[Book 2] Chapter 23: Afterlife (Part 1)

[Clock - 21:55 | 09:55 PM]

[Calendar - 06/08/2010]

[Location - Beastialis Empire, Skypelago, Menagerie Island, Central Region, Pyramid Palace of Cycles, Emperor's and Empress' Room]

3rd Person POV

The following days were different for him.

Atlas felt like weird without the additional weight on his belly, he felt weird whenever he moved because he didn't feel the eggs moving alongside him and inside him. He almost felt like he was missing such sensation, but one look from Waylon and Atlas completely lost any semblance of weird post-partum nostalgia and jumped straight-or rather, gay -into the opportunity to finally have normal sex again! Sure, his hormones were a bit unbalanced and he needed a bit more iron on his diet, but besides those two inconveniences, he was ready and very much willing. The problem, which wasn't even a problem, was that Waylon seemed to turn to celibacy out of nowhere... Atlas literally threw himself into his arms once and the dragon man caught him and threw him in the bed before leaving the room!

Now, there are a few different ways such issue could be interpreted.

Number one: He is cheating. Atlas scoffed at the very thought of something like that ever happening, mostly because Waylon was even more possessive than he would ever be, and even if such thought crossed Waylon's mind, where the fuck would he find someone to cheat with when Atlas has complete view of the entirety of Beastialis and can see into every house, every crossroad, every single room, and even see into the future, past, present, and even into other universes! Where, pray tell, the fuck would he find someone to cuck him with? That person would stop existing the moment Waylon even thought of doing anything! Plus, Waylon is loyal, and he would never do something like that.

Number two: Something's wrong. Something is wrong and Waylon is either embarrassed or nervous to tell him, and although the big man rarely hid things from him, the little things he did hide were harmless gestures he somehow tried to play off! He would constantly make sure there was something soft on his back while he was pregnant and would go as far as to place his hand on Atlas' back whenever they would sit down side by side (and hasn't stopped yet). He is constantly checking the room's temperature to make sure it isn't too cold or too hot and Atlas pretends not to notice the way Waylon's divine senses tickle his skin. He is constantly keeping a sliver of his mind focused on his body and his body language to know if he was uncomfortable or tired, so he could take him back to bed at the slightest hint of discomfort. He is constantly checking the magical brand he had placed on Atlas' back, a very small and almost unnoticeable Eye of Ra symbol that is a "stop everything bad from happening" type of spell that he keeps constantly on him just in case that Atlas found out the moment he placed it there.

So, whatever Waylon is hiding must be either embarrassing or is a surprise specially made for him... And since Waylon hasn't come forward to share whatever he is doing with him, then it must be something he thinks is important.  And so Atlas decided to simply wait. And like the saying goes "Good things come to those who wait", indeed something great happened!

Atlas was lying by his cloud bed when the door to the magically expanded room opened slightly. The simple fact that someone approached the bed from even a few feet was enough to register to Atlas that someone was approaching his room, and the magical signature was of a familiar divine nature, so he wasn't surprised when the man of the hour entered their room. However, he gave no physical tell or warning, because by the very empathic nature of their bond, he could tell that Waylon was nervous about something... Atlas closed his eyes, allowed his hand to touch his chest as he casted [Sleep] on himself, and the spell immediately made him feel drowzy and close his eyes... But, because it was his own magic and he was naturally magic resistant, he simply appeared to be drowzy and sleepy. So, when Waylon poked him, he gave a genuine reaction of a person waking up, all so his husband's surprise would go smoothly.

A white lie, if you will.

"Hey love..." Waylon smiled when he saw Atlas open his eyes, a bit of confusion washing away as sleep left his beloved: "I have a surprise for you, could you do me the honor of following me, my love?" Atlas simply placed his hand on Waylon's hand before a forceful magic aura emanated from the stumps of his leg, a magical magnetic effect made the two artificial legs that were stored by the far wall shoot towards him like a lightning bolt, clicking firmly on his stumps, and the silver metal shifted and melted to this moving good before it snapped into shape, becoming two smooth silver legs. "Goddammit, that will always be fascinating to watch." Waylon chuckled- indeed, seeing his beloved's prosthetics being "equipped" as he always liked to say, was a marvel. It was somethinf straight out of a sci-fi movie! "So, uh... You know how I, uh, haven't... had sex with you yet? I mean, I know you know, and-" Waylon started to stutter and speak nervously. He felt really nervous now that he was about to reveal what he has been preparing for a while now, but a simple look from his beloved made him relax.

"Love." One look followed by a single word was more than enough to make Waylon relax, and Atlas knew it. He knew that Waylon was nervous about something, so Atlas took his hand and simply smiled: "It's okay. You don't need to be nervous about anything. Tell me anything you need to tell me, show me anything you want to show me. I assure you, whatever it is, isn't bad enough to make me mad at you... And if you do something that I don't like, I will tell you and we will talk about it like adults, okay? So don't be nervous." His words were more than enough to make Waylon relax, and the dry spell Atlas had been in for the past days seemed to increase his inner horny thoughts, because he clearly felt a bit horny by something as simple as Waylon's muscles moving!

Before you judge him, those were nice muscles, okay? Big ones.

Waylon took him by surprise for a moment when he swiped him off of his feet, taking him out of the room. Atlas was curious, but he understood why soon as a portal opened before them- Their room was heavily warded against forceful transportation, teleportation, or any form of magical, physical, or technological interdimensional movement. Atlas was a bit paranoid about being kidnapped or having someone else being kidnapped in their sleep, so everyone's rooms were like his. Preventing any form of teleportation from happening inside the bedrooms! And so, they had to leave their rooms for the surprise that was located in another dimension.

The dimension? The Endless Fields!

Also known as Beastialis' afterlife for those who have done good in life, served their empire, and have lived by the standards of Beastialis. And what standards were those? Well, they were simple ones!

Follow the laws of Beastialis, and don't be a dick.

Literally these two simple rules!

With a simple ruling, it fell to the Gods of Beastialis to judge those that died worshiping or believing in the Egyptian Pantheon- Because that's how this works, you go to the afterlife you believe in life! Because of the need for an afterlife judge, Anubis was called upon. Like the majority of Gods after the fall of the Egyptian civilization, he had fallen into disarray. Atlas remembers the day the god was called upon and summoned by him- He expected to see a downed version of the mythological being he once was, but when he summoned a huge black dog, he was quite surprised! After coming to an agreement, Anubis joined the Beastialis Empire Pantheon alongside Kephri, Sobek, Hathor, Thoth, Isis, Bastet, and Anhur. With eight deities in the Pantheon, they were pretty much covered in various aspects and they had Gods and Goddesses to protect the Empire from metaphysical harm and interdimensional harm too.

The Sphere of Gods was still a thing, and now that they were getting a constant influx of power from the Beastialis Empire and its citizens, it was in their best interest to protect their territory. Anubis was a very good addition, because he took to his new job with a dedication that was impressive! He wanted to do like the old days, pull out the feather of truth and take out a heart to weight, but Atlas gave him a thorough and simpler method than using a feather and a heart.

Atlas gave him a monocle that allowed him to see someone's "darkness", which meant he gave Anubis a method to see everything wrong the person did in life. Alongside that, he used the Feather of Truth to make a platform that dangled above the entrance to Beastialis' personal hell dimension that was owned and ruled over by Baytor! Baytor, the little guy, was so happy to have his own personal hell dimension to take care of that he didn't leave it, and because time flowed differently inside that dimension, only a few days have passed since its creation- for him, that is, but in reality years have gone by already. He will come out of it, but last time Atlas spoke to him, he wasn't ready to come out yet. And before you come to say anything about this dimension, it isn't eternal. In fact, you burn inside this dimension. Everything wrong you've done in life is burned out of your soul, and that pain is excruciating, but once you've burned everything wrong you did in life, your soul is washed clean in the rivers of blood, and you reincarnate into another body. Your soul forgets everything, and you're given another chance to live another life.

Punishment isn't eternal in the Beastialis Empire's religion, punishment only goes as long as your sins are. Oh, right. Almost forgot. The hellish dimension was named by Baytor himself, given the name "Cleaning Pyre".

With the monocle to see the bad things one has done alongside the platform that hangs above the entrance to the Cleaning Pyre, Anubis judges one's soul simply by allowing the person to stay on top of the platform. If the person has done wrong, the platform will slowly sink, and Anubis tells the soul to confess to their weighting darkness. Cofessing to their wrongdoings is acknowledgement to the things they have done, and if they truly regret what they've done, it is forgiven and the darkness within them is released. However, if they do not regret what they did, then the darkness weighting increases, and the platform lowers quickly.

However, there is nuance, believe it or not.

As long as an act is done with a reasonable reason or a reasonable excuse, then you may explain yourself. Anubis was granted the ability to control the platform especially because of that- nuance, motivations, reasons, and everything that excuses one of doing something wrong. Anubis is the judge of the dead, and even though Osiris misses that position, he has a better one.

Oh, right. Completely forgot about the guy!

The Beastialis Empire Pantheon has another Afterlife God within their ranks. Given divine domain over The Endless Fields by Atlas, the one who created the dimension, Osiris is responsible for keeping everyone happy and entertained while they enjoy their afterlife. Since this dimension also has a different time dilation, such a task is not hard- Seriously, while years might have passed since this dimension's creation, only a few weeks have gone by within it.

Which explains a lot about the amount of souls within that were waiting for them. As soon as Atlas and Waylon stepped into The Endless Fields. A party, unlike the normal parties that happen in this afterlife, was taking place. A party to celebrate the birth of the Princes and Princesses of Beastialis. The first thing Atlas heard was Osiris' voice, as he greeted them: "Welcome, my Empress, my Emperor, to the greatest party of this afterlife!"

Oh, so that's what Waylon has been doing.

Planning a party!

Author notes: I am, once more, here to give you a dose of gay fanfiction.

I was thinking: Hey, I have yet to talk, in detail, about the afterlife! So, I gave those thoughts a form and put them into words. I hope the way the judging of someone's soul works goes is easy to understand :3

Have a nice day/night, and see you in the next episode of: Gay Thoughts - You Can't Run From 'Em!