Chapter 232

Chapter 232


Her twin swords, Oto and Kogarashi that she got from Golden Lion Shiki, clashed with the longsword of the Strongest Swordsman alive. 

She was honestly feeling bitter. When Big Mom died, she was quite happy, she assumed now she was the strongest woman alive. Then her brother said there is another bitch above her, how infuriating. But now, now that she had managed to learn Hasshoken, she believed she could beat, or at least match, Yamato. 

Everything was smooth, but then this happened.

Hawkeye Mihawk was a monster- no, he was a God. Maybe she would sound a bit strange calling people Gods left and right out loud, but in her mind, she was still a girl who had grown up where the title God is common. And she was impressed enough to call Mihawk that. 

Hawkeye Mihawk was just that good with that dark longsword of his. It moved gently by air and blocked all her more than aggressive attacks. This… this was bullshit. How can he so calmly match her??? More so, she was in her hybrid form, she was much stronger than him physically. That alone should be enough to overpower the man, but it clearly was lacking. 

His sharp golden gaze annoyed her more. A swordsman with golden eyes. It was as if she was a mere copy of his. Normally, she would say he was the copied one, but this time as she felt him easily playing with her, and even overpowering her every now and with barely any effort, she could only call herself the copy.


Mihawk's blade tried to slap one of her swords away, but she easily blocked it, almost mirroring his technique using her eyes. Actually, it wasn't even a technique, now that she gave it a bit of thought, he hasn't even used a single proper technique yet. 

She shouted some things like "Sky Sword Style: Dragon's Tail", "Dragon's Wrath", "Hyperion's Rage", "Sky Splitting Slash", and many more dumb names out loud. But he? He was calm, he was quiet. He was just… moving a stick around him, he hadn't even used his sword as a proper blade until now. 

Just how strong was he?

...Frankly, Mihawk wasn't that strong, even with a sword. He was only able to play with her like this because she was using a sword, and he was literally the Master of Sword. He could read her movements as if he had instead of her. He could counter every possible sword technique she or anyone could use. If Raki had thrown her sword away and fought empty-handed, she would have more chances than now, even though she is much stronger with her swords.

Fighting Mihawk with a sword was like spraying fire on magma and expecting the magma to melt. Speaking of which...



A wave of magma shaped like a fanged doghead launched towards Wyper, the attacker, Akainu, wore a grim expression.

Wyper didn't dodge it, he instead raised his own fist and fired a Basilisk a size bigger than Akainu's magma dog. Akainu scoffed at it. What would gas fire do against solid Magma?

That's what he thought, but even he was surprised when the snake made of blue fire parted its jaws enough to devour the magma, and as they came closer, the dog disappeared inside the snake's mouth, not even ashes dropped down on the ground. A simple smoke left the snake as it vanished in thin air.

Akainu froze in his spot, his signature frown creeping into his face. 


The shock only lasted 2 seconds before he swung his fist forward, his technique that was able to take out half of Whitebeard's face in the manga. 

The fist of magma flew towards Wyper who grinned at it. He was sure of something after seeing his fire basilisk eating out the magma in seconds. That meant…

The first of magma flew through his chest, his grin didn't quiver. The fist disappeared inside his chest, as if vaporising in the air because of the heat of his fire.

...That meant, his fire was many times hotter than Akainu's Magma. Maybe it was because of the litres of Acetone he had drunk just before, but it nonetheless made his fire much hotter than Akainu's magma.

But of course. Wyper until now was comparing his fire's heat with Amon's lighting, he was underestimating himself. Amon's lightning heat was getting hotter. His volts were stuck at 990 million for years, but while the volts were stuck, his heat was rising. It was rising beyond the natural heat of this world. 

Back in the day, Amon tested that this world's lightning temperature was 10x lower than his original. That also applied to his Goro-Goro lightning. But now, as time passed, everytime he was stuck at a 'breakthrough' point, his lightning temperature kept increasing. Just like when his temperature had increased when he was trying to break through the 250 million volts before leaving for the moons years ago. This time, it was at least 5x hotter than this world's lightning temperature.

When compared to that, Wyper was foolishly looking down on himself. Now that he was against a similar-powered opponent, he understood just how strong he was indeed.

Wyper showed his teeth as he whirled his spear around his hands. This was his 336th spear, all the previous ones melting under his fire. He needed a proper spear, truth be told, a spear that can hold his fire's temperature. Looking at Whitebeard's naginata, he turned his head forward. Maybe he can reach out for that.

But first, he had a red dog to take care of.

Wyper clenched his fist tightly, his tanned skin slowly turning blue as he focused his fire on his knuckles, and in the next instant, he threw his fist at the Admiral with the sound of crispy dry fire enveloping the place.


Akainu had to force his legs to move before he was turned into fumes. 

Raki was, more or less, on the losing end, but Wyper was winning. 


Urouge, Tsumi and Hancock were together, in a team. They were strong, but not as strong as Yamato, Raki and Wyper to move on their own. So they planned to move in a pair of three and kick asses as a group. 

Things were smooth for them. No matter how strong the enemies were, these three were fine. Hancock and Urouge were heavy hitters, while Tsumi simply froze people or cut them with her Wind Style. It was honestly just a breeze.

Until King, the Wildfire and Vista jumped at them. Those two were clashing amongst themselves before. King might not seem like it, but he carries a sword and is a decent Swordsman. They were fighting amongst each other, King winning of course. He wasn't honourable enough to just use a sword when he has two pairs of wings resting on the side. He attacked with all a sword, his fire, and his wings. So he was winning.

Then the three of the Sins stumbled up to them. The two of them, King and Vista, exchanged glances before rushing at the three of the Sins. They can fight anytime, but the third parties should be eliminated first. They were the followers of a young Emperor, they shouldn't have dared to come here. Yet they did, so they should prepare for their deaths.


A slash ran across Hancock's stomach, causing blood to spray out even though she had covered herself with Armament. She clutched her stomach in pain and groaned. The attacker was King, who tried to slash again, but Urouge stepped in the middle. He didn't dodge nor try to block as King slashed at him. King's eyes shone briefly as to why the enemy took a hit head-on before he realised why as a scar appeared on his chest, the one vanishing from Urouge's.

Hancock clenched her jaws and forced her wound to stay shut and ran to assist Tsumi who was barely standing her ground against Vista. She was a swordswoman too, she's in fact been Raki's teacher back in the day, though nowadays she rarely uses the blade. But when she did, when she mixed her wind to sharpen the blade and Ice to give it a more deadly feeling, she could hold against someone like Vista too.

However, it was true that she was the weakest Sin, so Hancock had to help her before she got her neck chopped off. Urouge could take care of King himself. Urouge's power level is inconsistent, or maybe it would be right to call it relative-consistent. As long as the enemy is strong, he would be strong too. Well, at least if the enemy's Haki is not so higher than his for his 'Reflect' to not work at all. 

Also, he had 'Absorbed' some of Amon's lightning before jumping. So he was a bit charged at this fight, unless he was forced to spend it all quickly.


The red-haired girl was bleeding. How cute. He almost wanted to keep her as his personal torture toy. That'd actually satisfy the internal rage that he's been suppressing for years. 

But he can't do that.

He has to kill the girl here, right now, because if he took her with him, Amon would come at him. He was honestly more scared of Amon than Kaido, even if the latter man was probably the stronger one.

He was about to go for a finishing move, a move that'd cut all her limbs and make her immobile. He would love to send only her torso, still alive, back to Amon. But right then…


The ground shook! It trembled and many staggered. Not Doffy though. He was a puppet anyway, controlling his movement wasn't hard.

Though he did turn around to look for the cause of the quake.

...Surprisingly, it wasn't Whitebeard.

The ground shook again. from under the frozen sea. In the next instant, a huge metallic head, bigger than a Marine Warship, leapt in the air after creating a hole in the ice. In an instant, Doflamingo's eyes widened while the sound around the world vanished briefly before the machine made a strange cry that blinded the whole place in a painful noise.

The horrifying part was, Doflamingo recognised this.  An Ancient Weapon was here.


