Chapter 234

Chapter 234

When the original Amon returned, the first thing he saw was Oars Jr's fist flying towards Pluton's earth-worm like body. So he released his body size and turned into a half-giant, then leapt downwards like a white meteorite, both because of his clothes and the lightning crackling around his body to boost his speed. 


His feet slammed down on Oars Jr's neck, causing the sound of neck-breaking to burst out. 

The huge body of the green-skinned ancient giant, bigger than any other giant present in the Marineford, slammed down onto the ground with a snap of its neck, crumbling on numerous alliance pirates' ships.

There was a brief silence of shock that subsided with Ace's shout.

"Little Oars!!"

Immediately after, thundering roars clouded the area in an instant, multiple Whitebeard pirates' army ran towards the body. The Five Elders on the other hand paled as the cloud of dust around Oars' body slowly cleared up and an Amon, now back to human size, tidied his white coat. 

Amon wore a long white coat that reached his knees, with the buttons freed, revealing his black vest and white shirt under it. He knotted his red tie, the colour matching the small horns in his head, with a smile on his face. He looked… more like a man going on his long-awaited office vacation than anything else.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen." He exchanged glances with the Elders. "I heard you were giving my wifey a hard time."


Along with most of the fighters, except for the ones who couldn't even spare a glance, Ace also froze in his spot. 

Another Emperor of the sea was here. 

From the start, Ace had a bad feeling about this war, and it seems his gut was right this time. Everything is in chaos. He could see his Pops fighting off a few Vice Admirals, though he was merely just slapping them away, then there was Vista who tried to fight Mihawk but the Warlord seemed to have taken an interest in that Einherjar girl, instead. Jozu was busy fighting that Monk Skypiean, Urouge, his name was Ace recalled. 

Ace also noticed Scopper Gaban rushing to Marco who was fighting that Yamato girl. Gaban easily made way for Marco and kept the girl busy himself. The moment Marco was freed, he flew towards Ace, but guess what? His own grandpa, Monkey D. Garp, had jumped in and punched the Phoenix on his face, causing the bird to crash to the ground. 

His own grandpa.

...Then again, Garp wasn't his blood, as much caring as he was. Could that be the reason that Garp is with the marines now? What would he do if Luffy was in his spot, instead?

Ace shook his head softly. This wasn't the time for this, nor could his mind handle the truth of this question. Because he had just lost a friend, a close friend. Oars Jr was lying limp on the ground, his body not moving at all. He heard that thundering crack that came from his neck, giant or not, there was no way the beast could have survived that.


Every time someone close to him died, two faces flashed in his mind, Deuce and Mr Fool. Honestly, as pleasant as it was looking back at their memories, it pained him afterwards, when he realised that they were no more. Maybe—

"Hey, Ace."

Ace froze.

That was a whisper, calling him from his back…? But there were only the two mask-worn executioners behind him. 

Suddenly, hope flickered in his heart. Could it be…?

Without turning his head backwards, he asked quietly. "Who is this?"

As expected, the answer came from behind him, though he was unable to tell which two executioners were talking.

"What? You don't recognise me?"

The voice said, it did sound familiar, but it was a bit strange. Even if it's someone he knew, why would they ask such a silly question in such a serious situation like this?

"...No, should I recognise you?"

He kept his voice as low as possible. He didn't want Sengoku, who was not far from here, to hear him. 

At his words, he heard a deep sigh instead of a reply.

"So you forgot this fool already. huh."

This time Ace's world spun, his expression froze and his eyes shook. Along with the word 'fool', and then that voice and tone… Ace took a single second before streams of tears trailed down his eyes.

"...Fool, is that you, my friend?"

He asked while staring forward, holding a breath.


Amon-2 wasn't in the cloud-car anymore. The moment his original body returned, Amon directed his 2nd body to flicker and return from Skypiea with a cloak of invisibility from Germa. Wearing that cloak, he snatched the Streaming Snail from Buggy's hands and started to record the fight properly, of course, focusing the camera on his original body.

'Ace's reaction is going to be fun too.'

Amon muttered in his mind. Instead of dispersing Amon-3 and Amon-4, he instead sent them to replace the executioners behind Ace, since no matter how many clones he had activated, his original body can still access his full power. Though as playful as he was, he planned a grand revelation for the poor Ace, he at least deserved to know who Mr Fool actually is. 

There was also the case of Amon-5 who was created a few seconds ago, he was interested in the mission he bestowed upon him too. Amon-5 was currently not in this battlefield.

Shrugging, he floated above everyone, invisible. He was a mere bolt of electricity, no one would be able to sense him with Observation Haki because of that, well, unless he directly tries to attack them. Laughing, he focused his camera on his original body, streaming all this all over the world.


"Amon, you brat."

The bald elder, who was the one to always speak on behalf of the other elders, groaned at Amon.

"Did you bring this thing here?"

He pointed at Pluton. Amon whipped his head at it and, instead of answering the elder, clicked his tongue.

"Oi, Vivi, why are you standing still?" He sent a bolt of electricity at the body of the Ancient Weapon. "Wreck havoc."

The Elders didn't have any chance to react as Vivi's head whipped like a snake and slammed 3 of them far into the city. 

At this, Kong groaned and instead of attacking Vivi, he clasped his palm as if grabbing something in the air. Immediately, a purple barrier of Haki materialised around Amon's body, or at least around the place where Amon's body was just a second ago.

"Oh my, you also have it!."

Amon's voice came from behind Kong, who immediately coated his neck with Conqueror's Haki, already knowing normal armament wouldn't work against the attack that was about to hit him.

A chop fell on his neck, or at least it would have if not for the force of Conqueror's Haki swirling around it. There were three stages to Conqueror's Haki, and Kong, as stated by Shanks, knew all of them. His Armament and Observation isn't anything noteworthy, but his Conqueror's Haki sure is. That's the reason why he could block Amon's , a variation of King Punch.

Though the blow did throw the man off the air as he crashed on the ground. Amon decided to finish Kong right here and focus on the others later. Everyone was busy with their own problem, and Garp was still standing by, so eh, he would finish them one by one.


With a flash of lightning that blinded Kong for a millisecond, Amon blinked in front of him as his forearm enlarged, becoming the size of his actual body. He coated it with armament, ryo, conqueror's haki, a bit of electricity and released them all in the form of a King's Rokuougan Punch. 

As his fist approached the wide eyed old man, who had by then spread his conqueror's coating from his neck to toe, a blinding explosion of blue light clouded the place in dust. 


All this was being watched by people from all over the world, one of them being Sabaody Archipelago, where a certain Jwelley Bonney watched the stream. 

She didn't cry this time, because this time Whitebeard wasn't betrayed and stabbed into his chest, so instead she felt anger, pure, uncontained anger.

She was anxious too, but her anger was the aggressive one. 

She will get back on Teach for this. Isn't he the reason for all this war and stuff? He needs to die, no matter what, because if anything happened to Whitebeard… she won't be able to forgive herself. 

As for why that was the case, moreover for a girl who was locked in Mariejois for the last few centuries? Amon was also interested. 

Amon-5 loomed over the sky, observing her every reaction with his blood red eyes. 


