Inez Hill

"My husband told me that the news about Inez Hill is very big in Rosball City, it happens because the Green family almost fell into poverty because of this woman named Inez. They were one of the richest families in Rosball City, the first son in the family, James, married to Inez. Before getting married, their love story was so beautiful, but not long after Inez became James's wife and lived in the Green family's house, the valuables of each member of the Green family slowly disappeared one by one, even their money was always lost in big numbers once in while, Inez was the culprit. Initially, to make the Green family not suspected her, she purposely made up a fake story that her valuables were also lost, but in the end, her badness was exposed. Unfortunately, she managed to flee before she is jailed, until now, her status is still a fugitive, the Police in Rosball City have not been able to find her yet, so the Green family offer a great reward for anyone who can find her, my husband said it makes Inez Hill a very big name in Rosball City now, every day he always heard the people in Rosball City talking about that woman, sketches of her face also being wide-spread in Rosball City, but Inez is still a fugitive," said the first woman that mentioned Inez Hill's name.

"There is a possibility that Inez has actually fled to another city or to a town, so the news about her is also being wide-spread in the cities and the towns around the city of Rosball, but I'm not surprised that so many people here still don't know about it considering the very far distance of Nadem and Rosball City," she continued.

"How can she hasn't been found yet? Can't they get information from her family?" asked one of the woman's friends.

"My husband doesn't know about her family, he doesn't really care about this case, so he doesn't curious about this case any deeper, the only other thing he knows is that the Greens are going through very serious financial problems right now, the losses they are getting because Inez is so big, it's even rumored that James Green's younger sisters prostituting themselves to help stabilize their family's finances again," said the woman who knows about the Inez Hill case, Daniella who overhearing the three of them looks a little surprised to hear that James's sisters are prostituting themselves now.

"Oh my God, poor girls. As someone who has a little bit of Ilisidian blood, this case is very embarrassing to me, maybe I even start to feel embarrassed because of the small amount of blood that flows in my body, these Ilisidians are getting more and more cruel, I hope that the punishment that will be given to Inez Hill is heavier than the punishment that has been given to any criminals, even every Ilisidian criminals should be given the most severe punishment, they all deserve to be killed, I don't understand why this country doesn't kill Ilisidians after Ilisid being defeated, they only become evil and cruel parasites if they become part of this country, all they do is robbing, scamming, and killing, it's very disgusting, I feel so despicable because my great grandfather came from Ilisid, if I could just throw this little trash blood in my body into a toilet, I would have been doing it for a long time ago," said the other woman, the words that just out of her mouth hurt Daniella, but there is nothing she can do but be quiet, she is not a good person after all that she had done indeed.

The girl then crossed this street, approaching the crowds that are meters away in front of her while thinking about Susan's words to her, 'Think about your own happiness and prioritize it, stop being caring, enough, take your freedom, you also should have not to be given very big and heavy responsibilities and burdens, don't ever feel pain and suffering because of the cruel deeds of the dirty devils again.'.

'No, Suzie, I think from the beginning I am a dirty devil myself, and this is not a pain to me, this is my happiness and I have been prioritized it for a long time,' thought the girl. She then reaches the left side of this street and suddenly she drops a boy about 9 years old down hard enough, the boy was standing with several other people near the police and the girl he caught, making everyone who is around them are shocked by it.