, he is a DILF.

In other words- I might be back, bitches. Idk, I'm tired of being alive still, but I managed to write  so here- Have this.

Also, for the full experience, read this at Questionable Questing. There's shining and colorful letters there ;3