Coming up next! More stories about the among us universe! Be sure to collect and read my books!

Sneak peaks:

It's been days since a rogue SKELD code 0519 had crashes into the upper floor of the Mira HQ, trapping the remaining survivor under the lower floor of the base.

As I walked through the long hallway and reached the junction. I heard a clang at the right side of the map, looks like someone had vented out or in the vent.

I rushed towards the side, anxious, curious. As I arrived there, I saw a shadow running towards the vent and vent off. The shadow was too far within my sight and I did not realise the colour if it. Beside the vent there was a corpse. Laying motionless on the pool of blood.


Wasn't I the imposter? How many imposter are they on the ship?

2, 3?

or all of them.