
Chapter 28


–General Pov–

At the same time, the Shandians, or more specifically, all the raiders consisting of 110 Shandians were in the angel-island, chasing after the Karikiri pirates.

Here, they weren't picking a fight with any Slypieans, rather, after getting a hold of the Karikiri pirates, they were beating up the crew-members harshly, and while they were doing so, many Skypiean were scaredly looking at this spectacle.

After Amon went missing yesterday, the Shandians weren't worried at all, as he frequently does so. However, after receiving news from a boat owner that two blue-sea pirates had sneaked up on the upper-yard, they started to search for him in the forest, thinking that he might get hurt by blue sea pirates.


"You bastard! Answer, where did your Captain kidnap Kami-sama?!" Wyper, the official 4th strongest Shandia, was pulling the collar of a member of the Karikiri pirates. The enemy was injured and was on the ground, while Wyper was lifting him up by his collars.

"Wyper, don't lose control," Matt said from the sidelines, even though he also had a guy below him, beaten badly. Matt is Warashi's big brother, he is a few years older than him, currently being 27 years old. He looks just like Warashi, with his broad build, as he even had his stupidly serious face. The only things Warashi had unmatched with him is his black hair and midnight purple eyes.

"..." On the other side, the 9 years old Raki had her hands on the hilt of her sword as they were shaking from pure rage and frustration, even her eyes were shaking. She looked towards a female member of Karikiri pirates not so far from her, as she dashed towards her. *Fwoosh!*

*Sslt* Taking out her sword from the scabbard, she slashed towards the woman!


However, her attack didn't hit the woman, as a lance had stopped her sword.

"Stop it, young warrior!" It was Gan Fall who was on his Pegasus. "Don't hurt innocents." He said as he jumped down from the Pegasus, standing in front of the woman like a knight in shining armor.

A frown appeared on Raki's face, as she then without any hesitation, slashed towards Gan Fall. "Shut up, you fallen bastard!"


However, her novice swordsmanship was nothing compared to a master lance user like Gan Fall.

*Clang!* *Clang!* *Clang!*

She tried hard to hit him from all directions, but Gan Fall stopped all of them, not even moving from his spot.

"Haahhh… Haahhh…. You!" She shouted towards Gan Fall while taking deep breaths. "Get out of my away, I have to know what they did to brother!"

"Sigh…" Gan Fall just sighed. "How will you ask questions, if you just kill her?" He said with a helpless face.

Hearing him, Raki just blinked. "I-It doesn't matter! Their captain kidnapped my brother, I would need to kill them all to make things fair!"

Gan Fall shook his head. 'How did such a young child turn out like this?' He thought while looking around.

The Shandians had the place completely surrounded, with some of them pinning all the 18 members of the Karikiri pirates on the ground. Meanwhile, the White Berets who even though, were serving under the current God still tried to stop the Shandians from invading here. Yet they all failed miserably, as the In the past year, The Shandians had grown a lot. Currently, the White Berets were now laying in the cloud, unconscious.

"Gandalf, Get out of my wa-"

"Shut up, you bitch!" Cutting Raki's words, from behind Gan Fall, the victim of her attacks shouted. "Your brother or whatever is already dead if he really confronted Captain and Rahnes! Their devil fruit is overpowered in close-range."

Hearing her words, silence fell upon the place, as all the Shandians stopped moving. Slowly they let go of the other Karikiri members they were holding, then with a visible glare, they dashed towards the woman.

"YOU STUPID BITCH!" Wyper yelled.

'Ahhh… this blue sea woman and her mouth.' Gan Fall thought. 'The shandians are too loyal to Amon… It will be hard to save her.' Though Gan Fall tried his best to stop the Raiders who were the current God's army, he couldn't hold up for long. As they were too many of them for him alone to handle.

While the woman behind him started to shake in fear, Raki reached her tricking Gan Fall.

"Now regret saying those words!" Saying this, Raki's novice sword was about to puncture her throat.


As it did puncture something, but that something wasn't what she aimed for. Because, just before her swords would have hit the woman, as if God's given, a South-bird fell from the sky, right between the sword and her throat, dying meaninglessly in the process.

It wasn't alone, as soon after, countless birds of different species started to fall down from the sky.

"KA! KA! KA!"

"KA! KA! KA!"

Making bird noises, the birds who were for some reason fleeing from the upper-yard were losing their consciousness, being rendered unable to move and falling in the angel-island in the process. Not only the birds though, as the next moment the kids of that area also started to fall unconscious.

"What's this? A type of paralysis gas?"

"Or maybe, sleeping gas?... But I don't smell nor feel anything."

The Shandians were asking themselves, as a few people, along with Raki also started to feel a little dizzy…

"This… is this…?" Gan Fall had wide eyes as the other people looked towards him.

"Hey, you old man, do you know something?!" Wyper asked.

"I… I'm not sure, but I think this is a power similar to Gol. D Roger, the pirate king!"

Just as they heard it, ignoring the Karikiri pirates, a few Shandians rushed towards the upper-yard. While the pirates showed confusion, "Power similar to… the K-King of the Pirates?"


[A few minutes earlier]

–Rhanes Pov–

I look at the kid as I'm choking him with my hair. Foam is coming out of his mouth, and his struggles have almost stopped… Stupid bastard, I lost my hand for him. He even touched my babe's boobs.

As anger again took over me, I gave more force on my hair, as his body jerked up… for the last time. "KACHH!" The next moment, he isn't struggling anymore! The little bastard died!

...But I don't trust this kid, he might be acting. Thinking this, I then apply more force in his throat… Hmm, his throat suddenly feels hard… Must be my imagination. Without taking any chances, I use more power in my hair, but he doesn't react. He is definitely dead… Hmm, but what is this scent-

"RHANES!!!" Raya's voice cut my line of thoughts.

Oh, Raia baby I will free you soon. "Wait a minute Raia, I need to go for overkil-"


Huh?! What does she-!!!!

"F-FIRE!" She screamed as I looked at my back. There, a bunch of oranges were laying, as they were burning and a very small fire was generated, as it was about to catch my long hair that was laying on the ground.

This is…. Besides the orange, a dial was there while it was spitting out flame! Damn… This kid is a monster. I caught all of the strange dials this kid threw… yet, he managed to trick one of them off me…. Or was it I who threw it here?... !!!

"SHIT!" As these useless thoughts were continuing in my head, in that short moment, a small end of my hair also caught on fire.… Fuck, who knew oranges were flammable fruits!

Without any other choice, I had to move my concentration away from the kid, as I tried to extinguish the fire of my hair by stepping on it. Though I still had my hair choking him-


Suddenly, I feel… As if my consciousness was switched off, I lose control over my body as I start falling in the blazing oranges...


–General Pov–


From the dark world, Amon was saved by a small light. The light that was generated from a fire!

Feeling his throat lose, he took some deep breaths as he regained his sense of sight. As the next moment, seeing the fire almost catch him too, he quickly jumped back a few meters away, while his back hit the wall.

"Hahh… Damn, hahh…. almost died, fuck."

Amon rubbed his throat. It was purple from lack of blood, while it also left a red mark.

Cursing his own naive self, and the chief, Amon then looked ahead.

"WAAAAAAA!" In front of him, Rhanes was on the ground, dancing in the fire, dancing just like a fish does out of water.

2 things happened here… first was Amon's own plan, second was his luck.

Amon punched the wall. "FUCK THIS SHIT!"

It didn't even take a second for Amon to understand what just happened. Yet, he cursed out loud. "Who the fuck needs to return from death-door to awaken [Conquror's Haki]?" Amon stomped on the ground.

A few minutes passed as he released a relieved sigh.

Amon looked at his left arm.

Even without the burst of Haki, he would have survived. He was always cautious, after all.

Currently, his left arm hurts. Since previously, he threw the dials at a speed that his hand couldn't withstand.

Yet, they were caught by Rhanes hair…

However, Amon had backup plans.

At the last moment, while he was being restrained, he threw another dial, thus breaking his arm. So, his elbow was bent in a way it shouldn't.

Ignoring the gross burning spectacle, Amon looked to the source of the fire. It was a batch of orange along with a [Blaze Dial], the thing which caused his hand to bend.

Looking at the dial, Amon fell on his butt. 'If I wasn't suspicious, I wouldn't have taken out the dial, let alone get enough time to throw it.'

Amon knew where Rhanes was standing, he knew where the dial would drop.

'It would drop behind Rhanes.'

Behind Rhanes… a bunch of oranges was kept. Orange is a burnable fruit, so it made sense that it made a fire.

A few seconds later, Amon looked at his left. "It's better to kill her here and now..."

At his left, there the woman, Raia, had her head down, as her body hung from the shackles holding her hands, proving her unconscious state.

Amon shook his head seeing her in this state. At first, he wanted to use her as an experiment material, so he didn't harm her body. But… 'Reality is a bitch.'

If he doesn't kill her now, it will bite him back. And it would hurt worse than this.

Looking at the consciously burning man, Amon started to think what happened here… 'The guy probably regained consciousness from the intense pain of the burn.'

As he thought about how they lost consciousness, he punched the ground.

After that, Amon went to the table and sat on the chair.

Then without a care for the world, leaning in the chair, he closed his eyes and started to do his meditation, it was to solely calm his mind.


A few minutes had passed, and Raia was now awake but she didn't move from her position. It's not that she was trying to trick anyone of her consciousness, rather, it's just her losing all the will to live, as silent tears were falling from her eyes like fountain water. Because in front of her, her lover was lying dead, with his body burned badly that it was creating a gross scent.

However, that wasn't all, since the demon in the form of a child didn't stop there. As currently, he was dripping a strange green chemical from a test tube…


The moment it hit her love's body, a red smoke came out of it, as the burned body turned into a black goo type substance, erased from existence. This wasn't anything special, just a mixture of 21 types of Acid that Amon created this year.

Seeing this, with her body hanging from her hands, she glared at the kid.

A little bit of will was born in her heart… The will to live, the will... to take revenge. 'If he doesn't kill me today… This will be his biggest regret of life…'

"*Deep breath in* *Deep breath out*..."

Her thoughts got cut by a series of breaths from Amon. The next moment, he turned around and slowly walked towards her, as her glare grew.

Amon sat down. "Man… you taught me a good lesson."

Raia's glare didn't stop.

"They call me God, so I almost believed I was indeed God. But-*Bam!*" Amon slammed the gun in his own head, blood dripped down. "My blood is red, fuck. I'm human."

Raia chuckled. "God? Human?" She sighed, "You are a devil."

Amon didn't say much. He recalled cursing God when he was dying for the first time.

"God-Devil… same thing, in the end."

While Raia's glared, Amon lost interest in this conversation.

"Like I said," He pointed his gun at her head. "It's all my fault, I'm the villain here. I killed your husband, I am gonna kill you. It was my fault that I didn't gather the fruit before things happened, it was also my fault to not be super cautious against two pirates who live a dangerous life everyday. It was also my fault that I didn't get the chance to buy more than 3 sea prism shackles, but in the end, I am alive."

"As long as I am still here, I will make such mistakes. Thank you for teaching me even though you didn't have any intention too." Amon touched the trigger. "Then, miss, play Romeo-Juliet in hell."

Amon didn't shoot. He waited for his desired reaction.

After a few minutes… Raia's eyes shook, sweat formed in her forehead. A human would always fear death.


But that doesn't mean that fear would help her.


Looking at the cold body on the floor, as Amon imprinted it into his mind because he realized that it would be and have been him if he ever let his guard down again. After all, in the end, nothing makes him different from these mobs, he also is a mob.

Amon then looked at the table. 'Just... a few more years….'

Just beside him, on the table, one Artonicat and one pineapple were changing their colors while getting covered in strange imprints.


