So due to Innersloth delay of the brand new map, Airship. I am unable to continue my story of Among Us so just chill, be patience and wait. Just WAIT. I've the whole storyline clear and pure in my mind but I can't done it if I didn't try the map first hand. I can use mods of the game, but nah, I am not that type of guy. So I've decided to talk about the three main maps of the game Among Us. Which were SKELD, MIRA HQ and POLUS. Maybe we will made another one for Airship, but due to the lack of information, it will be delayed till the map is released officially.

I noticed that my books were almost exceeding 10k, so share it if you want it and don't forget to collect it as it is where all my ideas and fuels pump in. So without too much nagging, lets dive right into our first and only OJ map of Among Us:


Almost everyone who did or didn't play the game knew this legendary map. This is the first map ever created by Innersloth and was the one and only playable map till MIRA HQ and PLANET POLUS were added in 2018. The map is what we call it as a balanced map. The ideal map for a fair fight between the imposter and the crewmates. The ship was designed by the one and only designer of the Innersloth Company. If you wanna know his identity, check the last chapter about the brief history of Among Us, it is going to send a nuke right at your head.

So back to the topic. The SKELD was actually a space ship and almost everything on board were about space. It was also automatically selected upon opening the game for the first time while the reasons still remain unknown. This map is the most popular because of its design and tasks and some characteristics that it integrates. So good luck if you try to join the room with this host. You will fail again and again and again until you fed up and change a map. But well, at least you tried.

The SKELD is the second largest map in Among Us, and if Airship joins in the big family, he is going to be the second smallest map, the smallest being MIRA HQ. The game started at the Cafeteria, an octagon shape room. There were 5 huge blue round dining table with leftover foods and drinks as well as a window where you could speculate the majestic view of the hollow space. The middle table is the largest table and is the place where that juicy red emergency button was located. This is also the place where meetings were held. There is only one vent that has access to the one at admin and the one at the hallway outside navigation but it is quite risky to vent at there unless you are very sure that the coast is clear. And according to survey, cafeteria were the place where almost every player will pass by it at least 5 times per match except for those who were AFK who they camp at there full time. There were only 3 tasks at the cafeteria and normally they were primary tasks for a two or three step tasks. There were the download data task at the top-right corner of the room. This tasks take quite a long time around 10s so if you get it at the beginning of the map, do it right now when the crewmates were clump up together to avoid risk of being killed. Empty Garbage is located at the top-right of the room. The little tip of making this task complete faster is that you should pull down the lever right when the trash is still falling down. By using this method, it will avoid a 1 second delay and buy you some time, cause why not? In a game like Among Us, time is money, so thank me for saving you that penny. The garbage task is normally the task the crewmates needed to do first if they wanted to do the final garbage task which is a visual task. If someone skip the task and claim they had the visual tasks, he may be the imposter. But maybe he done it at O2, who knows, just in case. The fix Wiring is normally the second or the third of the 4 task section. The top-left side of the room is where you can find this task. This task not be the first above all the tasks cause it normally starts at electric. So if you saw someone faking it at the beginning of a match, keep an eye on him.

There is three main hallway at the cafeteria, which leaded to the rest of the spaceship. At the left side you will find a small room where players called it as Weapons. Weapons is a small room located at the top right corner at the map. There were 3 tasks at the Weapons, which were Clear Asteroids, Accept Divert Power as well as Download Data. The Clear Asteroids is what you should aim for. It was the most effective way to clear your role. As all of the players known, only when a crewmate perform the tasks, the gun barrel outside the ship will move. So do that right at the beginning of a match. If no one comes to the Weapons, then wait for a corpse is reported or the next emergency meeting where you can tell others to follow you as witnesses. Just be sure that the witnesses were not imposters. The next task is the Download data task and luck for you the task is the one and only task that was located directly above A VENT. LITERALLY! So avoid getting the task or just tag along the rest while doing the task. This is the only vent at this room, so just be alert as always so that you will not get unlucky. The final task is the accept divert power task and like the fix wiring it must be done at electrical first so it is impossible to do it at the beginning of the match.

Beneath the Weapons, slightly at the left side is O2. O2 is a small room, smaller than weapons. There were no vent at the room and it can only be led by one hallway. This room houses 3 tasks, clean the filter tasks, empty garbage task as well as Accept Divert Power tasks. The tasks were all being explained so I won't repeat it again, just getting lazy as the theories were back to back all the same. There is one major differences is that the O2 also houses a number pad for Oxygen Depletion sabotage. The oxygen depletion is one of the fatal sabotages amongst the 5 sabotages on SKELD. The sabotage can only be stop by inputting numbers given by the system through both of the pads at Admin and O2. Watch your back though, because this is where the imposter is likely to strike.

Not far away from O2 is the navigation, a room with the size slightly larger if compared to O2. Navigation contains the Stabilize Steering, Chart Course, Accept Diverted Power, and Download Data tasks. There is also a Fix Wiring panel in the hallway outside Navigation. There are two vents at the top and bottom of the room and another outside at the hallway of the room, making this room a perfect butcher booth. The higher vent led to the vent at weapons while the lower vent channels to the one located at shields. The vent outside the hallway has access to three vents including the one at admin as well as the one at the cafeteria. Although it is handy in some cases such as after a kill, don't try to use it as there were a cam right at your face. This is a handy way to catch imposter venting in or out a vent through cams so tried to avoid it if necessary. If you were spotted, close the doors at security, then the upper and lower engine before closing the storage and cafeteria to stop the meeting. Use the vent at weapons to travel to cafeteria while you waited your kill cooldown to wear off as well as the arrival of your prey.

Beneath the Navigation, at the left tail of the ship is the Shield. A room with the same size as the weapons. It is connected to two hallways and has a vent which channels towards the one at Navigation. There were 2 main tasks at the shield which is the accept power divert task, which is at the top left of the area as well as the Prime Shield task which is at the bottom of the room, at the very edge corner, right beside the fishing stinking vent. Good luck that the Prime Shield task is quite and easy, if not, you might end up as a ghost. Call the Ghostbusters! Piss off ghost! The prime shield task is the eaziest one among the few. The task is simple, there is red marks on the shields, just tap on them to turn back to normally and you are good to go. You can tap of them one at a time by tapping the middle area of the shield or just use your feet as an extra hand if you got a flexible bone and had been training years to seize this moment. Don't do it at public, or you will look like an exact fool. The Prime Shield task is also a vision task, when you finish the task, the light outside the room will light up for a while, so it can act as a proof that you ain't the baddy on board. The accept diverted power task, well we will talk about it as soon we talk about electricity, one at a time cause at least, almost all of the room has that task and explaining them one by one, is a like washing every strand of hair of your head one by one. So which is kind of problematic. But nevertheless, let's get to the next one.

The next and finally the last part of the right hemisphere of the SKELD is Communications which contains the Accept Diverted Power and Download Data tasks and a computer to fix the Comms Sabotaged. It is connected to a single hallway. Both the tasks I've already explained before so just skip it. The comms sabotage is fixed at this room. The comms sabotage is the most annoying tasks ever known to man. The sabotage's effect is mild compare to others, but it might affect some of your tasks. The comm sabotage is capable to disable the cams, the admin system as well as the task board that you usually has which shows the task that you had completed as well as what's left. The task feels like tuning the radio with your grandpa's old radio. You just can't get the hang of it! Too annoying! Just be sure to be the spectator is many crewmates were stacking in the room, just in case if someone stack kill so that you can caught that bastard red handed.

So we've talk about the left side of the ship, which is the right hallway of the SKELD, let's talk about the middle part of this bad boy. There were only 2 parts at this section of the ship which can be accessed through the middle lane through the cafeteria. And one of the room played a huge role in the game, THE ADMIN. The admin was a small rectangular room located just beneath the cafeteria. The room is almost the size of the communication but just a few block shy if compared. There is a huge rectangular table which took up almost the whole room. At the left bottom corner of the room is a vent which channels the one at cafeteria as well the one outside the hallway of navigation. There were 3 main tasks at the room .Admin contains the Admin Map and Swipe Card task. Admin also houses the Fix Wiring and Upload Data tasks and a number pad for resolving Oxygen Depletion. The card swipe task is a crucial task at the SKELD, it is just like the key task at PLANET POLUS. So if someone has it, everyone must have it. So blend in if you don't want to get spotted, maybe earn a few stack kills if you have the ninja spirit within you. The upload data task is where you upload your tasks towards your headquarter from your tablet. So if you want to fake the task, you need to pretend you've downloaded the task so that you may not get thrown out from the ship. The last one is the oxygen depletion tab which works the same way as it was at O2, so does it need any explanation? Maybe not. Don't call me lazy.

So moving on next is the STORAGE, the third second largest room in the map, with the next coming up is the reactor. The storage is the place where the crewmates store their stuffs. There were boxes, container and a lot of stuffs stacking at the middle of the room which blocked the view of the other side of the room. At storage like most other rooms on board there were, you guess it, 3 main tasks. The wire fixing task, the empty garbage task as well as the fuel engines task. The fuel engines task is new here, so let's talk about it. The fuel engine task is where you refuel an empty oil jug by pressing a button. The jug would later be used at the upper and lower engine as it was a three in one packet. The tasks is simple by just pressing the button and only takes a few seconds. The empty garbage task plays a huge crucial role here when talking about your role and how clean n pure you are. At this empty garbage tasks, if you do the task, garbage will be ejected out from space, proving your identity that you are in fact an imposter. The storage, like the cafeteria was linked to the other 3 main hallway and sadly has no vent at all, although it was a perfect ideal killing zone with those boxes breaking the players view. But maybe this would break the game, so, the just simply throw it into the trash can.

Now we've ran almost halfway of the map, or maybe over, so let's talk about the last wing of this ship, the left wing. The right wing can be accessed through the right hallway at either the cafeteria or at the storage. And if you turn into the left wing at the cafeteria, you will enter the Medbay. The Medbay is somewhat a typical Medbay, no difference than the one at your school. The room the same size as the navigation except it was designed in an L shape pattern, if my eyes weren't deceiving me. At the entrance, there were rows of beds beside, each with cushion and blanket to make it look completer. Each of the side has 2 same identical room so there were 4 in total. Beneath at the bottom of the room were what seems like a scanner where player do the submit scan task. The machine is a scanner which works only for the crewmates, so if you saw someone scan with those green disco light flashing, tick him clean. The tasks normally take somewhere around 10 to 12 seconds while you are in the middle of the mission, you can't touch anything or do anything with your phone. If you did so, the task will be disrupted and you need to start it over and over again. And according to data scanned by the machine, did you know that the crewmates were actually in a state of obese? Maybe it is healthy for the species of the crewmates but we are still not so sure who on earth was the crewmate's identity. Oh, and did I mention that there was a vent right beside you? So just like the weapons and empty garbage trick, just wait patiently or inform the others during a meeting to be your eye witnesses. But by the way, there was a computer beside the scanner where you did the inspect sample task. The task was the most annoying one that was literally like watching the paint dry off. The task needed you to wait for a minute before returning. This is what the most challenging of them all. At a game between mice and cat, an arena of killed or escape with your dear life. Time was dear money. A second is a dollar. And who will pay me that! And did I mention the time will freeze during an emergency meeting, so please pray that the imposter is not the jack the ripper kind. The task was literally letting you running here and there like a total fool or getting killed during the time. So my personal advice was to put the task first. At the beginning of the game, if you had the task, do it first at your list. You didn't want to play the waiting game with the imposter. Do the task and get out of there as if there were a living nuke inside the room. The Medbay has a vent for the imposter to greet hello and the doors could be sabotaged while trapping you in hell.

Right after you exit the Medbay, ALIVE, and ran towards your left you will be staring face to face to a huge pumping, steaming machine that seems to be from an old school choo-choo train. The room was the same size as the shields and weapons, maybe slightly bigger. There were two same room on the ship, the upper engine and the lower engine which is connected by one hallway. Both of the room has the exact same task, so let me introduce both of them together. Both the room has the Accept Diverted Power, Align Engine Output, and Fuel Engines tasks. It is connected to two hallways and each contains a vent. The Align engine task is a task where you align the arrow straight according to the line given, and a small hack is by tapping the arrow twice during completing the task, you will done it two at the time so it saves you a lot of time. The Fuel engine task is the second part after from the one from storage. The task is about refueling the engine with the same method. The tasks at the engine must've be at the upper engine first before coming to the lower. So keep that in mind if you wanted to fake your task perfectly as some pros might notice it. The last task was the accept diverted power tasks were, well, let's talk about it later shall we.

So as I've been saying, the two compartment were linked by a long hallway. And at the right of the hallway was a small room known as the security. The security is a really tiny, rectangle room with the size of a navigation. The room was taken up by a table where there were a huge computer with a few screens. This is where you could use the camera or where the FBI agents camped at. If you don't know about the FBI role, check my last book where I list out several player personalities I found in game. So let's get back to it, the camera, or players normally call it as cams, were a handy thing that crewmates can use to spy on the imposter, or maybe caught the red handed. There were only 4 cameras on the SKELD. One outside the hallway at navigation, one outside Medbay, one beside the reactor and lastly outside admin. The cameras were real handy when talking about catching the imposter. One of the cams is directly above a vent outside navigation so it was really a bad decision to vent there. But there is one major weakness of the cams is that the red light above the camera will blink if someone is using it, which is a handy hint for the imposter. A small tip is that if you ran towards the camera and tap the use button right on time, the camera will shift a little, allowing you to see a little part above the cams. There is also a vent at the end of the room, at the right corner. So unless you want to be dead at a young age, stop being the FBI Just use it from time to time, don't camp at there, this is not your home! Do your task boy if you wanna win the game and live to see the sun!

So next beside security is the reactor. The reactor is likely the power supply of the whole ship. The room was the same size of communications. The room has a huge nuclear reactor like machine pumping and steaming at the middle of the room. There were two vents at the room, placed the same way as it was on navigation: one at the top and one at the bottom, each linked towards the lower and upper engine specifically. The tasks at the reactor were contains the Start Reactor and Unlock Manifolds tasks. The reactor also has two hand readers to resolve Reactor Meltdown. It is connected to one hallway which links the upper and lower engine. Both of the tasks on this room were long tasks, especially the unlock manifold task where you need to press the button according to what the system instructed you to press. There were a 5 set task and one error will send you flying back to the beginning. And if someone reported the corpse or held an emergency meeting like 1 nanosecond before you press the last button and get the task well and done, you are going to be real pissed. The Start reactor task were a medium class task, not that annoying but not that EZ too. The task needed you to press the button according to an ascending pattern. Unless your hand shakes like my personal doctor: Dr Strange or you had a very bad bond with numbers, it should be nicely done within seconds. And as a tip to you, there were a fake accept diverted power panel at the room, which is actually unfunctional, just only a décor that the designer wanted to add some spice to the map. So if you saw someone doing the task on that dummy, sus him for SURE. 1000% and vote him out to HELL! (I'll see you, in HELL!)

So let's pass the Lower engine and enter the kill zone, where 9 in 10 times there will be a body lying in the room. It is a slaughter house. A butcher room. A kill zone. It is the legendary ELECTRICAL. Or so the players called it as "elec". The room was where all the electricity runs upon the ship. So is there is electricity, there will be sabotages. The electric sabotages were one of the most deadly sabotage of them all. The sabotage is simple, just by turning of the lights. No big deal, wright? Wrong, running blind is the last thing you want especially when you are in a ship full of imposters. The imposter can kill and you will never get a glimpse of it, not even a shadow. So don't ignore this sabotage as it is the sabotage which would cause severe casualties to your fellow crewmates as well as dropping the chances of winning the game. You see, the crewmates may not have guns or knives or sharp tongue, but the crewmates have a more man power and that is enough to buy some time to spot out the imposter. So don't ignore it, ran towards there as fast as you could. If there were a gang running in the electrical, be the observer in case someone stacks, simple. The task is simple as well, just flick the lights just like what you did at home and viola, you fixed the most deadly sabotages in the game. There were a huge electrical cabinet that blocked the view of the vent, which is located at the upper right corner of the room. The vent is connected to the Medbay and security, which is kinda bad for the crewmates. The door can be closed and that is why it is the kill zone because first, there is a vent, second, they can shut the door shut to trap you, and the most important was there were a lot of main tasks at the room. Almost everyone has to enter the electrical once to do their tasks and unlike admin or other rooms, it is located at a place with no cams, only connected by one hallway, has a vent and has a view blocking I don't know what the thing is at the room. So yeah, kinda reasonable to be kill everytime at the EXACT SPOT. The room has 4 main tasks, and when I say main, I mean tasks that you will get at least one of them at EVERY ROUND. So no escaping, that place was a must to go. The four tasks were the Calibrate Distributor, Divert Power, Download Data, and Fix Wiring tasks. The download data is where you download the data onto your tablet and then send it to your HQ at the communications. The task panel is located exactly above a vent, so good luck trying this task. Then there is the divert power. You see, this task is a 5 in one combo pack, and the first pack is in ELECTRICAL. So someone must've gone to electrical first to do the task, it is impossible to do the task straight up at the spot without going to electrical. This theory works on the fix wiring tasks too. So if you want to fake a task, fake it first at electrical to avoid being sus. The next and last is the calibrate distributor task. Ah, another task annoying as your fly. Did you ever played the flip the knife game that was a trend at 2017, if you did, this task has the same theory. There is a panel with a spinning circle and an arrow. You need to press the button at the exact same time the arrow was pointed horizontally at the line. There were 3 tasks at total and it is very annoying, failing one is like restart your life. So to me it's the second most ANNOYING tasks on board.

So that's all from me. Phew, take a lot of time talking from room to room. But if you guys love it, it is worth it. So remember to share, collect and give me that juicy power stone as a treat for me. I will upload the next chapter next week and I will see you guys, in Among Us.


Coming up next! Your dear host better than Larry King himself is going to tell you all about trivia about the first ship in the game, THE SKELD, So grab your popcorn and coke as you sink down and enjoy the show! Tuning in every Friday! If you live it, don't you dare to miss it!