
At the beginning of time an All Mighty Power created the Earth and everything that lives on it. All different kinds of Magical and non-magical beings were formed to eventually be overrun by the human Race. They were pushed out, hunted and eventually forgotten in history. They are no more than scary stories and legends told to children. But some of these magical legends can only die by unnatural causes and have eventually figured out how to hide and live in plain sight, right under the humans' noses.

Original Shifters and the shifters that were left from the war with the humans were very different in some aspects. The Originals were around one hundred men and women who were in complete control of their Beast Sides, they didn't have to fight within themselves for control, and they were stronger, faster and smarter than any turned shifter. They were the perfect meld between Man and Beast.

The shifters that were left over after the war with man were those turned by the Originals. They had less control of their Animal side when they were turned and if they weren't strong enough mentally and physically they would go crazy and start killing anything in sight.

All shifters once turned became immortal unless killed. If they were young they grew until the age of twenty-eight and if they were older, they slowly changed back into their younger selves as the magic took over their bodies. Other than that, Original Shifters and turned shifters were the same.

All Alphas of the shifter clans meet at the end of every quarter for the gathering. The gathering is for them to plan and try to work together to keep the peace, make sure everyone follows the rules and to keep each other in check. Meetings at the Gathering are Mandatory, but the Alphas mainly agreed to be a part of it just to know what the other clans were up to.

The Cats run by Lee Walker ruled the Business world, they are born Predators and they used that cunning and hunger to make a place for themselves in the human world at the top of most fortune five hundred companies and small startups. Lee is a very fair man and was renowned for his patience and kindness, but if anything put his people in jeopardy he was the last person you wanted to see angry. 

The Wolves Led by Gregory Slade Control a large portion of the Italian Restaurants, and pizza places that cross America. Gregory who goes by Slade was a cruel Alpha and a worse father, he looks like a mob boss, dark greasy hair with too many sharp angles for his face, though he has a very athletic trim body that makes him look like a runner or a boxer. Slade was a creep,thief,criminal and a scammer; you wouldn't want to get on his bad side.

The Rats Alpha was one Preston Brown, a jittery fellow with a pale slightly pinched face, almost rusty brownish red hair and a wiry slim body that made him very indistinguishable in most crowds. The Rats own and operate most Construction and Landscaping companies. They love to create as much as forage for new things. Preston is a very strongly opinionated man, he might be ADHD to the max and have problems sitting still, but all in all he is very smart. Preston is a relatively good man with an aptitude to run his mouth just a little farther than he should.

The Hyenas are led by Barbara Bennett, a beautiful African American woman with red stripes in her long dark hair, blue eyes, and a body to put models to shame. The Hyenas run multiple television companies, image re-branding companies and butcher shops. Barbie as she is known by everyone is a very tough woman who doesn't like to back down and likes to be heard. Other than that she is very supportive and loving if you are on her good side…

Having four main large clans of shifters allows all of the smaller numbered types of shifters to split up and choose who they want to be led by. The shifters not large enough to make their own clans consist of: Bears, Tasmanian Devils, Badgers, foxes, and Jackals. These small groups of shifters all split up, they didn't decide to merge together under one clan but separated to be led by the Alphas they believed in.