Time For The Butterfly to Flap It's Wings!

Chapter 13


(3 Days Later)

–General Pov–

"Calm down, Isa. That child is strong, he is one of the chosen ones to be blessed by 'Mantra' he will definitely come back alive." Isa's father, the tribe chief, was trying to calm Isa, who's been crying for a whole day now.

"Sniff, how can I calm down father? Though Amon does go missing frequently, he always returns before sunset." Isa stated. "B-but it's been 3 whole days now." She wiped her tears, but it didn't stop her from crying.

"Sniff... I was able to hold myself back yesterday, but I can't anymore! Please father send someone to search for him." Isa was very worried about Amon. She scolds him every time he does something out of the line. Which she planned to do 3 days ago too, but her heart has already melted. She just wants him to return safely now.

Isa started to cry again while hugging her thighs. She was just 29, she doesn't have plans to have any children too, only because she has Amon. She didn't even marry in fear. She wasn't sure if she'll be able to hold herself back from having another child after getting married. She was sacred, what if Amon hates her for having another child?

The village chief sighed and shook his head. "Don't worry Isa, I know if something happens to him, our tribe will definitely experience a great loss, so I have already sent a team to search for him."


Close to these two, Wiper was studying a Burn Bazooka. He was quite happy on the inside learning Amon isn't coming back. However, hearing that the Chief had sent an entire team just for him, it made him unnerved. As he said, "Nobody asked him to act like a hero and go on goddamn a hunt! Now our actual hunt team, the Raiders are wasting time looking for that parent-less bastard!"

"Shut up, Waipa!" Raki who was beside him yelled. "You are just selfish and jealous. Even though both you and Big bro are ancestor Kalgara's descendants, you are still learning how to use Blaze Bazooka when Big bro can even hunt for the whole tribe by himself! Not only that, you are disrespectful to girls! Just like your father, and most of the men on the tribe, you hit us women whenever you want. Only the Chief, Big bro, and a few other men are nice to us. How dare you hurt women! I can't believe I used to be scared of you!"

She aimed her shotgun towards Wiper. "Tell another bad thing about Big Bro, and I'll blow your head off."

"You bitch, you dare!" Wiper refuted.

"Just try it! Don't forget, you are right in front of my shotgun. This shotgun is custom made for me by brother, it will definitely blow your brain!"

Both of them prepared to attack, as a small fight was about to break.

"What's this Raki?" It was then when a familiar voice flowed from across the road. "Didn't I teach you to never point your weapon towards a tribesman? So you have even started to go against my words now?" The owner of the voice, Amon said.

Amon has returned with a seemingly unharmed body, except for his tribal-mask which was split in half, clad in blood.

Raki got stunned and looked back. "Big… big broth-ehh?" Raki's eyes widened. "What… the hell are t-those?" Raki's mouth became agape. Same with Wiper, Isa, Chief, and the other tribesmen around that area.

Because Amon didn't come alone. Rather, he came with something big. As he was carrying 2 giant lobsters over his head on a plate made of clouds.

Amon released a sweet smile. "Don't look at me like that. These are just some small lobsters I caught."


He lightly put the plate down on the wide-area, in the middle of the Village. And from the weight of the 2 lobsters, even the white-white ground(sea) that was maintained by special dials was about to break like a pond of ice.

Amon removed his mask. "Now now, calm down everyone." As he smiled reassuringly. "What do you guys think about having a big feast tonight?!"


"Yay! Today's feast is all thanks to Amon!"

It was night time, and the tribe was carrying a big feast with the tribesmen cheering Amon's name…

While the person in question was eating some boiled lobster, chewing very slowly... As he suddenly held his mouth as if stopping himself from puking, 'Ugh, my stomach hurts. My belly is already full…'

Trying to ignore it, Amon looked at the happy tribesmen. As a smile bloomed on his face. '...They are so easy to manipulate. Just by bringing two lobsters, they are treating me like a hero. Though I'm sure, this will last only a few days. After all, even if a world like this, based on fiction… Human nature won't change.

...That Wiper is also shamelessly eating even though he was bad mouthing me a few hours ago.'

While the tribe was holding a banquet, Amon's benevolent uncle, Viper, was out hunting along with most of the Raiders, "most" because they never leave all at once unless it's an emergency.

Amon thought while chewing his food, 'My great uncle Viper is working so hard to get a bit of food… He doesn't even know that he is pretty much useless to the tribe now. I guess it's soon time for me to take over.'

To Amon, giving the tribesmen a favorable impression of him, and seem like a future great leader wasn't that hard. After all, Viper is a dick. His only perk is his strength, if not, most people would have hated him. However, Amon did not need to worry about his strength anymore, as he was now confident in defeating Viper without many casualties.

While slowly chewing his food, Amon sensed Raki running towards him with many other dishes in her hand. "Hey, big brother! I brought another plate for you, here have this too! You worked so hard to get all this, you need to eat to be strong!"

'Fuck, I'm dying here, and this girl… Ugh.' Amon smiled outside and stroked her head. "It's alright Raki, I'm already full. Besides, as you said, one needs to eat to be strong, that applies to you too." Amon stated. "Or do you always want to be protected by big brother, staying on the sideline like the other girls? Keep in mind, if that's what you want, then I won't mind-"

"NO!" Raki yelled. She didn't want to hear his words anymore.

"...I don't want to stay behind you forever… I want to become strong, strong enough to protect you!" Raki's eyes gleamed with determination. "Raki will always protect you! Raki is not scared of Wiper anymore! I-I will be stronger than you too!" She said in a shaking voice, as she showed her biceps.

Just after that, she started to eat her plate. "Uh, Raki eat mine too. It's too much for me." Amon said and gave his plate to give her. She nodded her head and accepted it happily. While Amon reached out his hand and placed her on his lap.

As he got over the food-filled plate, he sighed.. 'Ugh, I feel like I'm about to pass out…' After catching the 10 lobster, Amon went to his hideout in Upper-yard and hid all the lobsters there. Eating 6 of the lobsters in the last 2 days, Amon was unable to move for a few hours. He planned on bringing a lobster back here, however, since he didn't have any space in his tummy anymore, he decided to bring two of them.

{A/N: If you have ever eaten too much, you'd know how it feels. }

Amon then looked at Isa, who was sitting not far from him. While thinking, '...There are still a few lobsters left in my hideout, but I will eat them later since I can't even move freely right now.'

Staring at Isa's sitting figure for a few seconds, Amon massaged his temple. 'This... is annoying. I'm feeling like shit, and she is acting this way. Is this a joke?'

Amon looked at Isa with a frown and yelled. "Hey, Isa! Stop that, if you don't eat you'll fall sick. I worked hard to catch these lobsters, and you won't eat?"

Even though the whole tribe was having a banquet, Isa wasn't eating anything at all. She was really angry with him. Amon knew this, but he just shrugged. 'Welp, I don't really care… As good as it feels to be cared so much by someone even in this world, it still won't stop me from walking the path of Absolute…'

He got up from his spot and walked towards Isa, then locking his hands on her neck he hugged her from behind. He said in a concerned voice. "Huuuuh… why are you hurting yourself like that aunty Isa? You are like a mother figure to me, seeing you hungry makes me sad, you know."

Not eating one day won't kill her, but Amon was still pressing her because of her health, and also to seem like a nice guy to everyone. But the important reason is her health, she will give birth to Aisa in the future. That girl will be born with Observation Haki… even he himself only unlocked it after 9 months or so. So that's a monstrous talent right there. He didn't want Isa to be unhealthy during birth… Or at least, that's the thing he wanted to believe.

'According to canon, Aisa should be born when I turn 13. But, that's too late…' Amon thought. 'It seems, it's finally time to make some changes in the timeline.'

Suddenly Isa's grumpy voice entered his ears. "Move your hands. You don't care about me anyway, don't show me that fake love." Though she said that, she didn't really try to remove his small hands by herself.

'Well...' Amon thought. "Hey, Isa. You know, I'm not your child, don't you." Just as he said this, Isa's eyes widened up, and in the corner of her eyes, tears started to form…

"Now, now don't cry. I didn't mean it that way." Amon said as he tried to calm her down. "What I'm saying is, like you know I'm veryyy strong. If I don't take charge of the hunts, the tribesmen will die of hunger."

He said. "No, don't give me the excuses of raiders. I mean, they always were here, yet when I was a toddler, I couldn't even go to sleep with a full tummy. But now, just look around you." Amon made Isa's head look around the place.

"Everyone can have 3 meals a day, they can smile happily and no kid has to fight over food anymore… After my first hunt, when I saw their happy smile, I just wanted to see that again. I wanted them to never stop smiling… After that happened, I couldn't hold myself back and sit around seeing people suffer..." He said as many tribe men nodded their heads. They are aware that the child in front of them is improving their lifestyles.

Suddenly, his hands started to tremble, and his eyes became teary. "...B-but when I see your sad face, I can't concentrate on my hunts…" His voice starts to shake and tears start to fall down his cheeks. "Thoughts like, 'Maybe I should just be like Bob and make dials', 'Maybe I should just eye for the Chieftain position,' 'Maybe I should quit being a Warrior'. All… All for your sake… y-yet you don't eat… Sniff." Amon hid his face in Isa's back.

Isa looked at him while tears were falling down her cheeks too…

'Ugh, my eyes are hurting. Forcing tears is pretty hard.' Amon thought.

"I-Is that so? Why didn't you... tell me before?" Isa said with her own shaking voice. "I-If that's true, then I-I won't cry anymo-"

"No, don't stop crying!" He yelled and wiped his tears with her robe. "I don't want you to suppress your feelings. It will damage your health too much.." Amon stated the truth. He didn't care if she didn't eat for once, that won't do much worse. However, he didn't want her to seriously harm her health. He was grateful to Isa for everything she did for him. From saving his life after birth, to now, worrying without any reason. In front of the time, humans are weak. Now, maybe he isn't even aware of it, or maybe he just doesn't want to admit it, but at some point, he has started to see her as an actual Aunt…

Isa looked at him, confused. As he said, "Instead, I have a better idea."

Then wiping her tears too, he clasped her cheeks. "Instead of worrying about me, why don't you have your own child?" Isa again showed confusion. "You see, even though I never told you before, I always wanted to have a little sister," Amon said. "Having a cute tomboyish little sister has always been my dream… Unfortunately, both of my parents aren't in this world anymore…" Amon pretended to hesitate for a second. "This might seem very selfish of me… but will you fulfill one wish of mine?

I want a cute little sister… From my favourite aunty Isa. Is that plausible?"

Isa's eyes grew in shock, but the tribesmen's reactions were different.


All the people around him reacted with not only surprise but also excitement. It was always good news that a new member will be added to the tribe. However, the important thing is, if they have luck, they might end up as the chosen ones.



Amon was walking towards his hut while yawning.

After the little show, every man interested in Isa was confessing to her. This might have been bad for Amon if someone who's not Isa's husband in anime gets chosen. At that point, all his plans will fail. However, Amon already knew who the guy was, and was sure Isa would choose him too… That's the only reason why he presented this idea of marriage to her now instead of a few years ago, which would have helped him more.


Suddenly, he felt a tug on his robe. "Hey?... Big brother. " It was Raki who had red teary eyes and a very sad face. "You need a new sister?... But, don't you have me? Is Raki… u-useless now?

Amon looked down at her with deadpan eyes, 'What a dumb question. No one is useless under me.' His eyes then turned comforting. Amon stroked her head. "...You are more than enough." He crouched down and hugged her. "You are too cute for me alone to handle, I need someone to share the cuteness right?"

Raki's body shook. "Or am I not even allowed to do that?"

Raki didn't answer, then got out of his hug and ran away.

Amon also ignored her and went to sleep.




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