[Extra] Different Lives

[Clock - 09:33 | 09:33 PM]

[Calendar - 09/02/1940]

[Location - Gotham Sewers, Gotham City]


3rd Person POV

A dark shadow rushed through the murky waters. The natural darkness of Gotham seemed to seep even into the very sewers of the place, making them... worse than normal sewers, somehow. With black mold, green slime, and bacteria that could melt flesh and eat brains, this was not a place for the weak of heart or immune system! Which is the perfect place for him, since nobody comes down here and he can stay safely hidden from the world from above. His physiology was more than enough to safely protect him from any external and internal dangers that come with living in the sewers of Gotham... Except, of course, for the hunger! He has been craving food for so long down here that he is going insane- Back at the carnival, he was at least fed daily, even if the food wasn't enough to keep him satiated or healthy... Surely, a few scraps of meat and bones weren't enough, but they kept him alive, and down here he feels like he's dying!

His hunger is so heavy that... he considered giving up.

That is the life of one tall crocodile teen. At age 18, Waylon Jones has just escaped his captors- you see, at the age of 5 he started to show these big and ugly scales all over his body, making everyone see him as some kind of demon or monster. His normal dark skin was covered with dark green scales that made him look like a humanoid crocodile, so people would constantly call him Croc Boy and even throw rocks at him. His mother, sick of him, sold him off to the first person that would buy a "monster"...

A circus.

They called themselves a wonderful place of entertainment, but it was more of a... title, really. Their name was the [Freaks and Frights Carnival], a place where you could pay to come and see weird people and monstrosities never seen before! And, well, he was one of them! He was one of the many attractions there to be seen, poked, and made fun of. He was ridiculed many times, with children daring each other to "go poke the weird croc thing in the cage" as a mean of proving their courage to one another... And such was his life from age 7 to 18, when he kinda... snapped. As you might have already figured out, his life wasn't exactly good in that place, and he has many bad memories of such a horrible place. He slept in a cage most night, with only a cloth covering the bars that kept him from seeing the outside world. Said cage was dragged behind other carriers and cars, and he was sometimes forced to do manual labor too, because how else would he eat? If he didn't help, he was also whipped by the Lion Tamer, who was this big guy who loved to bully and push him around.

And one day- that day being today, and that time being more or less 3 hours ago -he snapped.

He doesn't remember exactly what happened. He got angry, really angry inside his cell, when that guy came. He lifted the cloth used to keep his cage a dark place ("Freaks like you don't need to be seen by everyone, we keep the cloth because otherwise people would be scared of you, kid." Dean Davis once said), and then... He, uhm, he tried something. He tried to do something to him that makes Waylon feel cold and afraid, and he almost succeeded too.

He was stronger, he was taller, and he was heavier.

But he didn't have a guillotine for a mouth.

A single bite and a pull, and Waylon's entire face was bathed in blood. He swallowed the man's flesh and he... he didn't feel hungry at that time. This is what scared him: He ate another human, and he didn't feel bad about it- he felt good. He was scared shitless of that, because he could feel himself becoming a monster! And right now, he was running away from... something? It was this mass of weird green flesh that scared him shitless, and Waylon, being the useless little coward that he knew himself to be, ran away with his tail between his legs.


He barely managed to escape the sewers by crawling upwards and pushing the a manhole steel cover lid, barely pushing it back down as the mass of green goo and flesh tried to crawl after him. Whatever it was, was weaker than him, even when he is a malnourished 18 year old crocodile guy! Panting heavily, Waylon didn't even notice... Oh no, he left the sewers! Thankfully it was nighttime, or else-

"Huh, never thought I'd see that." A voice, a voice of someone he didn't realize was there when he escaped the sewers, running for his life.

-oh fuck. Oh no, oh no, oh no! Oh shit, what does he do!? Act though, act though as scared them! That usually works, right? I mean, whenever people tried to poke him with sticks and other things, he'd act hissy, and they'd run away! So, Waylon turned to stare at the origin of the voice, only to see a weird guy with a kid hiding behind him: "You need help, friend? There's blood on your face."

"It's not my blood!" Waylon growled, his throat doing that vibration and a hiss of aggressive warning escaped his lips: "Leave me alone, or else yours will join it too!"

"Yeah kid, you don't scare me- You look like you could fall at any moment now!" As the man stepped forward, Waylon noticed... golden skin? "You're not the only weird one here." At that moment, the man smiled and his golden skin turned into golden scales, much like his own scaled skin: "So, I believe I can help you...?"

"...Waylon." Nervously, Waylon looked at the guy who suddenly transformed into a version or something similar to him: "Waylon Jones..."

"I'm Grabiel. Gabriel Genesis... But you can call me Elixir."


[Clock - 00:03 | 00:03 PM]

[Date - 25/12/2027]

[Location - The Narrows, Gotham City]

3rd Person POV

Not many knew how bad life was when you lived in the streets. Growing up in the streets was a hard experience that, sadly, many kids of his age had to adapt to at the time- no matter how many times Bruce Wayne had tried to take children out of the streets by spreading his whole free shit around. The truth is that as long as there is dick and there is pussy, there will be children! And where there is children-

"We found one, Boss!"

-there will always be opportunity for the wicked to have their ways.

"Let me go, you fuckin' goddamn-" The teen couldn't even squirm before a punch to his guts made him lose all the air in his lungs. Right to his solax plexus with enough strength to knock an adult out, but all it did was to make him mad. Adam's body charged with pure white-blue lightning, his eyes glowed brightly as he screamed: "-FUCK! OFF!" His scream was accompanied by a huge blast of pure electric energy strong enough to push all the men holding him back by several meters, even killing the ones who were holding him back: "Don't you fucking touch me-" he couldn't even finish his sentence as a dart bullet with bright red puffy back hit his neck, making him pause: "-what...?" His voice grew suddenly weak and his eyes closed, soon enough, his body fell to the ground.

"Damn, kid's got more power than thought." A raspy voice chuckled from the radio, and the only member of the group who wasn't hit by a blast of electric energy sighed and rolled his eyes as the voice in the radio continued speaking: "Heh, you know Cap'tan, we could always have some little fun with the brat before we sell 'im to that crazy Waller woman for her whole weird experiment with freaks like 'im... Whaddaya say? Tie 'im to an electric chair and see which one fries first?" The sadistic chuckle that soon followed made Darius Alamos, known as Captain Alamos by his troupe, a bit exasperated. He knew that Robbie was a sick fuck, but he was good at hjs job.

"We're not torturing a kid, Robbie." Alamos could feel the sheer weight of his position in the United States Army press him down even more. Just looking at the broken concrete of the buildings around him, the sheer darkness from the gray cloudy sky above, and the lack of lights from the buildings made him think back about the days the sun still shined and the world still had hope... Before Darkseid, that is. "All we'll do is get the kid back to Waller and she can make him into one of her many little experiments... Hopefully she can make one strong enough to get back our home."

"We're already doomed, Cap'tan... This place is hell, and we're the demons now. Why not have some fun while we're burnin'?" The same tone, the same phrase, the same way it was said... It was almost like a mantra for Robbie by this point. But Alamos keeps him... Sane isn't the word... Controlled? More or less that. Sanity hasn't existed in this world for... So long. It happened a few years ago, give it or take about 10 years or so. He can't forget the look in his wife's eyes as their daughter was cleaved in two by one of these weird dog-like things with sharp scythe blades attached to their hairs. He can't forget the look of utter acceptance and resignation in his brother's eyes as he accepted death after struggling alongside him for more than 8 years.

Waller's their last hope after the Justice League was captured by Darkseid and turned into his slaves- Seriously, he has personally seen Superman tear a whole man in half while Wonder Woman pulls the other half and they fight to get to see who eats the man's corpse! Thankfully, they had Batman, it was the only reason they have been able to survive for so long... Sadly, Batman- or Bruce Wayne, as was his real name -went a bit... coo coo, let's say, after he escaped Darkseid's mental control. He was forced to kill his own family with his own hands and eat their entrails, bathe in their blood, and even fuck the corpses.

He developed the technology they use to hide away from the New Gods.

And now... They're developing their own army to fight back against Darkseid and his New Gods and Parademons, as those weird animals from other dimensions were called.

They also taste weird. Yeah, they had to eat them because of the lack of resources- thankfully they had a guy named Constantine around back then when he created this spell to see if the meat was edible. As it turns out, yes it is, but it also makes you more... Well, weird? It gives you psychotic hallucinations of your dead ones, memory gaps, loss of one of your senses, and in extreme cases, demonic possession. But hey, you gotta eat whatever you have!

Sadly Constantine was killed by Bruce after he tried to contact Darkseid so he could try and bring his girlfriend back... poor guy had a bad psychotic break, after all, his girlfriend did try to kill him before she was able to sacrifice herself for his sake. That shit takes a toll on anybody.

"Now... Let's hope you're the key to solving this mess, kid." Captain Alamos sighed, slapping one of the many Anti-Detection disk he had on the boy, making undetectable to New Gods technology. Their Sugarmommy Box or whatever its called is pretty advanced, but they have a Batman.

Wonder how long that'll last.



A little extra for you guys. A snippet of two different worlds that Atlas has seen- oh, the burden of seeing into the multiverse.

Also, the first world is another idea for a fic I had, MC has Elixir's powers in DC. I had the idea of recreating the Hellfire Club in DC, mix in Queer History (because of course its queer, why wouldn't it be?), add some romance for spice (not with Waylon, he's basically the second adopted kid), and mix it up with several adopted children because he gets the Batman treatment.


Also had the idea of a SI-Gamer in ancient times. Like, Percy Jackson Universe? More Greek times than Roman times, maybe even before that, like 10,000 years earlier.